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Messages - student

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Family History Beginners Board / Re: Is this unusual or quite common?
« on: Tuesday 25 January 11 14:34 GMT (UK)  »
You may find that the original baptism registers have additional information which is not recorded in the IGI.  It could be that the child has been recorded as illegitimate, base born or even believed to be the son of.....  father's name given.

It is worth looking at all the children because there may be different information written for each child. 

It was dependent on the moral outlook of whomsoever did the recording or so that the parish knew the details should any "parish relief" be required for that child in the future.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Can't read occupation
« on: Saturday 13 November 10 22:24 GMT (UK)  »
Could it be 'builder'?

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Help with name.
« on: Sunday 07 November 10 13:39 GMT (UK)  »
Could it be Crawford Allingham?

Family Bibles / CHITTY/MURRELL/SINCLAIR Family Bible
« on: Sunday 24 October 10 22:56 BST (UK)  »
Does any one know of the whereabouts of a family bible which probably includes the names CHITTY (Surrey and Kent) MURRELL ISAACS (Orkney)? The Bible was last seen in the 1940's or 1950's and might well have found its way over to Ireland.

Please contact me if you have any information.

Family Bibles / Jauncey/Lipscomb family bible
« on: Tuesday 14 September 10 22:16 BST (UK)  »
Found in a charity shop.
Inscription on the first page -

It lists children born between 1840 and 1851 Jane, Robert (married Mary Ann Curtis), Alfred (married Mary Ann Howard, Alice (married Joseph Stevens), Harriott (married George Lipscomb), Eliza (married Joseph Quemby).

Final entries are of the Lipscomb family.

I should like to return this to anyone who has an interest in these families.  Please get in touch.

I am researching Joseph Murrell (1817-1900).  He was born in London and went to Orkney as a young man where he married Margaret Sinclair in 1845.  They went to live in Grimsby, having family connections there, for the last ten years of their lives. 

You say that Hannah Amy Staughton's Joseph had fishing smacks.  Have you any information about them (names or ownership details i.e. where they were registered).  MyJoseph was a bit of an entrepreneur and also connected with fishing.

I believed that the ones I saw registered to Joseph Murrell in Grimsby in the 1880s and 1890s belonged to my 2x great grandfather, but now I am aware of this other Joseph I am not so sure.

I do hope that you can help.

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