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Messages - Simon G.

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The Lighter Side / Re: Am I really related to William the Conqueror??
« on: Sunday 23 April 17 11:57 BST (UK)  »
I can do one better, in that the Norwood surname part of my tree are rumoured to be descendants of Harold Godwinson.  I want my bloomin' throne back!!! ;D

In reality though even if it is true, proving it is going to prove to be a nightmare.  A number of medieval genealogies, even if you can connect to them, are as much about politics as they are accurate families lines - unless there are genuinely people out there who are descendants of Thor & Odin.

The Lighter Side / Re: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch
« on: Sunday 23 April 17 11:45 BST (UK)  »
I'm impressed on two fronts: that FindMyPast almost got it right, and that the person who filled in the census return managed to fit it into the little gap.  :o ;D

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Will of John Twymer of Chatham
« on: Sunday 23 April 17 11:43 BST (UK)  »
Many thanks.  I really appreciate the help & your time.  Know it's not the easiest thing to work though, and am really grateful. :)

The Lighter Side / Re: What's the oddest name you've found?
« on: Sunday 23 April 17 11:41 BST (UK)  »
I found an Octavius Flick in an old document, sounded like a Dickens character to me  8)
Sounds like it's the father of Herr Flick in 'Allo 'Allo! to me.  ;D

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Will of John Twymer of Chatham
« on: Sunday 23 April 17 11:26 BST (UK)  »
Wow.  Many thanks. :)  You are absolutely amazing. :)

If I may, could you have a go at the next section of the will please?  I must confess that medieval texts go a bit over my head - which does embarrass me a lot, considering I'm a reference librarian. :o

Glamorganshire / Re: Eirwen May Paul
« on: Sunday 23 April 17 11:15 BST (UK)  »
Speaking as the "wonderful librarian" at Pontypridd, I thank you for your praise and must say it was a pleasure to be able to help. :)  Really means a lot to see the praise.

Just thought I should clarify a point made earlier in the thread about Treorchy Library, though.  The reference department there is still open to the public and is manned several days a week and the resources for the Rhondda are still based there.  The caveat is, though, that the three reference libraries in RCT (i.e. Treorchy, Pontypridd & Aberdare) are not manned every day, so would suggest you either email or telephone to make an appointment if you want to visit when there's a reference librarian on site.

Thanks for the suggestion. :)  Have just posted about the will there.  Taken me the best part of an hour to get one sentence sorted on my own, so have to admit it's beyond my skills.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Will of John Twymer of Chatham
« on: Sunday 23 April 17 11:01 BST (UK)  »
Hi all.  Would anyone be able to help me with deciphering and/or translating the Will of John Twymer of Chatham...I thought I'd be able to manage it, but the paleography and Latin is proving to be a little beyond me.  I've attached page one of the will below.

So far I've managed to get:
In dei nominae Amen.  Anno suo (can't read this bit - guessing it's the date?).  Ego John Twymer de Chetham undo testamenta (can't read the next bit - guessing it's to do with the last will & testament, of sound mind etc)
Or in English:
In the name of God Amen.  In the year??.  I John Twymer of Chatham hence will??

There's also a longer page 2, but thought I'd get the shorter section sorted first. :)  Any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Thought I'd add that the will is from the Archdeaconry of Rochester, and the index gave it as dated 1453.

I've now got copies of the Wills I was after.  :)  Having an issue with one of them, though, in that it dates from the 15th Century, and reading & translating it is proving to be much more difficult than I thought it would be.  Could I, therefore, ask another kindness - would anyone be able too or know of someone who would be able too (even if it's a professional genealogist I'd need to pay) transcribe and translate the will for me?  Would really help a ton.

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