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Messages - christiek

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Northumberland / 1871 Census lookup please - The elusive David Knox
« on: Thursday 14 March 13 21:29 GMT (UK)  »

I'm looking for David Knox on the 1871 census. I've got him on all the other ones. He was born Oct 1844 in Wooler to parents James and Margaret Knox. In 1861 his address was 295 Cheviot street with his parents, I've located his parents and all of his siblings in the 1871 census but he's not there. The marriage index record for him and his wife Jane Taylor dates Jan-Feb-March 1871, so he'd be married at the time of the census and his firstborn son James Knox was born 1871. I think I've found his wife and son in the 1871 census - in Hetton Northumberland with a 3 month old James Knox, Glendale Wooler district.  ED, institution, or vessel:    11, Household schedule number:    3 ,Piece:    5192, Folio:    4 Page Number:    1 - is that how you reference it?

She's down as Jane Knox and Jane Taylor - she's listed as married but as "agricultural labourers wife"?
So, where is he? Is it plausible that he's gone from being a Blacksmiths apprentice to agricultural labourer to a Blacksmith for Bamburgh castle in 1881 and living in Bamburgh?
If he's gone somewhere, it can't have been for too long because the next child I have for them was born in 1873 in Bamburgh.

Any help you can give me would be much appreciated!

Northumberland Lookup Requests / Re: Where is the most likely burial place?
« on: Thursday 14 March 13 15:16 GMT (UK)  »
If you want me to go and have a hunt for you I can, I live in the area.


This really bothers me. I'm just a beginner in the world of family history research but sometimes I feel like slapping my head at some of the family trees that pop up under hints in Ancestry.

In one, it actually had both my parents names in it listed as deceased (my parents are very much alive and in their 40's) with 6 children! I humorously contacted the person to ask them if they knew a big family secret I didn't and where where my 3 mysterious abandoned sisters...I didn't hear anything back for a few months but they eventually came back to me and said they were sorry and deleted things off their family tree.

For me, I do look at other peoples trees because they may have had access to information I haven't come across yet. So I get really excited when I see someone else has my furthest back ancestor and has parents for them. If it's not apparent where they got their information from I send them a polite message asking them how they got back that far...only to be really frustrated when I get a "Uhhh...well I just counted back twenty years and then attached this Knox in a similar area because they have the same name as one of the kids (when the name is John)". I've got one person whose got all the kids in a generation right, but then has the father listed at different addresses in different localities all over Durham, Scotland, Berwick, Newcastle and Northumberland...without the wife or kids, with a different occupation and different named parents every 10 years. It boils me because really, it's not too hard to compare information on a census and if you have the kids names, surely you'd be looking to see where they were? And bingo - there's the father listed at the same address! It's not rocket science!

Northumberland / Re: Naming children
« on: Sunday 10 March 13 18:01 GMT (UK)  »
Oh and not on the Northumbrian side, but the Irish side I found that one of my ancestors clearly suffered from a lack of imagination. He had a marriage in 1864 and named his male children William, Robert and Thomas...then 25 years later when his first wife died, he decided to remarry a much younger wife and started naming the offspring the same names in a similar order! If it hadn't been for people's help on here and actually ordered the marriage certificates, birth certificates etc I would have been completely flummoxed. So it's not just dead childrens names that were re-used.

Northumberland / Re: Naming children
« on: Sunday 10 March 13 17:58 GMT (UK)  »
Yes, it was quite common. In my family we have a two Ewans Knox's dying in infancy with a further Joseph Ewans Knox surviving. I think if my only two children who had died had the same name I would have been loath to name the third Ewans but there you go!

Occupation Interests / Small Grocer?
« on: Friday 08 March 13 15:14 GMT (UK)  »

I know I'm probably answering my own question here but what is a small grocer? I have a female ancestor who once widowed was working as a small grocer in a small village in Northumberland. Is that someone who has a small shop or am I taking that too literally?

Occupation Interests / Blacksmiths - Northumberland area and in general
« on: Thursday 07 March 13 12:58 GMT (UK)  »

I've tried looking back a few pages but couldn't find a relevant post.

I was wondering if people could point me in the direction of interesting websites or books that would talk about the life of a Blacksmith from the 1790's onwards. The family I'm researching were Blacksmiths in the Borders and North Northumberland region for well over a 100 years. There were 4 generations of the family who worked in Bamburgh as Blacksmiths.

I'm not looking for census or birth/death information for specific people because I have that, rather background reading and maybe extra places to look for additional information

Armed Forces / Re: WW1 photo? Any info? Possible Uniform Lookup please?
« on: Thursday 07 March 13 11:14 GMT (UK)  »

Well I most definately am related to your in-law.... John Hastie who married Isabella Robertson is my gg Uncle and brother to my g Grandfather Robert Hastie. John and Isabella married on the 24/12/1897 Harpertoun, Parish of Ednam, he was 22 she was 19. The witnesses were my g grandfather Robert Hastie and a Mary Robertson (Isabella's sister?).

Your John and my Roberts' parents were William Hastie and Margaret Downie Cowe. I have quite a bit of info on the Hasties as it is my direct paternal line. They actually worked their way down from Haddingtonshire (East Lothian) into Berwickshire, then some into Northumberland and others into the Scottish Borders.

I knew the man in the photo was VERY  like my g Grandfather as soon as I saw him. My Robert, his brother definately isn't on the photo. Are there any other Hastie photos? I have one or two of Robert and his family also one of William above... my 2g grandfather with his daughter Helen (sister of John and Robert)

Small world!!!



I've just spoken to my Mother in Law and she says there are a few that are definately Hastie, we are going to hunt them out this weekend and see what we've got and then I'll let you know. We've got a few photos as well that we are unsure whether they are Hastie or not/who they are actually photos of but they were in the same packet as the other Hastie photos and some letters that Isabella Robertson wrote while she was in service, so we think they are either Hastie or Robertsons. Some are dated, quite a few were done at a studio near Kelso and I would say by the clothing that they date from Victorian to turn of the century, not that I'm an expert. There are also a few creepy looking Victorian baby ones as well.

I would be really interested in any photos you have, maybe we could do copies and exchange? I'm imagining that if you take a look at what we have, you might be able to identify one or two of the people in the photos.

I would be really interested in exchanging any information you already have on the Hasties. My MIL got very excited at the fact that a distant cousin had got in touch - she would really like to know more about her side of the family. I suspect you've already got a lot more than me though.

Armed Forces / Re: WW1 photo? Any info? Possible Uniform Lookup please?
« on: Wednesday 06 March 13 09:07 GMT (UK)  »

I have just seen this post, could the badge be the KOSB's, certainly the right area. Also what was 'Grandad Hastie's' name and do you have his parents names.  The reason I'm asking is he looks rather similiar (I think) to my g grandfather Robert Hastie who was also born in Coldstream in 1879 (Robert was in the KOSB's)


What does KOSB's stand for?

To be honest, this side of the family tree isn't the main one I'm researching at the moment so I haven't got back very far. I'm doing the family tree on behalf of my In-Laws and it's my MIL's fathers mothers side, which I've started doing pretty much because for some reason, that's who all their old family photos are of!

I've got his name as John Hastie, born 1876 in Coldstream Berwick. He married an Isabella Robertson in Ednam, Roxburghshire. I think his parents names were William and Margaret because that's what my MIL's father thought they were and doing a quick census check for the 1891 census shows me that there was a John Hastie with parents of William and Margaret living in Coldstream at the time, he had a brother Robert Hastie who was born 1880. So it is all too likely that we have ancestors in common and for all I know your G Grandfather could even be in that picture as I know from researching other family lines it seems common for two siblings to enlist together.

However, because I haven't got a birth certificate for him, I can't 100% be sure those were his parents names. It might be worth exploring this avenue though - if it turns out we have ancestors in common, I've got an entire suitcase full of really old  WW1 and earlier family portraits with unknown people in, one of them might be a relative of yours.

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