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Messages - puellaanimae85

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Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: Marriage look-up - Grenville/Greenfield in Brighton
« on: Friday 24 November 06 18:25 GMT (UK)  »

Sorry about the long delay in replying - your information looks very interesting and could give us an essential new lead. Watch this space!


Wiltshire Lookup Requests / Re: Beams-Collingbourne Ducis?
« on: Thursday 15 June 06 20:15 BST (UK)  »
Hi Colin,

Very many thanks for all the research you have done on our behalf.  Yes thanks, we had the marriage of Edward Beams to Elizabeth Pricker, but other information was very helpful and we will follow it up.

Jenny and Sarah

Wiltshire Lookup Requests / Beams-Collingbourne Ducis?
« on: Sunday 11 June 06 19:30 BST (UK)  »
With the aid of Collingbourne Ducis baptism and burial records, we have traced our direct line back to Edward Beams and his wife Ann, who died at C. Ducis in 1757 and 1769 respectively. I am trying to find out where Edward and Ann came from before this. We believe that their eldest child, also Edward, was born before they came to the village circa 1720.

It is likely that they only travelled a short distance - any help would be very welcome.

Sarah and Jenny

Sussex Lookup Requests / Re: 1841 Sussex Census lookup
« on: Sunday 11 June 06 16:07 BST (UK)  »
Hi Alli,

Thank you so much for all your help - this is great!! It has got us further with the Grenville family - now all we have to do is find the missing link with the Hiscock/Hayden family!!

Thanks again,


Hertfordshire / Re: MAY Family in Berkhampstead/Northchurch
« on: Saturday 04 March 06 21:27 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Peter,

This is a tremendous step forward - I am really grateful for your help, as we live a long way from Hertfordshire, so it is difficult to do reserch first hand. You have also solved the question of whether Henry had a second wife, the "Patty" may be a transcription error or even a nickname (sourced from the IGI).

Thanks again,


Wiltshire / Reginald Harvey Beams - Trowbridge
« on: Wednesday 01 March 06 18:01 GMT (UK)  »
I am researching the teachers in my family. My great uncle Reg taught English at Trowbridge Grammar School for many years, into the 1950's, I believe.

If you were taught by him, I would very much appreciate any info or anecdotal evidence you have.


Hertfordshire / Re: MAY Family in Berkhampstead/Northchurch
« on: Wednesday 01 March 06 17:52 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Pinetree and Peter,

Thank you both very much - this info has enabled me to get a little bit further down the line!


Hertfordshire / Re: MAY Family in Berkhampstead/Northchurch
« on: Monday 27 February 06 18:46 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Rick,

Thanks very much - this is very interesting - he is probably one of ours! Hopefully, we will be able to get far enough back to tie him in with the rest.

Thanks again,


Hertfordshire / MAY Family in Berkhampstead/Northchurch
« on: Saturday 25 February 06 23:00 GMT (UK)  »
Is anyone else researching the May family from Berkhampstead/Northchurch?

Our direct ancestor is William May, b.1829 in Berkhampstead - his father James May, christened in Northchurch in 1799 and his father Henry May, date and location of birth unknown.

We think that Henry might have been married twice, first to Martha Huggins and secondly, Patty ?.

We are stuck beyond this. William moved to Portsmouth, where he joined the Royal Marines Artillery and married Ann Smith. They later moved to West Ham and then Chingford.

Can anyone help please?


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