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Messages - holl83

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Worcestershire / Thomas Bateman
« on: Tuesday 02 June 20 16:44 BST (UK)  »
Can anyone help me locate a an address. I have a record on my gggfather being born in Broad Park, Dudley in 1866. I am trying to locate where Broad park is in modern dudley. Anyone have any ideas if the area had changed names. The only reference I have found is a small mine called Broad Park near Holly Hall. Any ideas?

The Lighter Side / Re: arrrggghhhh I want to know the answers
« on: Wednesday 08 June 16 19:53 BST (UK)  »
I love the ramdom little stories you find out along the way!!! Id love to spend my days trawling through newspaper archives.... im desperate to find some information  about why one of my ancestors emmigrated from denmark to England and how and when he arrived. Ohhhh i wish time travel would hurry up.

Europe / Re: Danish census look up please
« on: Monday 06 June 16 22:54 BST (UK)  »
Also thank you for the blomstrom info please send the images.
Thank you for being so helpful

Europe / Re: Danish census look up please
« on: Monday 06 June 16 22:51 BST (UK)  »
I'm starting to think maybe he was a seaman.... A long story short but ferdinand had four children one of which is my husbands great grandfather... He was told that his mother and father had sailed away on his father's ship back to Denmark (really they had both died) my husbands grandmother had believed this story all of her life (she's 88 now) until I started researching and found out they had died and her father had been sent to a boys home. It's a sad story but there are lots of holes in it... I've been researching the Buch family for the past six years but seem to have hit a brick wall with it.

Europe / Re: Danish census look up please
« on: Monday 06 June 16 16:10 BST (UK)  »
Wow.... There is always a possibility. . Very interesting.  It would explain why he's not showing up anywhere.
By the way your very good at this!!
I was trying to find an obit for him thinking that might shed light but,  with the asylum I didn't think there would be one.... I have a copy of his will, death and marriage cert but that's it.
Where do you suggest I go from here.
Thank you

Europe / Re: Danish census look up please
« on: Monday 06 June 16 14:45 BST (UK)  »
I've been searching the immigration archives looking for him. He first show up in kings lynn on 1881 census as a ship brokers clerk. He then moves to Broughty Ferry and works as a clerk and ship broker then his daughter is born in Newcastle upon Tyne and his son is born in hulk in 1901.... His wife dies in Birkenhead in 1907... its all a mystery really. Why he came here  and why they moved around so much... I'm guessing it's all work reasons. He died in Hull asylum in 1911 from syphilis. It's a bit of a family scandal as they were all told he went back to Denmark. 

Europe / Re: Danish census look up please
« on: Monday 06 June 16 14:32 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Ian your a saint. In desperately trying to decipher the census forms using Google translate...
Ferdinand noel buch seems to be listed under niels ferdinand buch on one of the forms was this usual.

Europe / Re: Danish census look up please
« on: Monday 06 June 16 09:57 BST (UK)  »
Thank you so much Ian that's so kind of you. X I shall have a look at these and get back to you x

Europe / Danish census look up please
« on: Sunday 05 June 16 21:53 BST (UK)  »
Just wondered if anyone would be able to do a look up on the Danish census between years 1865-1890.
I'm looking for Ferdinand Nuel Buch
Father Carl vilhelm buch possibly a saddler
Mother johanne christine blomstrom
Sister clara Louise
Born in Copenhagen and probably still living there.

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