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Messages - Maiden Stone

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 ... 873
Limerick / Re: Church of Ireland And Wesleyan Etc Marriages In Limerick
« on: Sunday 06 November 22 22:50 GMT (UK)  »

Is there anywhere on Line please that have access To Church of Ireland/Wesleyan        Not Catholic Registers in Limerick    Looking for Early marriages there circa 1800-1850 
Looking for a Switzer/Clendenan/Glendennan Etc Marriage Circa 1830s/1840s   
Looked High and low for it    may also be In Co Kerry too

Earlier Clendennen & Switzer topic

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 6th November
« on: Sunday 06 November 22 22:23 GMT (UK)  »

Also I always thought the sentence was to be burned at the stake.
Hanging ,drawing and quartering was truly
Thank you, I can’t remember exactly what we were told at school but I have laboured under mis information for upward of seventy years!

Women were burned at the stake in England for treason.
Treason crimes were classified as High Treason or Petty Treason. The latter class of crime included a woman murdering her husband or a servant murdering their master or mistress.
Hanging, beheading and quartering as punishment for High Treason remained on the statute book into the 19th century. Edward Despard & associates were convicted of High Treason in 1803. Catherine Despard, Edward's wife, petitioned the king and prime minister for clemency but only the disembowelment part of the sentence was waived. The Cato Street conspirators (1820) received a sentence of hanging, decapitation and quartering but the Privy Council decided to omit quartering. 
Women and men were burned for heresy.
People convicted of witchcraft in England were hanged. Scottish witches were burned.
Another form of execution in England was death by crushing. A female relative of Robert Catesby was killed by that method. Margaret Clitherow was crushed to death in York.

The teacher of the top class at my primary school told us we ought not to celebrate Bonfire Night and explained the origin. Her remarks were in response to our plea to be let off homework. However, teachers at my convent secondary school didn't set homework for the lower school classes on November 5th. Older pupils got the usual daily 2-3 hours homework.

Ireland / Re: Who are Peter's Parents?
« on: Sunday 06 November 22 19:53 GMT (UK)  »
What is the Maiden name of Anna? Is there a marriage entry for Thoma (Thoma is a variant for Thomas) and Anna? Probably married in Dublin.

Do you mean the Anna, mother in Blanchardstown parish baptism register in your replies 54 & 57? It saves us time if you give context to your replies. I had to scroll back to find mention of somebody named Anna.
To answer your first question. Maiden surnames of mothers weren't included in the Blanchardstown register when those baptisms happened.
Have you searched for Thomas Kernan marriages to a woman named Ann or something similar? Blanchardstown marriage register began 1775. That's very early for Catholic registers in Ireland.
Blanchardstown R.C. parish is next to County Meath and very near County Kildare.
The family in Blanchardstown may be a red herring.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 6th November
« on: Sunday 06 November 22 19:34 GMT (UK)  »

It always seemed odd to me to celebrate such a barbaric act,the burning to death of someone ,O.K, he had tried to murder people and such things cannot be just allowed to happen, but a slow agonising death was needlessly barbaric.
Celebrate the fact that the plot was discovered yes, but not such a cruel
death .

Guy Fawkes + 7 co-conspirators were sentenced to death for treason. 4 were executed in St. Paul's churchyard, 4 outside Westminster Hall. The sentence for treason was to be hanged, drawn and quartered. That meant "half-hanging", cut down while still alive and disembowelled. After death, the head was cut from the body and the body was cut into 4 parts, all of which were put on public display. Fawkes avoided the grisliest part of the execution by jumping or stepping off the scaffold with the noose around his neck and dying from strangulation.
Robert Catesby, leader of the conspiracy and Thomas Percy died of injuries in a shootout with Crown forces who had been sent to arrest them. Members of Catesby's group were injured during the siege in an accident with gunpowder. (Lesson: don't attempt to dry damp gunpowder by putting it near a fire.)
Lighting of public bonfires on 5th November annually was ordered by the government. 1606 "An Act for a Public Thanksgiving to Almighty God every Year on the Fifth Day of November". Commemorations were supposed to include sermons. The law was repealed 1859.

The Gunpowder Plot worsened the situation of English Catholics who were regarded with suspicion for the rest of the century.
A traditional effigy on bonfires was the pope. Guy Fawkes was substituted in later centuries when anti-Catholic feelings had lessened. 

The Common Room / Re: Another source of information
« on: Saturday 05 November 22 20:55 GMT (UK)  »
I found the farm on Facebook. There are guinea pigs & rabbits too.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: Diary summary week ending 6th November
« on: Saturday 05 November 22 20:52 GMT (UK)  »
Perfect weather for fireworks last night & tonight. I used to have a cat who was terrified of them and one who enjoyed watching them through a window. If i still had animals the radio would be tuned to Classic FM for "Pet Classics", a selection of soothing music to calm pets.
Some of the know-it-alls pontificating about ordinary people living within their modest budgets are multi-millionaires. One suggested a solution to OAPs not being able to afford to heat their homes was that they could burn wood and books. He said that smoke control zones "and other red tape" would need to be abolished to allow them to do that.
I wonder how much pollution fireworks cause. 

How to Use RootsChat (Please don't post requests here) / Re: Stavros Biris
« on: Saturday 05 November 22 18:52 GMT (UK)  »
Welcome to RootsChat.
Using SEARCH function (on dark-brown strip above) for Biris found 2 topics, both started by Heather.
Click on the link to the first topic, read through it and add your reply.

 I checked Heather's profile. She was last on RootsChat in 2018. If she hasn't changed her email address and if she still receives notifications from RootsChat, she'll receive a message that there has been a new reply to her enquiry. 

The Common Room / Re: Another source of information
« on: Saturday 05 November 22 18:22 GMT (UK)  »
Why are the goats cosmic?
I like their pigs.

Other Countries / Re: Malay Federated States Records
« on: Saturday 05 November 22 18:06 GMT (UK)  »
Is there anything useful in "Other Countries-Resources"?
Would this enquiry be better on the Other Countries board?

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