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Messages - Rainbow Quartz

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Lancashire / Reginald & Katherine JEWELL Manchester
« on: Saturday 05 January 13 15:25 GMT (UK)  »
Hi there!
I need a bit of advice as I have hit a brick wall in finding out what happened to my husband's relatives Reginald and Katherine Jewell.
Reginald Stephen Jewell was born Q1 1906 in Devonport, parents Stephen Richard Jewell and Bessie Jane Dymond. The family moved from the South West to Manchester some time after 1911, and in Q3 1928 Reginald married Katherine Mary J Farrell, (born Q3 1907 in Chorlton-cum-Hardy), in Barton-upon-Irwell. They had a son, Reginald T, born and died in 1932, but after this I can find no trace of them!
Reginald was one of ten children, seven of whom survived until adulthood, and I have had no problems in tracing them, but Reginald and Katherine are proving to be very elusive! My husband, born in 1951, remembers having an 'Uncle Reg', but doesn't recall ever meeting him or knowing anything about him. He doesn't remember Katherine.
I was wondering if they had emigrated, or something happened to them during the War, but haven't been able to find anything.
Any advice on what to do next gratefully received.
Thanks for reading this.
Rainbow Quartz
PS Anyone reading this who has also read a Topic on the Devon Forum about Elizabeth Jewell - It is the same family! (Reginald is Elizabeth's brother Stephen's son) 

Devon / Re: JEWELL Stoke Damerel
« on: Thursday 03 January 13 14:50 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Janey for all the info and for all your efforts at delving into the Elizabeth Jewell mystery!
(Sorry, the Stephen Owen Jewell in my previous post should of course read Stephen Owen Burns, and I think that this is now a red herring).
The marriage certificate I've sent for is for the Elizabeth Ann Jewell who possibly married James Burns,  as age and location appear to be right. I'll wait until I get this, and then if this is my Elizabeth, at least the trail has moved on a bit, and I can try and trace what happened next; if it's not her, then it's back to the drawing board as they say! I'll keep you all posted, and I'm sure I'll be back needing a bit more help and advice whatever the marriage cert brings!
Thanks again for everyone's help so far. 8)

Devon / Re: JEWELL Stoke Damerel
« on: Wednesday 02 January 13 09:35 GMT (UK)  »
Wow! Thanks Janey for all this research on my behalf. My Elizabeth Jewell is certainly being elusive!
What do you think about the 1991 Census return:
     Surname       First name(s)       Rel       Status       Sex       Age       Occupation       Where Born       Remarks   
        BURNS       William S       Head       M       M       30       Private Soldier(Em'ee)        Unknown - Newcastle           
        BURNS       Elizabeth A       Wife       M       F       24               Devon - Devonport           
        BURNS       Stephen O       Son       -       M       1               Devon - Devonport

This is the one where I mistakenly read William for James, because I was getting confused between James Burns and William Clarke. There is a record of Stephen Owen Jewell's birth Q3 1889, and death Q1 1892 in Stoke Damerel. I haven't been able to find any records of their marriage though, or any further records in fact! There are a few further birth records for Burns in Stoke Damerel, but I don't know if they are for Elizabeth and William. My instinct tells me that this is my Elizabeth Jewell, the location and age are right, the surname fits with the marriage record and their first born is called Stephen, a name which appears in every generation of Jewells. But who is William S ??
I've sent for the marriage certificate for Elizabeth Ann Jewell, born 1867, so hopefully this will help. Have to wait a few days now though!
Thanks again for your help
PS sorry the census fomatting has gone a bit wrong and I don't know how to fix it.

Devon / Re: JEWELL Stoke Damerel
« on: Tuesday 01 January 13 12:48 GMT (UK)  »
Oh! I've just realised that the 1991 Census gives Elizabeth's husband's name as William S Burns, not James Burns. ??? Must have had too much to drink yesterday! I was obviously getting confused between James Burns and William Clarke, the other possible husband. The plot thickens! Will definitely order the marriage cert and take it from there. Thanks.

Devon / Re: JEWELL Stoke Damerel
« on: Tuesday 01 January 13 10:13 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks PaulineJ. I've now found Elizabeth on the 1891 Census in Stoke Damerel, married to James Burns, and with a son, Stephen.  ;D Do you think it's safe to assume that this is my ancestor, or do I need to order the marriage cert, and would this confirm it? I can now carry on researching their family. (might be back with more questions though - I'll see how I get on!)
Thanks again, and thanks to all of you who have read this thread.

Devon / JEWELL Stoke Damerel
« on: Monday 31 December 12 15:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hello everyone, I have just joined Rootschat, and this is my first post. I hope it is in the right place!
I am researching my family NORTH and my husband's family JEWELL, both in the South West, although both families moved to the North West at the end of the 19th century, and that is where we now live. Today I have a query regarding Elizabeth Ann Jewell, born 1867 in Stoke Damerel, parents Thomas Paul Jewell born 1836 in Stoke Damerel and Elizabeth Male born 1841 in East Stonehouse. On the 1881 Census Elizabeth and her brother Stephen Richard, born 1871, are in Stoke Damerel Workhouse, both their parents having passed away. I have all the information on Stephen, who is my husband's direct relation, but don't know what happened to Elizabeth. I have found two marriage records, one for Stoke Damerel in 1887, to either James Burns, William Clarke or another illegible name, and one for Plymouth in 1888 to Robert Foster or Edwin Jones. My question is, how do I find out if one of these people is my ancestor, and if so, who did she marry?
Thank you for reading this, all help and advice gratefully received.
Kind regards from Rainbow Quartz

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