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Messages - ms_j_a

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Anglesey Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Jones Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf
« on: Thursday 30 August 07 22:25 BST (UK)  »
Thank you so much.  Now that I see it type written out, it looks like that is what it is. Maybe now the puzzle can start filling in some more, and I will find out what the October 17th 1853 stands for.  That would make Ann Jones 14 or so in 1853.  thank you again!

Anglesey Lookup Requests / Re: Ann Jones Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf
« on: Thursday 30 August 07 02:20 BST (UK)  »
Hello, thanks for the quick response.   The names you mentioned don't seem to carry down anywhere from what I know of.  I haven't really been able to trace back very far, just to my great grandparents maternal side but no birth dates. The only names that I am aware of are my grandmothers (Gwenvron) children which include Edward, Elaine, Blodwyn  (surnames Miller) Millicent June (my mother surname Pearce) and then Raymond (surname Stephens)  Ann(e) is a very big name in my family, both sides (maternal side anne with e) but that's the only name I really reconize other than Edward.   
Gwenvron's Marriage to Harold Frank Miller Jan Feb mar 1919 Newport M 11a 315
Gwenvron's Marriage to George Henry Pearce Dec 10, 1926 Newport Monmouth and Newport C.B. Willaim Parry (g-grandfather) was deceased as of 1926 marriage certificate. 
As far as the bible goes, this is what it says in order
Mifs Anne Jones
Penbergarreg  or Penbserjarreg (sp) (Presbyterian or something like that?)
October 17, 1853 (not sure what the date represents)  I do have a scanned image of the inscription but can't seem to post it here for some reason.
ok..this next part comes after I originally posted this.  I did go into the welsh translation online...and this is what I came up with...
pentir meaning headland, promontory, naze  and then
carreg meaning stone f. 
Now maybe this is the head stone and the date on the stone...I don't know.  Could be far fetched..I'm feeling somewhat like a sleuth lol  any ideas?

Anglesey Lookup Requests / Ann Jones Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf
« on: Wednesday 29 August 07 01:01 BST (UK)  »
I have been handed down a small thumb bible which is in Welsh printed by W. Clowes, Duke Street, Lambeth.  The inscription on the inside is Mifs Ann Jones (next part in Welsh, not sure if I can read the writing) what looks like "Penbererjarreg" Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf October 17, 1853.  It came down through my grandmother Anne Gwenvron Parry b. May 1901 Lancashire W. Derby, who's father was William Parry (Master Grocer) and mother Anne Williams (from Gwenvron's birth certificate).  I am not certain if the bible came from my g-grandmothers side or grandfathers.  I am assuming (bad thing assumption) that it is maternal insticts that send heirlooms down the line.  Now I have found out that there was an Anne Jones christened 1845 Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf to Hugh b. 1811 and Jane b.1818 Jones Llanfair-Mathafarn-Eithaf but it kind of throws me off due to the spelling of Anne.  I am having a time trying to connect the two links and why the inscription is dated 1853.  Any information would be hugely appreciated.   Thank you, June-Anne Canada.

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