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Messages - Gold prospector

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Australia / Re: Fate of Everest Anseline after time on 'The Vernon'
« on: Tuesday 08 May 18 01:47 BST (UK)  »
Dear Debra, Ros and Jo (?jorose),

Three cheers!
 I had a 'yippee!' moment when I read your emails this morning.
 I went to the NSW Archives site just now and found Everis Ausclim listed as you predicted. But then, on, I also found the actual Admission and Discharge document for both Everis (Everest) Anselmi and his younger brother, Frederick Jules Anselmi. However, looking at the ornate 19th writing, the surname is clearly 'Anseline'.
More exciting is that the document clearly validates my theory that he ended up in the Hunter Valley because he was "...Appt to Miss Elizabeth Pearce of Hinton" on ?? 18th, 1887, aged 12, having been admitted to the Randwick Asylum, aged 9, "From Mother Mrs Mary (?Ann) Anseline of 11 ??Street, off George St, Sydney". There is an interesting note that says " pay 5/- for ????" There is a further written comment at the bottom which I can't decipher (Something like  'Pro to Preceding"). Oddly, however, the document has the heading '1884' at the top of the page. So, does that mean he was admitted there in 1884 and it was proposed to discharge him to Miss Pearce in 1887, or was this document written in 1887?
So, Ros, I really appreciate your offer to take a look at that document at the Archives and photograph it if you have the time!
Or, are there two documents, given the fact that the NSW State Archives document is about Jules Ausclim?
Now, I just have to determine where he was between 1877 and 1884....perhaps one of the other orphanages?
Sorry about all the questions!
Once again, many thanks!
(I haven't worked out how to do am emoticon with a huge smile yet!)

Australia / Re: Fate of Everest Anseline after time on 'The Vernon'
« on: Monday 07 May 18 15:08 BST (UK)  »
Dear Dawn,
Sorry... I forgot to thank you for that link to the RC orphanages which I will investigate further!

Australia / Re: Fate of Everest Anseline after time on 'The Vernon'
« on: Monday 07 May 18 14:59 BST (UK)  »
Dear Jamjar,
Thank you for that...
Actually, now that you have prompted my memory, Everest's obit was written by my father (who has unfortunately, himself been deceased for many years and never mentioned that detail in life). However, that would suggest that Everest was in that area. Now, is there a way of 'joining the dots' between Sydney in 1877 and Morpeth? Could he have been indentured out from whatever orphanage he was in (in Sydney) to a Hunter Valley family?

Australia / Re: Fate of Everest Anseline after time on 'The Vernon'
« on: Monday 07 May 18 14:49 BST (UK)  »
Dear Dawn,
Yours is an interesting story!
Actually, in an attempt to be as succinct as possible, I didn't mention in my post that I had inquired about Parramatta from the Archivist at The Good Samaritans but without success (thinking that the Industrial Training School there - where the sisters were placed - was the likely place Everest/Everis ended up; but there's no record, despite the extensive letters about him on "The Vernon" . So, short of employing someone down at the State Records Office to do a more intensive search, I'm not sure which way to go there.
I thought there may be information about families that took indentured young people after they had 'served' their time (as there is information about the families that sisters Julia and Emily were indentured out to - on the discharge papers from the institution) and there is a Police report of Everest's older brother, Alfred absconding from his post-orphan school 'employer' a couple of times!
But nothing on Everest.

Australia / Re: Fate of Everest Anseline after time on 'The Vernon'
« on: Monday 07 May 18 14:32 BST (UK)  »
Dear q98,
Many thanks for that tip - it never ceases to amaze how poor spelling can throw one off the 'scent'.
However, I will chase that alternative spelling up on the family trees you mentioned and see what happens.

Australia / Re: Fate of Everest Anseline after time on 'The Vernon'
« on: Monday 07 May 18 14:27 BST (UK)  »
Dear Jamjar,
Yes, Everest had two brothers: the elder one, Alfred, was born in 1872 and is the one you identified in the Death notice of 1911. Everest was born in 1873 and his younger brother, Frederick, in 1874. Their older sisters were Julia (Julietta) and Emily. The parents were Jules and Mary.

Australia / Fate of Everest Anseline after time on 'The Vernon'
« on: Monday 07 May 18 13:27 BST (UK)  »
My grandfather (Everest) was one of 4 young children whose father, a gold prospector, (Jules Francois - originally from Mauritius) died unexpectedly in 1876 in Parkes, NSW, and whose mother, shortly after, went to gaol for sly grog selling (to support the family!). Without any means of support, they were placed in institutions in Sydney - the 2 girls in "The Roman Catholic Orphanage" and the 2 boys on the decommissioned naval vessel, "The Vernon", in Sydney Harbour, where official records have him called "Everis". It was immediately noted that, at age 3, he was too young to be on the ship and so ensured a lot of correspondence between the Captain and the Colonial Office about what to do with him. It was resolved to send him to be with his sisters in the Orphan School, in January, 1877. However, I have been unable to confirm this. It was also the practice to have 'graduates' of the orphan schools (when old enough) to be indentured out to families to work for a few years. However, I can't confirm this either. An elderly living cousin of mine thinks Everest may have lived and worked on the river boats in Morpeth in the Hunter Valley, NSW. But electoral roles haven't helped me there either. Meanwhile, his mother, Mary, had remarried and moved to Broken Hill, NSW. She seemed to have found one of Everest's brothers and a sister through newspaper advertisements.The next event I have identified is his marriage, in Broken Hill, in September 1897. So the question is: "What happened to him in those 20 years between 1877 and 1897"?
Sorry about the long story, however, I'd be grateful for any suggestions!

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