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Messages - merryhow

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« on: Sunday 30 September 07 16:10 BST (UK)  »

 I've tried Scotland, no luck so far but I'll keep trying.


« on: Sunday 30 September 07 11:12 BST (UK)  »

    I'm hoping someone can help me find my GGGrandparents.

 MICHAEL MCMANUS and MARGARET MCGUIRE,I don't know where they were born/married or died. The only information I have comes from their sons marriage certificate.

JAMES MCMANUS(their son) b c1852 =MARGARET LOGAN HOWIE on 5th Aug 1873 at St Vincent Chapel,Duke St Glasgow.His father Michael is listed as a Bottleblower(journeyman) and both parents are deceased.

A witness to the marriage was Mary MCMANUS, perhaps she was their daughter.

James and Margaret had 7 children - all born in Glasgow and they both died there in 1930.

Has anyone come across this family

Stirlingshire / Re: HODGE in Stirling
« on: Tuesday 25 September 07 00:43 BST (UK)  »
Hi Stuizzy,

I've been on holiday and forgot to reply before I left,sorry.

Yes these are my GGGrandparents you've found although I didn't have a daughter Margaret listed. I would love to have the the full census details.

I've found another couple who I think are more likely to be John's parents,Alexander Hodge=Margaret Esdon on 11th Dec.1803 in Kincardine by Doune. They had a son John born on 8th Oct 1804 in Stirling. This would make him 46yrs at the time of the 1851 census.

Taking things futher back I've come across an Alexander Hodge born in St Ninians on 22nd Feb 1771 to Alexander Hodge and Mary Connochie/Conachy married in Airth 1754.

Some of these details came from the LDS site so I'll have to do some serious checking in the OPRs. You never know maybe I'm on a run.

Thanks for your help


Australia / Re: HOWIE in Brisbane
« on: Tuesday 04 September 07 20:08 BST (UK)  »

 Hi Trish,

Thanks for trying.I tried "" I must be doing something wrong,other than the main roads I don't get street names.Anyway I remember that as you walked up Webster Rd.from the school it was the second or third on the  right.Just past the school grounds.

I must find a way to make the maps work,brain also.


Australia / Re: HOWIE in Brisbane
« on: Tuesday 04 September 07 12:27 BST (UK)  »

Hi Trish,

Life is full of surprises. As I said I'm quite sure Ozybob had found my aunt but you added a little more,the name of the ship.My mother and I traveled on this ship in 1951 when we went to visit my aunt in Brisbane. 

Thanks for your help


Ayrshire / Re: Saltcoats - Census-1901 look-up
« on: Tuesday 04 September 07 12:11 BST (UK)  »

Hi again hume24,

I think the visitor, Margaret Lundie, is the mother of Agnus and John Robert. Her age is right, can't recall birth but I know she married in1843.Looks like she was visiting her son but his age is twenty years out in 1901 he would have been 44/45 and unlikely to have been retired.

No matter, thanks to you I now know that my grandmother was living with a relations of my grandfather. Always wondered what she was doing in Saltcoats. ;D 

Stirlingshire / HODGE in Stirling
« on: Tuesday 04 September 07 11:38 BST (UK)  »


  I'm trying to trace my GGGGrandparents, their son JOHN HODGE married MARGARET MITCHELL on 25th July 1830. I don't know how old he was when he married or when he died so I can't work out his age.

The I.G.I. lists two couples



I'm pretty sure one of these couples is his parents. But which one?

Because of family names I'm more inclined to the first couple but that would mean that John was 40yrs old when he married.

Has anyone out there got any info on this Hodge family.


Australia / Re: HOWIE in Brisbane
« on: Saturday 01 September 07 22:40 BST (UK)  »

  Hi Ozybob,

  Just M Howie not M. L. but she is probably my aunt. The age is right, she was born in 1901. Now I know that her son Eric didn't travel with her and must have been born in Australia after 1927.

  Thanks      merryhow 

Banffshire / Re: My Banffshire families...
« on: Saturday 01 September 07 22:08 BST (UK)  »

 Hi Meelymunch,
          I see from the surname interest list that you have Goodbrands somewhere on your tree, so have I. My GGrandmother ,BATHIA GOODBRAND b 29th Aug 1861, Fordyce, mother JANE GOODBRAND, FATHER ? Bathia married John Slater 1880 in Port Soy. They had 3 daughters (maybe more).John must have died because in 1895 Bathia married a Joseph Robertson in Rutherglen.

 Any connection?


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