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Messages - Anydogsbody

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Selkirkshire / Re: John Stewart 1738, Selkirk
« on: Sunday 09 September 18 00:06 BST (UK)  »
In view of the difficulty in finding James’s origins I can’t see that anyone who is claiming noble ancestry beyond that is doing anything other than indulging in fantasy genealogy . If I find anything out I will post it on here.

I know some of the borders towns, Kelso in particular, but I don’t recall being in Selkirk. If we’re travelling south these days it tends to be down through Perth and Glasgow. Must take a detour through Selkirk some time. We lived In Edinburgh for several years but, even then,  never had reason to be in Selkirk. Might be useful to go and brush the lichen off a few gravestones and see if that turns up any rellies!

Selkirkshire / Re: John Stewart 1738, Selkirk
« on: Saturday 08 September 18 19:51 BST (UK)  »
I’m currently liaising with a few folks to try and find out more about James Stewart c1712. I imagine that if anything at all can be found out about him it will be anything but royal. The DNA is a bit of a poser though.

If anyone has any info on James it would be appreciated

Selkirkshire / Re: John Stewart 1738, Selkirk
« on: Thursday 06 September 18 18:55 BST (UK)  »
OK, I'll get a look at that link but the quote was very helpful in pinning down the Selkirk origins.

I suspect that the regal connections will turn out to be nothing other than ill researched fantasy but there is just enough substance to make it worth investigating for a while.

Jannet Bell(1752-1785) is shown in other trees as being a wife of John Stewart but is unverified. The only link I can see is this one from Ancestry to a wedding in Findo Gask in Perthshire. Interesting from the point of view that it places John further north than when he married Patience Brown and closer to the heartland of the Balquhidder Stewarts. A lot more work to do before I change my kilt to Bruce tartan ;)

Selkirkshire / Re: John Stewart 1738, Selkirk
« on: Thursday 06 September 18 09:11 BST (UK)  »
Good morning, Coombs

You will probably have seen by now, if you didn't know already, that John & James Stuart were the twin sons of James Stuart and Isobel Dickson( as per the previous link). The marriage in Sept 1737 appears in the IGI here:

Others have James (Snr) DOB as 1712 but I can't see a birth record that fits on SP. Again, the only mention I can see is on IGI at:

I am assuming his place of birth was Selkirk but maybe not. Ultimately I would like to connect him back to Perthshire Stuarts around Pitlochry.

Do you or does anybody else have any insight into James Stuart abt 1712?

PS Do you have a link to the Dade register you quoted from?

Selkirkshire / Re: John Stewart 1738, Selkirk
« on: Wednesday 05 September 18 23:22 BST (UK)  »
We have a common descent. His first wife was, I believe, Jannet Bell who died in 1785.

Follow this link to ScotlandsPeople and it will tell you his and his twin brother James's parentage. You'll need some page credits with SP to view:

If the link doesn't work I can try and copy/paste an image for you. I would love to know in more detail your evidence for the move to England. I made a bit of a guess about his Selkirk origins but would like to consolidate that.

There is a suggestion that this Stewart line links back in to the royal Stewart line and ultimately back to Robert 1st of Scotland, The Bruce himself. The link may be back through the Stewarts of Balqhidder.

It's all a bit tenuous at the moment but within the last day or so I've had some encouraging DNA evidence which supports the idea that I have Robert II, King of Scotland as a common ancestor with someone else. The same would be true of you if you have John in your line of ascent.

Interesting you mentioned William(1800) because I am descended from him.

Selkirkshire / Re: John Stewart 1738, Selkirk
« on: Sunday 19 August 18 18:40 BST (UK)  »
That makes sense. The dates of the name change more or less fit with that. I live near Culloden so should be aware of that.

I'm working this line back because some have linked it with a line of Stirling/Perthshire Stuarts which gives a direct line back to Robert the Bruce and others.

I'm always rather circumspect about these things but it's looking like it might just hang together. I'm only a couple of generations away from making the connection with well established lines of descent

Selkirkshire / Re: John Stewart 1738, Selkirk
« on: Sunday 19 August 18 13:53 BST (UK)  »
Well done. I should know by now to search alternative spellings. In later census records the surname is Stewart or even Steward. I should have thought that Stuart might make the connection.

Just need to find out about James, his father, now.

Thanks for the help

Selkirkshire / John Stewart 1738, Selkirk
« on: Saturday 18 August 18 22:18 BST (UK)  »
My 4GGrandfather, John Stewart, was born in Selkirk according to other people's family trees and his father is most commonly given as James.

Can't find a birth record on Scotland's People which corroborates that and the only record I can see for  John Stewart, born in Selkirk, on IGI gives the father's name also as John not James.

Anybody got any suggestions for sources on this or reliable information from their own researches. Any info would be appreciated

World War Two / Re: Location of PG70, Monturano
« on: Tuesday 19 June 18 20:27 BST (UK)  »
Very similar story to my father's. I would guess that a general letter/email to the Town Council of Fermo might get the required response. Unfortunately I don't have any direct contact myself.

Delighted you found this thread useful. I knew nothing at the outset about the location of the camp but, with the help of others, I have been able to pin down the exact location,

Good luck

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