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Messages - Neil_A

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The Common Room / Early 20th Century Railway Driver Records
« on: Sunday 03 April 22 15:35 BST (UK)  »

I'm looking for an ancestor who was an Train Driver from around at least 1891 (census record) to 1907 (when he left the trade union for Railway workers). I have his company and locations but his name doesn't appear on the indexed pages on ancestry from the TNA records. I know this could be a transcription error or indeed missing records issue, but in turning the pages of what records are on there I haven't been able to find any loco drivers!

Anyone had similar experiences or know if train drivers had a special record book away from porters and fireman?

Many thanks


Lancashire / Re: West Derby Register Office Location
« on: Sunday 20 March 22 14:08 GMT (UK)  »
Bingo! Of course - many thanks everyone.

Lancashire / Re: West Derby Register Office Location
« on: Sunday 20 March 22 12:21 GMT (UK)  »
The official names on the certificate are listed as:

John C. Wallace as Registrar
Marcus P. Cleaver* as the Superintendent

* my interpretation of the text as it isn't 100% clear

Lancashire / Re: West Derby Register Office Location
« on: Sunday 20 March 22 11:48 GMT (UK)  »

Sadly the certificate simply references "the Register Office in the District of West Derby in the County of Liverpool". Both relatives were from the Walton part of the city so I wonder whether there was registry office in Walton given West Derby was such a extensive area?

Lancashire / West Derby Register Office Location
« on: Sunday 20 March 22 10:08 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all

Does anyone know where the West Derby Registry Office is or used to be?
I'm looking at a marriage that took place there in 1913, but interested to understand where in the city of Liverpool this was? Guessing it wouldn't have been central Liverpool (St. Georges Hall) but where would this have been?

Many thanks


World War One / From Recruitment to Deployment - WW1 typical timeline?
« on: Wednesday 29 September 21 18:54 BST (UK)  »
Hi all

I'm trying to piece together the movements of my great grandfather who died on the 1st December 1917. He was a member of the 1st Battalion of the Welsh Guards.

Piecing together what I do know, any help with the gaps would be much appreciated!

Looking at my relatives service number I believe he enlisted in October 1916.
Given time of signing up would he have been deployed immediately, was there a training period of x months before being sent to the front?

I know he was home by Christmas 1916 (given the birth of a daughter 9 months later!) but I'm trying to date a letter and a photograph so knowing whether he would have been deployed pre-Christmas (if at all possible would be useful).

Secondly does anyone know a good website that summarises the movements of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards in 1916/17? I can go through the war diaries (and have done so for November and December 1917) but a more broader review would be great (and if someone has taken the trouble before would save me having to do so)

Many thanks


Lancashire / Re: Chorlton-on-Medlock Street Name Location
« on: Wednesday 23 June 21 07:20 BST (UK)  »
Many thanks.
I have use the ED description before, but many years ago.
I guess the joy of this forum - those reminders of the tricks of the trade.
Thanks again!

Lancashire / Chorlton-on-Medlock Street Name Location
« on: Tuesday 22 June 21 21:46 BST (UK)  »

Anyone come across a Frederick Street in Chorlton-on-Medlock c. 1870s?

I'm trying to locate it on a map. I have a Godfrey Edition map of the district from 1848 and I can see Sidney Street at the northern most edge of the sheet, so suspect its somewhere nearby (but sadly missing from my map)but it would be good to confirm.

Many thanks

Tipperary / 1835 Census of the United Parishes of Newport and Birdhill
« on: Saturday 12 June 21 17:59 BST (UK)  »

I have seen reference to this census in very old posts on this site.
Is this online and/or searchable? Or has someone got a hard copy that they wouldn't mind checking out a name or two for me?

My great * 3 grandfather left Newport in the 1850s so hoping possibly his father or even grandfather have a mention. It may also help with piecing together the various marriage and baptism records I have seen of that time.

Many thanks


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