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Messages - Gibel

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The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 3rd March
« on: Tuesday 27 February 24 12:56 GMT (UK)  »
Good news about the Crooked House. I bet the locals are pleased.

The Common Room / Re: Finding the original photograph
« on: Monday 26 February 24 11:42 GMT (UK)  »
Try Windsor Ontario Canada. They still have a Miss Windsor contest. Their newspaper appears to be available on Ancestry (the full version)

The Common Room / Re: Finding the original photograph
« on: Monday 26 February 24 11:32 GMT (UK)  »
I think the sash says, “Miss Windsor 1945”. Perhaps the local paper in summer 1945 would help.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary week ending 25th February
« on: Thursday 22 February 24 19:58 GMT (UK)  »
I’m only in my early 70s but struggle with a lot of things on the iPad and more so my laptop. I’ve got worse over the last 5 years due, I feel, to my cancer treatment and all the problems I’ve had since and the isolation of Covid as “extremely vulnerable”. I’m quite good at Family history researching but not much else. At times I find I’m actually frightened of doing some things on the iPad and even more so on the laptop. I’d far rather speak to a human being face to face particularly as I’ve got deafer and despite my good hearing aids.

Having eventually this afternoon worked out the best way to get to a hospital appointment 220 miles away by train in a month’s time, I rang the train company to book the tickets and the assistance as I do going to London but no I have to buy the train tickets and then ring about the assistance! I gave up for now and will pop into the station and buy the tickets from a human tomorrow. I know I could buy them online but that is a step to far for me at the moment.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary week ending 25th February
« on: Tuesday 20 February 24 08:32 GMT (UK)  »
I do read the diary but rarely reply so here goes

 Viktoria - good to hear you had such a lovely time with the family.

LM - sorry to hear about the bats in your church.

BumbleB - 60 years congratulations. I loathe tea, I’ve never drunk it. I was introduced to coffee around the age of 12 and I’ve drunk that ever since.

Radstockjeff - it must have been a bit of a shock to get the letter about being a TB contact, I’m glad it can be sorted in your home locality.

Candle flame - I’m impressed that you’ve been out weeding. I live in a block of 7 flats built on the site of a large Victorian house. We have a large garden and have a gardener but I really must buy some more plants for the bit I call mine. Every time I think about doing my bit of garden it pours with rain!

To those with the disappearing cutlery, I sympathise. Here it is a vegetable knife that frequently disappears. It then turns up a few days later in the cutlery drawer where I swear it wasn’t during the week!

To those with the wandering sock problem I sympathise. When mine go missing I find them in a pillow case or quilt cover a few weeks later when I’ve given up hope of finding them. Come to think about it I haven’t mislaid any for a while!

To anyone I’ve missed out and the rest of you I hope you have a good week.

A distant relative (5th cousin) who I met in the early days if my family history research is coming for lunch today. We haven’t met up for ages probably pre Covid. It’ll be good to see each other again. Years ago this relative showed her aunt a photograph, taken 25 years previously, of me, the aunt thought the photo of me was her sister!

Just realised I’ve forgotten to buy some bread rolls for lunch so I’d better get organised and pop down to the local supermarket for them.

Family History Beginners Board / Re: Neil Patrick Fenn Missing on 1921 Census
« on: Saturday 17 February 24 13:41 GMT (UK)  »
Try looking for him under just his first names, year and place of birth it might find him.

I was just about to post about Dade registers /but I’m interested to see that someone else has the same idea. I’ve checked that Cumberworth isn’t on the list of Dade registers but perhaps the vicar used his own similar system using the ideas of the Revd Dade.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 28th January
« on: Friday 26 January 24 20:39 GMT (UK)  »
Viktoria if you go to Ireland make sure you have either a valid ehic card or if applying this year a ghic. It’s suggested you have travel insurance as well just in case.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 28th January
« on: Friday 26 January 24 18:49 GMT (UK)  »
My Travel Insurers are All Clear. My insurance is affected by my being a Cancer Patient and having Asthma.I’m still in my 70s.

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