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Messages - squinn5

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Limerick / Mary Fitzgerald - Stonehoyle Limerick
« on: Monday 03 January 11 05:29 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for information on Mary Fitzgerald (Baptism).

Mary arrived in NSW on board the ship 'Maria' in 1850 and was one of the Irish Famine Orphans.  Mary was listed as being 18 and from Stonehoyle Limerick, making her born around 1832. Her parents are listed as being John & Johanna, mother living at Stonehoyle. I'm guessing that the Stonehoyle is actually Stonehall.

Mary's death certificate stated her mother's name was Hanorah.  Not sure which would be correct, though Mary did have a daughter named Hanorah.

I have reguarly checked in the "" but there are two many Mary Fitzgeralds born around the same time to choose. (even with just choosing "John" as the father.)  Her death certificate also said her middle name was 'Agnes'.  My thinking if I find her parents marriage certificate it might be easier to find her baptism.

So any other suggestions of where to look?


Australia / Re: Sydney Thearte History - 1930's - Stage Name
« on: Sunday 02 January 11 23:11 GMT (UK)  »
Leanne and Merlin, thanks for the links to Trove.  I'll have a good look, but first impressions tell me it's the wrong Ernest Mitchell.  This appears to be the Ernest Mitchell who was the younger brother to Dame Nellie Melba (no Relation to mine).  My Ernest Mitchell was born in South Australia in 1882 and came to NSW in 1915, with his wife Daisy and two sons. He apaprently did not perform under his own name, which will only make the sure that much harder.

Katharine, yes we probably are connected.  My GG Grandfather was William George Baker, (married Susan Baldwin). When they arrived in NSW, the shipping record stated that he had an "Uncle George King living at Bundarra" (same place where James King lived). I Have not found any record of a George King arriving but I believe with the information I have discovered, that James & George were either brothers or cousins. There is a George King living in Bundarra in 1872 (Grenville PO Directory), but I'm guessing that is probably a son of James & Susannah. You can read my findings on my Blog post here

I've also just started doing a One Place Study on Boxford.

I'll PM you with my email address.



Australia / Sydney Thearte History - 1930's - Stage Name
« on: Sunday 02 January 11 10:30 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for help in trying to track the 'stage name' of my Great Grandfather, Ernest Mitchell.

He performed in a number of plays in the 1920’s and 1930’s in Sydney. Prior to my Grandmother's passing last September, she spoke about her father and said that he played the ‘Black Fella’ in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. He also played "Captain Milton" in another play, which I think is ‘Currency Cash’. Ernest did not use his real name when performing but had stage name, which my grandmother couldn’t remember. My Grandmother, also told me that she also performed along side her father once, (she played Little Eva in Uncle Tom's Cabin). I am particularly interested in finding out where I could find more information about Ernest and the plays he performed in, understanding where I can find out what his 'stage name' was would be a big help.

We have a photo, of Ernest in 'stage costume' that was taken in probably the early to mid 1930's.

London and Middlesex / Re: Imperial Reservists - WW1 - Middlesex Regiment
« on: Wednesday 29 December 10 05:16 GMT (UK)  »
The attached document is not from a subscription site.  All WW1 Service records for Australia are readily available on line for everyone to access and payment to access the documents online is not required. (National Archives Australia - and don't believe that they are 'copyright' but if they are then I'm sorry.

I'll remove the document so that I won't upset anyone.

I already have the information on Frederick Richer (from NAA Australia, Findmy Past & Ancestry).

I will have another read of the link provided but a quick look at the site, does not provide the information i'm after (ie: Were British Army Reservists, stationed in Australia prior to WW1).

Thankyou anyway.

London and Middlesex / Imperial Reservists - WW1 - Middlesex Regiment
« on: Tuesday 28 December 10 21:22 GMT (UK)  »
Not sure if this is the right place but any help or direction appreciated.
My biological grandfather was Frederick George Richer (born 1884: Walthamstow, Essex)

He had a brother named Alfred Rupert Richer ( born 1886: Walthamstow, Essex)

My question relates to Alfred. Yesterday I discovered that Alfred was living in Queensland from around 1920, (located on QLD Electoral Rolls) along with his wife Florence and two children (Alfred & Matilda).

Looking further, Florence and the children arrived in QLD in 1915. As for Alfred, I’m yet to find an actual shipping arrival, but from records found on the National Archives Australia and Ancestry was that Alfred was a member of the Middlesex Regiment (PTE: 457027) and that he was ‘personnel of the imperial army who was residing in Australia prior to the war’.

He left Australia to go to the Middle East on board the Berrima in December 1914. I note here that Frederick also left for the Middle East in the October 1914. Frederick service record was easy to find as he had enlisted in the AIF, whereas Alfred appears to be an imperial reservists, and I’m guessing attached to the British Army. Am I correct in thinking that? 

What I’d also like to know is there any information as to what the ‘imperial reservists’ were and were they actually ‘stationed’ here (and for what reason), or is it possible that Alfred had just migrated to Australia, but still be part of the reservists? I’m also now thinking that as I have not been able to find when Frederick arrived in Australia, that he also might have been part of the imperial reservists.

They would have arrived after the 1911 census, as Alfred is living in Essex, with his wife and daughter Matilda, whereas Frederick is in Woolwich London, living with his mother.

Thank you and regards


Suffolk Lookup Requests / Re: PR Birth Lookup
« on: Wednesday 17 November 10 18:59 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks for the marriage but I already have that.

What I'm looking for is the baptism or birth of William.

Suffolk Lookup Requests / PR Birth Lookup
« on: Wednesday 17 November 10 03:16 GMT (UK)  »

Looking for a baptism record for a William Baker.  Also known as William George Baker.

Parents Samuel & Sarah. 

Born between 1834 & 1840 in either Boxford, Bures or Sudbury Suffolk.

Thanks & regards


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