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Messages - suttontrust

Pages: 1 ... 431 432 433 [434] 435 436
Census and Resource Discussion / Mistakes
« on: Monday 30 August 04 19:35 BST (UK)  »
I've been struck by the number of "mistakes" I've come across in official documents whilst gathering data on my relatives.  Marriage registration seems particularly prone to it.  There's the mariage register in Canada which shows the soldier groom as a Corporal when he was only a Gunner, and the marriage certificate in Carlisle which shows the groom as a general labourer when he was actually a serving soldier.  Then there's the marriage certificate which gives the ages of both bride and groom as a year more than they were.  All my examples come from the 19th and early 20th centuries.  I suppose people rarely had to produce proof of ID in those days.  But it does show the need to have more than one source of information.

Technical Help / Re:
« on: Monday 30 August 04 19:25 BST (UK)  »
I'm mystified by this site as it seems to be just a search facility using Google.  Did you mean 1837 Online?  If so, you may have been getting blank sheets because you didn't have the viewer downloaded.  It's well worth downloading for other applications and indispensable for this site.

Wiltshire / Godden, Amesbury
« on: Monday 30 August 04 19:19 BST (UK)  »
I'm stuck at Mark Godden, whose son, Edward, was born in Amesbury in 1820.  Mark married a Sussex woman, Elizabeth Bannister, in Sussex in 1813, so I don't know whether Mark was a native of Wiltshire or of Sussex, but I've drawn a blank in both counties.  Any help would be appreciated.

Cumberland Lookup Requests / Carlisle, 1841 or 1851
« on: Sunday 29 August 04 08:30 BST (UK)  »
I'm trying to trace the back ground of Mary Ferguson, who was born in Carlisle in 1834 or 1835.  Is it possible to look her up on the census for 1841 or 1851, please? 

Sussex / Reed, Hastings, 1930s
« on: Tuesday 24 August 04 19:14 BST (UK)  »
This is a long shot, but I wonder if there are any local press archives from Hastings in the 1930s.  I'm told that Albert Reed was celebrated as the last pipeclay seller and that his retirement, some time in the 1930s (I think) was in the local papers.  I'd be grateful for any information.

Shetland / Link: Shetland genealogy
« on: Monday 23 August 04 19:38 BST (UK)  »
An excellent site for Shetland genealogy is:

Sussex / Re: Goddens
« on: Thursday 19 August 04 09:13 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for trying.  I now know that Edward Godden married Mary Smith, and that she came from Alfriston.  Do you know of any Smith families in Alfriston in 1841?

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Helping others
« on: Saturday 14 August 04 17:16 BST (UK)  »
About ten years ago I was researching the history of the building I live in and went to the County Archives (better not name which one).  The lady in charge there was fearsome indeed (I later learnt that she was notorious) and I was made to feel that I was a nuisance.  In contrast, the local city record office staff and the local studies dept. of the library couldn't have been more helpful.  More recently, researching my family tree, I've had to deal, by e-mail and post, with several different record offices.  They vary enormously in their response.  Cumbria cheerfully replied to my e-mail and sent me photocopies in the post and charged me nothing.  Sussex told me almost nothing that I hadn't told them, and charged me a great deal.  What are other people's experiences of doing this sort of remote research?

Completed Census Requests / 1861 or 1851 Carlisle
« on: Tuesday 10 August 04 22:10 BST (UK)  »
I'm looking for Mary Ferguson, born in Carlisle in 1834 or 1835.  By 1881 she was supposedly married to George Foster, but there are grounds for believing that they weren't married, and I'd like to trace her history.  A look-up would be appreciated.

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