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Messages - ozwendy

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Cheshire Completed Lookup Requests / Re: 1861 lookup - Tameside please
« on: Thursday 23 August 07 05:38 BST (UK)  »

Thank you to you all for the info, particularly Alli. I have not been on line for some time due to unavoidable circumstances so I apologise for the late acknowledgement.


Lancashire Lookup Requests / Re: 1841 census Manchester look up please
« on: Thursday 13 July 06 21:57 BST (UK)  »

I think this is probably the family in 1841:

       Living in what looks like Durham St, Salford
           Alice,  1819,  b:Lancs
           John,  1818,  b:Ireland
           Walter, 1839, b:Lancs



England / Re: Still born burial
« on: Thursday 13 July 06 09:13 BST (UK)  »

I don't know if this is completly appropriate, but it is interesting and does offer a possible explanation of why your grandmother didn't see her baby.

My grandfather was an ambulanceman during the 1940's in the North of England and he told me that it was known, though not often spoken of, that if a baby was born with an obvious abnormality some doctors would 'make sure' the baby didn't survive. It seems they did this with the best of  intentions, either knowing the child wouldn't survive or believing its life would be too difficult. They would tell the mother the child had been born dead and it would be quickly whisked away without the mother seeing it and of course fathers were not in the delivery room back then.

He actually had a story of a woman he had taken to the hospital to deliver her eigth child. When he saw her later she said she had been told that the child was stillborn, but that she was sure she had heard it crying. My grandad went and asked the attending sister who told him the child had been born with a terrible deformity and the doctor had 'taken care of it'.

If you think of it in the 1800's and early 1900's deceased family members were layed out in the front room of the house for everyone to pay their respects, this included children and babies who died at home, so why would they avoid a mother seeing a stillborn child.

I just thought that if this was the case with your grandmothers child it might have meant that she was better not seeing it? Though who knows? The psychology of grieving for a  dead baby or a disabled child, no matter what the circumstances, must be very complicated.


Shropshire Lookup Requests / Re: 1841 census look up, HEIGHWAY
« on: Wednesday 10 May 06 08:15 BST (UK)  »
Hi Katie,

I don't know if there is a connection but I have relatives who were born in dawley, Thomas jones and his wife Anne Webb, They moves to Hindley (Lancs) before 1881.
In the 1881 census they have a boarder in the house in Hindleycalled Henry Heighway b: 1860 in Dawley, along with another boarder called George Griffiths b: 1858 also in Dawley. There can't be too many Heighways in Dawley maybe they're related.


Shropshire Lookup Requests / Re: 1851 - Desperate for help!
« on: Friday 05 May 06 07:30 BST (UK)  »
I thought I would just let you know all know that i did find out about eliza :D

Another Rootschatter was also researching her(we're distantly related) and it seems that the Elizabeth simmons on the 1841 census is my Eliza. On her marriage cert. her father was listed as William Simons and mother Elizabeth Williams, either she was illigitamate or he'd died. So now I am on the track to find more relatives! Thanks for all your help previously.


Shropshire Lookup Requests / Re: 1841/1851 request updated
« on: Monday 01 May 06 09:13 BST (UK)  »
Hi Again

Sorry Judy, I did get a little confused. Your Esther was the one from the previous generation.  ??? However, we are still related my gg grandfather was Esthers eldest brother Richard born in 1856. His eldest daughter was also called Esther as was my grandmother. Esther comes from Samuel Gardner's mother who I think was Esther Sambrook.

Anyway, get back to me and we can swap info and let each other know about our branches of the Gardner family tree. :D

Cheers again

Shropshire Lookup Requests / Re: 1841/1851 request updated
« on: Monday 01 May 06 09:05 BST (UK)  »
Hi Judy

How great to hear from you! My great grandmother was Susannah Gardner, Esther's younger sister. Esther married Giles Westhead, didn't she? Do you live in Lancashire?

Sorry if i sound excited but you are the first person from the Gardner side I have had any contact with. I have a few pictures of your great grandmother. My grandma Esther gave them to me, she was Susannah's only child. I also have photos of our gg grandparents Richard and Susan Gardner. You wouldn't happen to know Eliza's maiden name would you?

I would love to talk to you more, I have been researching the Gardners and I have quite a bit of info. which I can pass on to you.


Waterford / Re: was their 1841/51 census records in Ireland
« on: Sunday 23 April 06 07:34 BST (UK)  »
Don't know if you have the answer yet, but most census records in Ireland were destroyed in a fire in 1922. The only ones I have come across online are from 1820, although some individual towns and villages may lucky to have some, but there doesn't seem to be many. The Griffths evaluation which went on in the 1850's and 60's is a good source of info.


Shropshire / Re: WORTHEN - where the heck is it?!
« on: Friday 25 November 05 02:18 GMT (UK)  »

I don't know if you are still looking for people in Worthen but in some of the earlier census it is listed in montgomeryshire, Wales. Thats where i found some of my ancestors. Also in later census they listed their birth places as worthen but they were actually born in smaller villages such as meadowtown and Brockton and they were residents there in earlier census.


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