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Messages - Auntie San

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Lancashire / Re: Beardsworths of West Haughton,
« on: Friday 13 October 06 22:34 BST (UK)  »
Hi Dotty

Had a look on A2A, think I found the item you ment, so I have been in touch with Bolton Archive today, I have to write or email my request and hopefully they will be able to send me a photocopy of the shop.
Thanks for the tip, I haven't used A2A for ages I had forgotten how useful it is.

Best Wishes


Lancashire / Re: District Liverpool Industrial Schools, Kirkdale, Civil
« on: Friday 13 October 06 22:26 BST (UK)  »
Hi Jan

Have a look at this site

It gives a good write up about Kirkdale Industrial School.

Liverpool Records Office have some records that you can search, but weather they go as far back as you need, you would have to check. I found my grandfather and his brother in Kirkdale Industrial School. In the record book I found them in, it stated who had admitted them into the school, that helped a lot in my research, and also there is a coloum in the book which will tell you weather there is a parent in another workhouse.
Children must have been taught there, my grandfather was there from 1886 at least until 1891,(last known record of him being there)I know that he could read and write, because he later became a postman in the Liverpool area.

hope this help you a bit


Lancashire / Re: Beardsworths of West Haughton,
« on: Thursday 12 October 06 21:50 BST (UK)  »
Hi Dotty

Michael came from Liverpool. On his birth cert it say's Mile End Liverpool, which was of Scotland Road.
 Thanks for the tip on A2A I will go and have a look


Lancashire / Re: Beardsworths of West Haughton,
« on: Thursday 12 October 06 19:29 BST (UK)  »
Hi Dotty,

Yes, It  was the admissions and discharge books for Kirkdale Industrial School. I spent hours in Liverpool Records Office going though it. As Moore is a fairly common name, there were quiet a few, but I was lucky as Michael had a brother with him James and they seemed to go in and out of the workhouse together.

I asked the lady in the records office is there was any more info in the Library about Mr Beardworth, but she didn't give much hope. What she did help me find was that my grandfather had been admitted to the workhouse a few years earlier with a parent, as a family they may have gone to Brownlow Hill, then split up,I have yet to sort that one out. oh for some more hours to spend on family tree



Lancashire / Beardsworths of West Haughton,
« on: Wednesday 11 October 06 22:40 BST (UK)  »
Hello Everyone,

Maybe someone can help with this, my grandfather Michael Moore was in Kirkdale Industrial School in Liverpool.

I was searching though the records of the school when I came across this, in May 1890 he was taken out of the school by a
Mr J.C. Beardsworth, of 93 Church Street West Haugton, Michael was returned to the workhouse/school in the Dec of 1890, I later found out that Mr Beardworth was a hairdresser/barber, If he had taken my grandfather as an apprentice or servent would there be a record of it, and how would I find it? As Michael was only there for six months it looks like he either didn't suit or didn't like it and was taken back to the workhouse. I would love to find out. If he had been a barbar his life would have been very different, if you are a Beardsworth I would love to hear from you



Occupation Interests / Re: merchant seaman
« on: Tuesday 10 October 06 19:56 BST (UK)  »
Sorry guys, its upside down, maybe someone can change it, or I can repost it


Occupation Interests / Re: merchant seaman
« on: Tuesday 10 October 06 19:53 BST (UK)  »
Hi Cass,

Try this site

it gives some info on there, but the address is
Southampton Archive Services
southampton City Council
Civic Centre
SO14 7LY        Tel 023 8083 2251

I have (I hope) attached what I recieved form Southampton, although you man is a lot earier than mine, mine was a sea from 1914, but anything is worth a try. on the backs of the images is his name date of birth and insurance numbers.

Hope this helps a bit, I am sure the lady in Southampton will point you in the right direction.

Best of luck


Occupation Interests / Re: merchant seaman
« on: Sunday 08 October 06 23:39 BST (UK)  »

Try Southampton City Archives, they are very helpful, I did get a ticket from them with a photo which was bounus.

They charged me £5.00 for copies.

Hope this helps


Occupation Interests / Re: Death of Merchant seaman.
« on: Sunday 08 October 06 23:33 BST (UK)  »

I found my merchant seamans death  1896 in the marine death section of the St Catherines reg. so you should be able to find it on 1837 on line.
I was lucky with mine it gave the name of the ship, cause of death and the postion of the ship. A lot of info really.

hopes this helps


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