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Messages - Ronda231

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I cannot pick out any recognisable words in the attached will from the ScotlandsPeople website.

I would be very grateful if anyone could identify any place names or people in this unreadable (for me) text.

Many thanks and best regards

Well, I think that due to the hard work of GR2 this Will has now been fully and accurately transcribed - or are there further comments?

At the time this testament was written (1546) there were only about 30 or 40 Drysdales worldwide and all of them were living in or originated from the Clackmannanshire area in Scotland.
So as far as the greater Drysdale family is concerned, this will is an important document in that it is one of first official documents that was registered in the Drysdale name.

Thanks again and best regards

Thank you very much!!

Humans  3    Transcribus AI  0

Thanks once again to Zefiro, GR2 & goldie61, your speed and skill are really amazing!
I wasn't allowed to thank you for your efforts and respond earlier because I was stuck in moderation.

I have a couple of further asks:

Can anyone see something that looks like an old Scots place name within the Will somewhere and is there a George in the second line?

Best regards

Thank you very much GR2, your skills are very impressive,

I had just about given up on this document after it was rejected by professional transcribers, although  I did have a few shots at using the EU 'Transcribus' hand writing recognition/scanning software but I don't think I was progressing towards a solution with that method!
The best output I managed to get from Transcribus (by first scanning into Latin then using Google translate to go from Latin to English) gave a few strange sentences and a whole load of gobbledygook, I've posted the output below so you can see what I mean:

"To the lord of Luverius, let him send down a stream of corn, and let him do what I have done with the motion of the roof of the house agusti mo dnini mm xlvia before georgeo redˀ Johanne Wolson Johanne di of giving Larswall and divers to other men, he admits that they have the sound of the horse before him Suie dins mares propi lii s siii dte et i ie bones alales precnim pei lii i iii diters sup x l Iiii iiii dir i i uns iuniores proecur petii xxx tˀ suˀa i lˀ Itˀ ii hˀ stottes pˀcuˀ poti xx tˀ suˀaˀ ple tˀ qˀuiˀ vatts pˀcuˀ petii xvii tˀ suˀa x cˀ Itˀ iiˀ quyis pˀcuˀ peti xxvi cˀ viii dˀ stˀ ii i styckˀ pˀcur petiixiii eIiii d ˀ ii omr tu ii vi Iiii d aIi l i e ini i i and bidentes pˀtuˀ peti xxx dˀ sˀ vi dˀ vi dˀ lˀ xlˀ me eabˀ bredenˀ inde pestenoˀ aˀ xx pˀ lle ei d in e srepe se de seiet e le e unelair ui eran e xIi prr le XXe su II l I vten I l II I Iiiii e high als de hene ule pae de est de l n se johaˀni ehete ii teˀ iiii eˀ Itˀ dandˀ nolsenˀ xiiiˀ stˀ johaˀni drij dal xvii fˀ farme lex I d eien des x esie e oeˀ Eory II Ie. deritars eot X e oie tere 1 go u ai e bli xo sua ee ed n e e te network through the houses i e r to go un n a sr l e ed e e rin e d ielen alie en e e de e el e tesene  uelbel st aes ert et se e en de e e e le e e e pe get su crore saved tameˀ mete quondo estameˀtuˀ monˀ caeuˀaˀ hˀue moduˀ who follows the faithless I give and pledge my soul to the God of power and glorification of fire and holy eyes corpusqˀ penˀ adi sepelledu in eclia moa proi de tuˀliculte stˀ logo chaplain by pretessions and pr wax and alus obsequies the first action on the day of my burial x pˀ do es lego adree drijsdail son noo one pot and oneˀ lettuˀ and oneˀ tistaˀ I I give and read to my son mer dandˀ drisdail one pot eneaˀ Itˀ I give and logo aqueti drisd tilie mee unaˀ alaˀ encaˀ et unaˀ patellaˀ refidum oˀmˀi bonorˀ meoriˀ doqˀ le en gaelte gredit en notre et sere a dispront e de dundit Guelter pˀbis meb sˀ sul ne et egeˀ ut altˀ rundere voraˀ suˀ sube de t aden e queu e e e t e e re den eie ouˀ ndˀ emelitˀ ero et terim sˀs et qeqˀ redˀ eseˀ Drysdall Sipries."

Thanks again for your help


Many thanks for your help.

If it is in straightforward latin then that is a big step forward.

One of the professional transcribers I contacted about this document had this to say:

...........This particular will actually seems to be in Latin.  While most English will are in English, some of the older Scottish wills are in Latin – and even when they’re in English – it’s usually in Old Scottish, which is extremely challenging.  I am not even sure whether this is actually a will or what’s known as a ‘testament dative’, which is the old Scottish form of letters of administration when the deceased had died intestate.

I’ve had a go at Old Scottish before, but to be honest, I do find it particularly challenging, so even if the other documents you have are in that form, you might be better finding someone in Scotland who has expertise in the old Scottish hand, and who also can translate from Latin.

Another Transcriber had this to say:

Thank you for your offer of work transcribing or summarising the testament of John Drysdaill.
In this case, although the handwriting is fairly typical for sixteenth century Scotland, the testament is in Latin, with many abbreviations. For this you would need a good Latinist who can also tackle sixteenth century handwriting. My Latin is simply not up to it.

Best regards

I have an early Drysdale Testament from the Scotlandspeople website - it may contain useful genealogical information which is relevant to the origins of the this Surname or it may be just an inventory of farm tools, chickens, pigs etc and who gets them.
I approached 4 professional transcribers to see if they could do anything and the consensus was that the document was too messy/difficult for them to tackle - untidy handwritten secretarie script combined with a combination of old scots and Latin language.

Details: ScotlandsPeople Dunblane - John Drysdaill Testament 1546 - 1 page - Crown Copyright National Records of Scotland.

If anybody can help or point me in the direction of a professional transcriber then this would be much appreciated.

The information I am primarily interested in from this document - Names, relatives, places, dates & monetary value.

Thanks and best regards

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