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Messages - Neil_A

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Europe / Jewish/Ukranian/Russian Surnames help
« on: Thursday 04 February 21 21:39 GMT (UK)  »

I'm trying to understand the potential relationships of online listed inhabitants which I know to be a city relevant to my heritage. I know there is something in patronymics here but I cant get my head round whether its relevant to the people listed?

There is a surname Nesanel, Nesanelis, and a Nesaneliv.

I can see the -ich being the equivalent of "son" as in Abramonovich but not the -el, -is, and -iv suffixes. It could be transcription errors or indeed a pronunciation/spelling issue given how similar letters sound in Russian/Ukrainian/Hebrew or Yiddish. But any pointers would be much appreciated.

many thanks

World War One / Re: Welsh Guards
« on: Wednesday 11 November 20 17:41 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Ady

He was a serving Guardsman when he fell.
I fear what is on ancestry/FindMyPast is all that is left - unless I've (hopefully!) missed something?
The IWM links to a website and then the national archives as a reference (as does the Welsh Guards army website). The form implies its for those that served after or during WW2.

Like I say - hoping you or others can prove me wrong!


World War One / Re: Welsh Guards
« on: Tuesday 10 November 20 15:20 GMT (UK)  »
Many thanks for your responses - being allocated to those regiments that needed it makes perfect sense.

Incidentally jim1 the Welsh Guards did appear to be sequential.

.....and though you shouldn't believe everything you believe posted on the www. a sample check on ancestry's service records does support the dates indicate. Hence why I'm 98% certain on date my relative joined the Welsh Guards.

Best wishes


World War One / Welsh Guards
« on: Tuesday 10 November 20 13:03 GMT (UK)  »

I'm researching the life of my great grandfather who died at the Battle of Cambrai in December 1917.
He died under the colours of the Welsh Guards. He was born in Liverpool to parents that originally came from Shropshire and Cheshire. Why the Welsh Guards and not another regiment? His service number implies he enlisted to the regiment in October 1916.

Could he have started in another regiment before falling in between the Welsh Guards? (And if so why is there only one service number)

Would the relatively new regiment do a wider recruitment drive in the towns and cities of the UK and would have a recruitment drive waived what appears to be the original requirements (domicile, or either parent from Wales as implied by a recruitment poster of the time).

Sadly he was a private and the only records that survive are his death records and that of his pension to his widow. The one photo I have of him has him in a uniform that looks like regular supplies to all soldiers at the time (and alas no hat!)

Any help or pointers much appreciated!

Many thanks


Cheshire / Re: Frodsham/Cheshire Burials
« on: Sunday 04 October 20 14:10 BST (UK)  »
Thank you both.

I've dropped the local history group a note - so thanks for the link on that group.
I have been using the find-a-grave web site which has just wetted my appetite further to make another visit to the church yard.

I've been there once before to see my great * 3 grandfather's resting place. The more digging I can see more relatives from the 19th century buried there. So sad to hear that the grave isn't cared for, I'm some distance away, but do want to return one day.

Thanks again

Cheshire / Frodsham/Cheshire Burials
« on: Sunday 04 October 20 11:07 BST (UK)  »

I'm looking at the burial pages for St. Lawrence Church Frodsham that appear on Find My Past.
Someone has helpfully referenced some of the burial pages with a specific grave reference e.g. OGB/14/04. In certain instances there is a supplemental page with the transcription of the headstone itself.

Does anyone know if a map of the churchyard at St. Lawrence at Frodsham exists which uses the references? I have dropped a note to the local archives but was wondering whether this sparks any insight from forum members.

Many thanks


Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Suicide Cause
« on: Wednesday 12 August 20 22:04 BST (UK)  »

Just received a death certificate and the cause of death is given as suicide but I cant make out the additional text 1 (a) T ? Poisoning - but what is the type of poison? All very sad given the age of this relative. It happened in the late 1950s if that helps.

Many thanks


The Common Room / Re: Living Relatives
« on: Sunday 09 August 20 10:26 BST (UK)  »
Social Media.

Identifying likely people and sending a tentative message may elicit a positive response.

Thank you Biggles50 - I've given it a go on Facebook. Using the publicly available photos in an attempt to age the likely candidates (dangerous stuff I know). As for what Chris says  :o

The Common Room / Re: Living Relatives
« on: Sunday 09 August 20 10:24 BST (UK)  »
We had the option in 2003 to opt out of the edited electoral register.
So it may be that your chap is in fact still living at the 2006 address,just that he's not showing there as he opted out (as we did)

You can check if the house has been sold since then on is also a good site,but you have to pay for more recent results.


Many thanks Carol now there is a thought - my relative was still at the property but opted out. Do you know whether the full version of the electoral register is available on inspection at (for example) the local library even if it isn't available online at 192 etc?

And thanks for the property link too - looks like it was sold in 2016 - so maybe a letter to the current inhabitants just in case they have a forwarding address? Unless that is you are the Carol that I'm searching for, so if your middle name is Anne then job done.  :D

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