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Messages - marymac72

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Lanarkshire / Re: Duncan McLaren Grocer
« on: Saturday 06 December 14 19:51 GMT (UK)  »
Ah you have seen wedding certificate, brilliant :) I have just seen their marriege details on Elizabeths birth certificate and looks like 1879 and i think it says John St Glasgow. For Duncan it looks like under occupation looks like special assistant (whatever that means) I wonder where he was then !!

17 Sandholes Street

It looks like the boarders could be your Elizabeth and her mother as Jane is listed as a Dressmaker on her wedding Registration details.

Lanarkshire / Re: Duncan McLaren Grocer
« on: Saturday 06 December 14 19:46 GMT (UK)  »
I'm just looking at birth certificate for Elizabeth and it says born April 27th 1880 and it looks like 17 Sandyholes Paisley. I just looked that up and there is indeed a Sandyholes Street in Paisley !

Checking the 1881 census for a family that fits your description draws a blank (or at least I did  ;)
But there is one possibility

Dwelling:   42 Comley Park Street, Glasgow
Robert MC MILLAN Head of Household, Age 20 Slater to trade
his wife Maggie MC MILLAN, age 21  and son William age 1 born Glasgow
This same family in 1891 living 28.Lilybank Street Govan Glasgow
Duncan McLaren b Moulin Perthshire 1839 age 52 porter in railway
Jane ........b Skelmorie Ayrshire 1839 age 52
Elizabeth b Paisley 1880 age 11
Grace b 1882 Milngavie age 9
Jane MC LAREN age 23 born Skelmorlie in Ayr
Rel:   Boarder
Occ:   Formerly Dressmaker
Lizzie MC LAREN, age 1 born Paisley   
Rel:   Boarder

If this is your family there is no trace of Duncan

Lanarkshire / Re: Duncan McLaren Grocer
« on: Saturday 06 December 14 19:21 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Rosie,
He was married to Jane McLean and they had a daughter (my Great Gran) Elizabeth Boyle McLaren in 1/1/1880 in Paisley. Thats about as far as i got :)

Do you have him in any census forms ? which should tell you what area he was in do you have a date of birth for him ...Was he married or single  :)

Lanarkshire / Re: Farmers Henry McShane & Johnn Toner
« on: Saturday 06 December 14 19:13 GMT (UK)  »
I have copies of childrens marriage certificates. I have a mix of family certificates, i still have some i need to get. As i said, i'm not too good at this, just trying to do as much as i can on my own :)

If you don't have any certificates yet how did you come up with the occupations. Census records might be the next step you need to try.

Added- see that some details have already been found for you-

Lanarkshire / Re: Farmers Henry McShane & Johnn Toner
« on: Saturday 06 December 14 18:57 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you, i'm not too great at this kind of thing. I'll add what i know so far .. Henry McShane was born in 1820 and John Toner was born in 1825. I don't have any marriage certificates as yet. I have several in my search but these two are next on my list so hopefully i'll get more info from there.

You haven't given any idea of dates. Marriage certificates, should give residence at time of marriage, census records and birth certificates of children, etc. may also confirm occupation & location.

Lanarkshire / Duncan McLaren Grocer
« on: Saturday 06 December 14 18:48 GMT (UK)  »
Duncan McLaren was my GG Grandfather. I believe he was a Grocer somewhere between 1880 and 1907. Not sure if this was in Paisley or Glasgow. I would love to know about his life as a grocer and where his shop was. Is the name familiar to anyone ? Not sure how to proceed with my search.
Thank you
Mary  ;)

Lanarkshire / Farmers Henry McShane & Johnn Toner
« on: Saturday 06 December 14 18:44 GMT (UK)  »
Both my GGG Grandfathers were farmers. I'm not sure if it would be in the Paisley/Renfrew district or Glasgow. Henry was married to Mary Coyle and John was married to Jane Sanderson. Would love to know where they were farmers. Does anyone recognise the names or have anything to add ?
Thank you
Mary  ;)

Lanarkshire / James Ferguson 1875 - 1958 (approx)
« on: Saturday 06 December 14 18:07 GMT (UK)  »
James Ferguson was my Great Grandfather. I would like to know more about him and a bit further back. His father was also James Ferguson and his mother Anne McDiarmid. They came from Govan in Glasgow i believe. My Great Grandfather was a professional organist i have been told. I would love to hear from anyone who shares the same family or anyone who can help me further.
Thank you
Mary  ;)

Scotland / Adoption and Fostering in Glasgow in the 1940s
« on: Friday 06 September 13 19:56 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,

I'm hoping someone can help with some information on this subject. I'll explain what it is i'd like to research. My Grandmother gave birth to my mother in 1943, sadly she passed away from TB aged just 27 in 1948 leaving my mother aged just 5. The identity of my Grandfather has been kept secret all these years which i cannot understand. Even if it was a serviceman, it was a scandal back then but not now. However we do believe that some family members know his identity but refuse to say. After the death of my Grandmother, my mother was taken to some form of social services in John St in Glasgow by a family friend. She took custody of her and my mother remained with this woman until her death by which time was already an adult.
We have no idea if mum was adopted or fostered. We also hoped that there may have been some information on the paperwork regarding the identity of her father. I cant even trace an old welfare place in John St in Glasgow.
Can anyone help with this in anyway possible. Any info on the welfare services in John St or who i should contact for finding information on whether my mum was fostered or adopted. Anything at all !!
Thank you in advance

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