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Messages - TetleyT

Pages: 1 [2]
Lanarkshire / Re: 16 broomielaw......
« on: Friday 27 September 19 18:34 BST (UK)  »
Superb thread, great pic's! Did the tour of Central Station last week which includes a visit to the dunnies under the station & the old street lay-out. We got down as far as the Heilanman's Umbrella, sadly not the roof! The Central covers what was the village of Grahamston of which only two buildings still exist, one being the "Grant Arms" pub.
 Book online, cost about £13.


That would be cool.  I have not been in Scotland since I was a young child and would very much like to go and explore the history there. 

What are dunnies?

Lanarkshire / Re: 16 broomielaw......
« on: Thursday 26 September 19 05:22 BST (UK)  »
It has been a while since 16 Broomielaw was discussed, but I am posting here hoping there might still be some posters around.  This turns out to be a significant address on my family tree.

I was finally able to make some progress on one family line when I found my 4th great grandfather's name was listed as Patrick on documents rather that Peter as was listed on one of his children's marriage registrations.  Patrick Clark was born between 1790-and 1800 in Ireland.  He had at least two daughters, born in the 1930's in Castlewellan, County Down, Ireland, and possibly one son.  His occupation was listed as a Gentleman's Servant.  Somewhere before 1851 he moved to Glasgow, Scotland with his wife and children, and his daughters married two brothers in Glasgow in 1855.  In 1851, Patrick Clark was listed as being a soldier and Chelsea Pensioner, but I have no information on his military service.  He was also noted as being a lodging house keeper at 16 Broomielaw, Buchanan Court.  He lived there with his wife and he remained there in that position until his death in 1873.

I thought I would Google that address to see if I could find out more of his background and this thread is what I found.

Down / Re: Elizabeth McCartney b.1813 lived in Belfast area
« on: Thursday 18 May 17 13:28 BST (UK)  »
Hi, The Ulster Historical Foundation shows a marriage of a Joseph Rea to Elizabeth McCartney in 1822 in Co. Down. To get more information you have to pay. See


Thank you.  I thought I had tried all the possible databases, but must have missed that one.  It is likely that is them.  I am thinking maybe the estimate of Elizabeth's birthdate is a little bit off.  I might have confused the calculation with that of another Elizabeth M. from Ireland at the same time period in a different branch.

Down / Elizabeth McCartney b.1813 lived in Belfast area
« on: Thursday 18 May 17 09:36 BST (UK)  »
I would like to find Elizabeth McCartney.

Her name appears on the marriage certificate of her son Joseph Rae who married Jane Clark in Glasgow in 1855.  Her spouse was also named Joseph Rae.  The marriage certificate notes that her son was born and registered in Belfast.  Likewise, her son's wife was from Northern Ireland.  She was born and registered in Castlewellan, County Down.  The marriage of the children took place in the Church of Scotland, but there seems to be some switching back and forth from Catholic to Protestant in that line of the family.  The Rae's sometimes used Rea, and the men named Joseph sometimes used William.  I do not have much about Elizabeth McCartney and Joseph Rae themselves, but I would like to be able to find more about them and possibly trace back to their parents.

Selkirkshire / Re: researching McPake.
« on: Thursday 18 May 17 04:58 BST (UK)  »
   :)I have some information to the McPake family for you.
My Great Grandfather (Charles Hunter Beattie) was married to a Mary McPake around 1859 in Selkirk, Scotland. Her father was Michael McPake b1811 Ireland. He was married to a Elizabeth Miller b1813 East Lothian, Dunbar, Scotland. His father Lawrence McPake b1780 in Scotland. I may have more on this as I search my tree. He married a Mary Conway b 1797 Scotland. They also had a daughter call Rose McPake b1823 in Ireland. She married a James Gallagher b1825 also in Ireland.
There is also a census statement as follows: The 5th Ward In The City Of Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA1860
They had a son John b1856 :)

I am researching this line.  The only reference I have found online to Mary Conway and Lawrence McPake was in your post.  Based on the other details, I am certain this is the same line I am searching.  Have you been able to go back beyond this couple at all?  I cannot seem to find any listing of them anywhere until there appear in the 1851 Scotland Census.  I am also searching for Elizabeth Miller's parents, but have had no luck so far.

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