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Messages - Erato

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Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Can this snapshot be cleaned up?
« on: Wednesday 10 August 05 00:35 BST (UK)  »
This is not a sepia tone but rather a cheap snapshot that is yellowed, fly-specked, and stained after years of storage in the tropics (note palm roof in background).  Could someone endeavor to clean it up, please.

Ireland / Re: mixed faith marriages.
« on: Friday 05 August 05 05:15 BST (UK)  »
Well, in my family I have just recently found out that my gg grandfather, a  Presbyterian from Co. Down, married a Catholic (in about 1837) and it was their decision to raise alternate children as Protestants or Catholics.  They had 10 children - presumably 5 of each religion.  This situation was not generally known in my branch of the family - one of the Protestant branches.   It appears that (at least some of) the Protestant descendants did not go out of their way to associate with their Catholic relatives.  Perhaps this was a mutual avoidance or perhaps it was a result of personal factors other than religion.  But the result was that the some branches of the family lost contact with others.

England / Re: Surname: Stalla
« on: Thursday 04 August 05 00:32 BST (UK)  »
I think that George's wife was Jane Logan and that they married somewhere in New York.  I think George probably went to America before 1844.  This is all guess work

England / Surname: Stalla
« on: Wednesday 03 August 05 23:12 BST (UK)  »
Is anyone familiar with the surname Stalla?  It doesn't seem to be common.  I am lloking for the English place of origin of George Stalla.  He is listed in the 1881 Canadian census with the following details:

Geo. Stalla.  Charlottenburg, Glengarry, Ontario.  married; male; ethnic origin English; age 59; birthplace England; occupation bricklayer; religion Church of England

along with his wife:

Jane Stalla.   Charlottenburg, Glengarry, Ontario.  married; female; ethnic origin Scottish; age 59; birthplace Scotland; no occupation; religion Church of England

Cumberland Lookup Requests / Re: buriel 4mths after death????
« on: Tuesday 02 August 05 17:15 BST (UK)  »
sometimes bodies went unburied for several months because the gound was frozen (in the US, at least)

« on: Tuesday 02 August 05 06:29 BST (UK)  »
Our family, as far as I have been able to determine, has been noncriminal with the exception of a husband and wife team of blasphemers in early New England.  Joane Andrews was "convented" before authority in 1666 in Saco (Maine) for "abusing of Mrs. Lockwood" and her punishment was 10 lashes at the whipping post.  Her husband John Andrews was convicted for "swearing by the blood of Christ that he was above the heavens and stars, at which time said Andrews did seem to have drunke too much and did call the witnesses doggs, toads, and foul birds."

« on: Tuesday 02 August 05 03:31 BST (UK)  »
I think that the saddest death in my family is the death of my grandmother’s cousin, Arthur.  Arthur was the son of  missionaries in Micronesia and he and his wife Margaret continued in that line of work until they retired to California.  They did not give up good works after their retirement, though.  They visited and helped abandoned and friendless inmates in the California prisons.  One of the prisoners they undertook to help was a woman serving a lengthy term for duping and murdering a man in order to take possession of his property.  Her name was Louise Peete.  When Louise was finally released from prison, Arthur and Margaret took her in.  By this time Arthur was senile and somewhat addled.  Louise had him declared insane and confined to a state mental hospital; she told the hospital authorities that Arthur’s only sister had fallen out with him and did not wish to see him.  Then she murdered Margaret and took control of their property.  Arthur died alone and forgotten in  the asylum, wondering why his wife and sister never came.  Louise died in the electric chair, the last woman executed in California.

Wigtownshire / Re: Gibsons of Wigtown, Scotland
« on: Wednesday 27 July 05 02:36 BST (UK)  »
I also have some Wigtownshire Gibsons - Agnes Gibson  (born about 1795 in Glasserton?).  She married  John Conning (born about 1787), a farmer from Whithorn, Wigtownshire.  Their daughter, Janet Conning was my gg grandmother.  She married Robert Logan and they emigrated to the US in about 1834.

Maybe we can link up??

England / Re: Urgently need help in Bristol
« on: Thursday 26 May 05 23:29 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for searching for me Carol.  I think 1869 is probably the correct birth year – this is the date I got from my mother (May Augusta was her grandmother) and it coincides with May Augusta’s age as reported in the 1871 and 1881 censuses – though I suppose it could be 1868 or 70.  I am more inclined to think the place of birth was misrepresented on the census (both report Bristol as the place of birth).  Or maybe May was a nickname she used instead of Mary or Margaret.

Family lore says that the Marshalls were relatively wealthy and socially well placed, with some connection to the government.  May Augusta apparently retained some kind of attachment to her birth family or at least she did not repudiate them entirely, because both of her sons had Marshall as a middle name.

As I said, I have a hunch about these Marshalls, having found a Marshall family of the right social class, with connections to the gov’t, living near Bristol (Bath, Backwell), in the right time period, with several females named May and/or Augusta, and (incredibly) an apparently illegitimate daughter who went by the name May Augusta Marshall (although, alas, not my May Augusta).  If this is, in fact, her family, I think they would have baptized her even though illegitimate because the family is simply riddled with clergymen.

I don’t know how to go about looking for her.  Any suggestions?

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