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Messages - emmanne

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6
The Common Room / Re: Finding an obituary
« on: Thursday 20 August 15 21:31 BST (UK)  »
I don't know Warrington but since he was the Mayor I would think about contacting the Town Hall,
or local authority to find out if they have archives which may have info about former mayors.
Or if there is a local paper they also may have old records of deaths and obituaries.
Good luck, Anne

Banffshire / Re: Is there a farm or area know as Achingal near Cullen?
« on: Sunday 02 August 15 13:04 BST (UK)  »
I just googled Achingal and a place called Achingale, near Wick came up on an estate agent website.
Also on
there is an Achingale Mill
They are in the right part of the country so may be of some help.
Good Luck

Other Countries / Re: MOMBASA, Kenya - KEETON Family
« on: Saturday 18 July 15 21:09 BST (UK)  »
Can't help much on the family, sorry.
There is a Kenya National Archives and a Kenya Bureau of Statistics.
There is also a census in Kenya but maybe that is only since 1963
On major events and what life was like at the time, try googling Mombasa 1947- there are details of a national strike in Mombasa. looking at images there are old pictures of Mombasa harbour and streets

World War One / Re: Noah Bills Gateshead
« on: Saturday 25 April 15 18:03 BST (UK)  »
there is a website
if you sign on you can access Noah Bills. There is info supplied by Imperial War Museum about his rank and number both in Durham Light Infantry (twice) and Norfolk Regiment.
There is also a Medal Index card. Maybe not a lot but all the little bits of info add up
You can add info to his page and so build up his story. I did this with my great uncle and though not having the complete picture I have more info about him
Good luck, Emmanne

England / Re: Information about Nuns
« on: Sunday 08 March 15 19:15 GMT (UK)  »
This website has an article about the orphanage
In it the order of nuns is called Sisters of the Poor Child Jesus.
They are listed in
where there is a Religious Orders Directory
Good luck

Other Countries / Re: Hilda Morton d. Nairobi, Kenya +/- 1962
« on: Monday 05 January 15 08:45 GMT (UK)  »
the Kenya High Commission is in London and helps Kenya citizens with birth and death info.
I was meaning the British High Commission which is for UK citizens in Kenya and is based in Nairobi
If Hilda Morton died and was buried in Nairobi I was wondering if there would be cemetery records for expats lodged at the British High Commission.Any idea which hospital in Nairobi? or where in Kenya she lived?

Other Countries / Re: Hilda Morton d. Nairobi, Kenya +/- 1962
« on: Sunday 28 December 14 17:19 GMT (UK)  »
Just a thought but would the British High Commission in Nairobi
have any records of expat deaths or burials - or be able to say where these could
be found.

World War One / Re: WW1 Army Service Records
« on: Friday 19 December 14 10:25 GMT (UK)  »
I found my great uncle through this website and some of the info was corroborated by
Imperial War Museum. Also if the person is listed their service number is given which will help find other info

Hi ,
Have not managed to decipher the street name yet but the address is probably for a tenement block with a number of apartments up the same stairwell - called a close
in Glasgow

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