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Messages - Latchfordian

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Census and Resource Discussion / Re: Census Ready Reckoner
« on: Monday 22 February 10 16:42 GMT (UK)  »
Being new to RootsChat I've only just come across your handiwork Brambletye and can only endorse what many others have said : what a brilliant idea! It's obvious from the feedback that many people do find it a problem and have to resort to paper sums or even using a calculator, so well done for helping so many RootsChatters.

Incidentally, one thing I particularly liked about your table was that it gives the birth years as "year1/year2". It has always annoyed me somewhat that so many web-sites and so many people simply give the birth year as census year minus census age (eg. age 10 in 1861 census means born in 1851). Most censuses were taken in late March or early April and so it is 3 times as likely to be the previous year (i.e 1850 in that example). For that reason I have always subtracted another 1 to give the most likely year of birth and it was therefore reassuring to see your table give the result of my example as 1850/51. That does in fact prompt me to ask another question but I shall do so as a new topic (Please see my posting "Family Tree Maker Dates" in Technical Help).

Technical Help / Family Tree Maker Dates
« on: Monday 22 February 10 16:35 GMT (UK)  »
I make good use of Family Tree Maker 2009  but I do get frustrated at times by its apparent inflexibility. A case in point is that of the format of dates. Where I know an actual date I am quite happy to follow the FTM and accepted genealogical standard for recording dates : dd mmm yyyy    (eg. 09 Jun 1890). Where I don't know the exact date I might want to record it as something like 1890/91 (when I've worked it out from a census age) or as 1890 Q2 (when I've got it from a BMD index). If I use the former then FTM says "Date Entry Error : Invalid double date" and if I use the latter then it says "Date Entry Error : Unknown date".

Does anyone know of anyway of overcoming this annoying restriction? I don't mind getting a warning message so long as I can simply ignore it, but FTM won't let me!

How to Use RootsChat (Please don't post requests here) / Re: Locked and stickied?
« on: Saturday 20 February 10 20:20 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for that Bob. All is now clear and I've progressed a little way up the learning curve!

Will someone please explain to a newbie what is meant by a moderator's comment : "locked and stickied". It sounds painful to me, whatever it is! 

Census and Resource Discussion / Re: Wrong image
« on: Friday 19 February 10 23:29 GMT (UK)  »
I agree that FindMyPast are so much better at this than Ancestry. I have submitted several transcription errors to them in the past week and every time a correction has appeared within 24 hours. Yet another reason why I'm pleased that I recently switched from Ancestry to FindMyPast (as I just mentioned in another thread). 

Completed Census Requests / Re:
« on: Friday 19 February 10 23:10 GMT (UK)  »
I subscribed to Ancestry for 2 years and became very frustrated with it. Most searches I did resulted in too much information, most of which was of little relevance. Two months ago I switched my annual subscription to Find My Past and the only regret I have is that I didn't do it sooner. It is so much easier to use and all the results it produces are relevant and presented in a much more acceptable fashion, particularly the census family transcriptions. I would not go back to Ancestry now even if it were half the price!

Technical Help / Re: Browse BMD on Find My Past
« on: Tuesday 26 January 10 17:55 GMT (UK)  »
Many thanks for that useful link Ian. I've only recently taken out a subscription to Find My Past after 2 years with Ancestry and the more I see the more I know it's been a wise move. I find FindMyPast's facilities and presentation are so much better than Ancestry's, which tends to be a bit too "Americanised" for my liking ..... with apologies to our Atlantic cousins! I'm also new to RootsChat but I bet that particular debate (FindMyPast v Ancestry) has been aired many times. I must go and check it out now that this, my first topic, is completed. Thank you everyone for your contribution and particularly Ian for the solution.

Technical Help / Re: Browse BMD on Find My Past
« on: Sunday 24 January 10 23:29 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Selina. I'm glad it's not just me who can't see what they're getting at! I have in fact emailed them but the only other time I did that it took them 12 days to reply, so I thought I'd try here in the meantime.

Technical Help / Browse BMD on Find My Past *COMPLETED *
« on: Sunday 24 January 10 21:35 GMT (UK)  »
I have recently taken out a subscription to Find My Past and their tutorial and help pages refer to a BMD browse facility for searches which cover a long period. Their picture of this is shown below but I just cannot find any way of getting into it. Do any of you know how to do this?

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