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Messages - sw1

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Dumfriesshire / Re: Marriage of George MENZIES and Margaret THOMSON
« on: Friday 28 September 18 13:05 BST (UK)  »
Dave...thank you for that idea.
Not thought of Kirk Sessions. I'll investigate further.
Thanks for the tip.

Dumfriesshire / Marriage of George MENZIES and Margaret THOMSON
« on: Friday 28 September 18 10:55 BST (UK)  »
Try as I might, I cannot find this marriage!  It was probably between 1817 and 1820. I've searched SP using single surnames, both surnames, one surname and one first name of the other and vice versa, I've tried different variants and spelling. I searched Dumfriesshire alone, Kirkcudbrightshire alone and all counties. I've even looked in England, just across the border.
Why is he not there??? Am hoping someone might have some ideas.

George Menzies was born about 1791. I did find a possible baptism of 1787 at Durrisdeer on 24 Aug 1787 but am unsure of that at the moment.

Margaret Thomson was born 1799 in Glencairn, daughter of William Thomson and Jane Patterson who were named as her parents on her death certificate in 1878.
She died at 67 Glasgow Street, Maxwelltown, death registered in Troqueer.

The death certificate says...Margaret Menzies, widow of George Menzies, foreman iron founder...which was his occupation.

They had 10 children staring with David b 24 Aug 1819 up to Elizabeth born 16 Sep 1841.  Their birth and baptism dates were found on SP and both parents were named. Two of the sons who married named their parents as George Menzies, iron moulder and Margaret Menzies MS Thomson on their marriage certificates..

George and Margaret are at Glasgow West Street, Troqueer in 1841 with 7 children; thereafter, George did not appear with Margaret on any subsequent censuses so must have died between 1841 and 1851. Can't find his death either...which might have helped! The only one vague one was a George Menzies who died in Glasgow aged 57, a joiner. That's all it said on the OPR so not much to go on.

If anyone has any ideas...I'd love to hear them.
I did wonder if the Troqueer PRs were still available or whether they have been lost or something. These things did happen.


Ross & Cromarty / Re: Murdoch (Murdo) Macleod and Christina (Christy) Campbell
« on: Thursday 21 June 18 10:48 BST (UK)  »
Forfarian…..Many thanks....I'll check that out.
At present I am trawling the Hebridean Connections website; lots of connections.

Ross & Cromarty / Re: Murdoch (Murdo) Macleod and Christina (Christy) Campbell
« on: Thursday 21 June 18 09:27 BST (UK)  »

Thank you for your emails of yesterday evening. A lot to think about, investigate, peruse etc, but it seems we are all agreed that the Murdo & Christina Macleod I have are NOT the parents of the Donald who married Margaret NICOL.  So it's back to square one in a way, however, you have given me a lot to go on and I thank you all very much.  It will take me a few days to sort this out but I'll be back in touch....

Ross & Cromarty / Re: Murdoch (Murdo) Macleod and Christina (Christy) Campbell
« on: Wednesday 20 June 18 19:29 BST (UK)  »
Forfarian…There was a William aged 8 on the 1851 with Murdo 43 farmer and Christina 37 plus Donald 10 and a John 5. I have just looked through SP births...1842-1861 and there is only one in Harris to an Alexander Macleod. No mother's name!!!

Why are things never easy???

I have had enough today; can't think straight anymore.

Ross & Cromarty / Re: Murdoch (Murdo) Macleod and Christina (Christy) Campbell
« on: Wednesday 20 June 18 18:45 BST (UK)  »
I am beginning to think that there are 2 Donald Macleods;
one who was son of Murdo & Christina Campbell, born 1853...
...and another born about 1838/39, to parents of Murdo Macleod and Marshall Campbell.

I really hope that's NOT the case as we have all worked hard to resolve Murdo Macleod and Christina Campbell, their census sightings, as far as we've got, and their marriage and death certificates.


Ross & Cromarty / Re: Murdoch (Murdo) Macleod and Christina (Christy) Campbell
« on: Wednesday 20 June 18 16:44 BST (UK)  »
Hallo everyone, thank you all for being so busy on this while I have been otherwise engaged.

The first thing I did was purchase that death certificate for Christina. It reads as follows:
Christina MacLeod, widow of Murdo MacLeod, carter, died on 13 Oct 1885 at 7 Point Street, Stornoway, aged 68. Her parents were named as William Campbell, crofter and Catherine Campbell MS Macaskill, both deceased. Informant was her daughter, Isabella.

SO...this death has to be correct. Ties in with Isabella's accommodation address where she got married in 1891.

IF the 1871 census is the right family, then yes, Murdo would have died between 1871 and 1881. I brought up the list, cogitated somewhat, and after 3 attempts, I got the right one. His death cert reads as follows:
Murdo MacLeod, carter, married to Christina Campbell, died at Keith Street, Stornoway on 29 Mar 1872 aged 62. His parents were named as Donald MacLeod, crofter and Flora MacLeod, MS MacLeod, both deceased. Informant was his son, William MacLeod.

At first I was doubtful about the 1871 census BUT both children, Donald and Isabella are noted as children of Murdo Macleod and Christina Macleod. Donald b abt 1853 ad Isabella 1857. Got Isabell's birth; might have to see if I can get Donald's birth cert now too.

I agree with Forfarian that therefore this Donald clashes with the one I have as marrying Margaret NICOL. BUT I know that is the correct marriage so I wonder if it is a completely different Donald. Yet he says his accommodation was Harris. He says his mother as a Campbell (with an odd first name) and he said his father was a fisherman yet got that name right. Yet Donald was not very bright because he could not write his own name. Only made his mark.

I really need to think about this.  But first I need to get all this info down now; I find that when it's written down in my program, you can more easily see the picture beginning to emerge. It would be good if I could find the family in 1861. Isabella would be 3 and Donald about 8. I saw one possibility in Barvas but not the right family.

I must say a huge thank to you all for this. I could not have got this far without you all.

Ross & Cromarty / Re: Murdoch (Murdo) Macleod and Christina (Christy) Campbell
« on: Wednesday 20 June 18 10:32 BST (UK)  »
Annie and others.
Here is the timeline I have done. Never done one before and it is a good exercise.
Already one or two things have caught my eye and made me can that be?
Anyway, here it is:


c1808. Birth. Harris.       Murdoch Macleod
c1817. Birth. Harris.       Christina Campbell   

9 Jun 1840. Marriage. Harris. Murdoch Macleod of Pabbay and Christina Campbell of Carinish

Poss 1841 Census. Pabbay, Harris. Murdh 25, ag lab, Christy 24, Donald 3 months.

Poss 1851 Census. Scalpay, Harris. Murdo 43, farmer, Christina 37, Donald 10, William 8, John 5 plus John Macleod, son 21 b Harris 1830.

27 Feb 1857. Birth. Scalpay, Harris. Isabella Macleod, dau of Murdoch Macleod, cottar and Christina Macleod MS Campbell. Informant, an aunt, Catherine Macleod.

26 Sep 1867. Marriage. Gamrie, Banff.  Donald, son of Murdoch Macleod, fisherman and Marshallima Macleod MS Campbell, married Margaret Nicol. (Parents NOT deceased.)
NB: This marriage is correct for the family I am doing, and was my starting place for working backwards into Macleods.
1867. On marriage. Donald noted as 28.
1871. Gamrie, Banff. Donald noted as aged 32, born Harris.

Poss 1871 Census. 27 Keith Street, Stornoway. Murdo 63 carter, Christian 55, Donald 18 and Isabella 13. All born Harris

1881. Gamrie, Banff. Donald noted as 43, born Tarbert.

15 Jan 1891. Stornoway. Marriage of daughter Isabella Macleod to Neil Macaskill, widower and shoemaker. Marriage at 7 Point Street, Stornoway. Parents named as Murdo Macleod, blacksmith and Christina Macleod, MS Campbell, both deceased.

18 Aug 1939. Death of Isabella aged 82. Parents named exactly as on marriage certificate.

I have to go out shortly so will ponder on this meanwhile.

Ross & Cromarty / Re: Murdoch (Murdo) Macleod and Christina (Christy) Campbell
« on: Wednesday 20 June 18 09:21 BST (UK)  »
Hallo everyone...thank you so much for your suggestions.

Monica...and Rosinish...that family you both found in 1841 looks as if it could be them. It doesn't seem to come up on Ancestry at all which is why I have missed it, but I will have a further search for it. It seems it would tally with the possibility I found for 1851.

I'm not sure of the 1871 one you found. I'll look at that and see.

Forfarian...on son Donald's marriage certificate, neither parent was marked as deceased.
I agree the name Marshallima is strange. It's the only place it appears but the maiden name of Campbell was there.

I'll try and do a timeline later this morning as Annie suggested.
Thank you again...

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