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Messages - nnicola2

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Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Hard-to-read inquest/witness statements - 5
« on: Wednesday 10 August 22 22:59 BST (UK)  »
I was on the opposite side of the road, sitting on a ??? against the path(?)
He came across then to me and began

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Hard-to-read inquest/witness statements - 5
« on: Wednesday 10 August 22 22:56 BST (UK)  »
 ??? the pavement
He put his hand up and said

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Hard-to-read inquest/witness statements - 5
« on: Wednesday 10 August 22 22:49 BST (UK)  »
' ??? the pavement
He put his hand up and said he was going to ??? you one'

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Hard-to-read inquest/witness statements - 5
« on: Wednesday 10 August 22 22:46 BST (UK)  »
Apologies, hopefully this will work.

This is the very bottom part; maybe a summing up by the coroner?

The jury ??? ??? of John William Stanford, William Turner, Robert Mease, Henry Lathom, James Browning, James Hall, William Brown were ??? ??? ??? to before me at the time and ??? ???'

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Hard-to-read inquest/witness statements - 5
« on: Wednesday 10 August 22 20:58 BST (UK)  »
Almost there with the deciphering of witness statements! This one is from the accused, the man who pushed down my 2x great-grandfather, causing him to bang his head and fracture his skull  :o :o

Here is what I have so far:

'William Brown, sworn saith I am an agricultural labourer out of work(?), and live in (?)gate ???
I was near the G N Ry (Great Northern Railway) XXX about 3 o’clock on Thursday afternoon
Nothing to do
I had not seen Stanford before that day
He came out of the Hotel
I was on the opposite side of the road, sitting on a ??? against the path(?)
He came across then to me and began to pull his jacket off
I told him to go away as I thought he had had some drink
He then went back to the Hotel and came out again in about 10 minutes, and I was then ??? the pavement
He put his hand up and said he was going to ??? you one
I put my hand out/up to stop the blow and punched him
Backwards he fell, and I heard him hit the ground
There had not been any words between us ???
We were friends
There was no old grievances between us
There had not been any larking(?) about at the time
William Brown

The deceased man died from fracture of the skull from a fall on to the pavement, having been pushed down by William Brown by misadventure on the 27th May
The jury ??? ??? of John William Stanford, William Turner, Robert Mease, Henry Lathom, James Browning, James Hall, William Brown were ??? ??? ??? to before me at the time and ??? ???'

Wow, thank you, that's amazing!  :D

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Hard-to-read inquest/witness statements - 4
« on: Tuesday 09 August 22 19:40 BST (UK)  »
Ok, so this is a long-ish witness statement, from the doctor who was called out to my 2x great-grandfather when he was dying. As before, there's no punctuation throughout, so I've broken it up as makes sense. If anyone can help me fill in some of the gaps, it would be greatly appreciated. And just a warning, this statement is a little graphic and grisly in parts!

'Henry Lathom, sworn saith I am on the B (Board?) ??? at Peterborough
I was sent for at 7 ??? ??? to 4 St John’s Street
When I got there, I saw the deceased man
He was ??? heavily sunk(?) unconscious and had all the signs of ??? haemorrhage with the ???, which I put down to apoplexy
I told them there was practically no chance of him ??? ??? it ??? I have
Afterwards, I was told by a ??? he had heard the man had been hunted(?) down the previous day
I went again to see if there was any external mark of injury on the head, and found none(?) except(?) a slight mark on the ??? and at the ??? of the ???
I enquired further into the case
He died at midday
I have by the coroner orders(?) made(?) a post mortem examination and found a very ??? fracture of the skull from near the back of the head along the right side, 6 inches in length
The fracture ??? ??? ??? ??? blood vessel and cutting it in two
I wonder how he got home but the ??? of blood into the skull would ??? ??? ??? ??? and ultimately killing the man
He died from the ??? of the fractured skull
No other marks of a violent death
The injury I think must have been caused by the fall of the back(?) of the head against some hard substance ??? as a pavement'

Oooh, is that how they used to swear witnesses in? That makes sense, thank you!

Hello, I have some more witness statements I'm struggling to decipher! Any suggestions?

For the first one, I have 'James Hall, living with kin at ??? Road, and am a ??? maker. I was at the GN Railway station entrance about...'.
Although I'm really not sure about that 'living with kin' part :-\

And for the second image, I have '(I) saw Stanford come out of the Hotel. Brown was ??? on the ??? of the road. I saw him come over to Stanford'.

Thank you :)

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