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Messages - Miggs191

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Carole W , sadly the Louisa Elizabeth/ Charlotte is a transcription error. Thank you for trying to help.

Louisa gives her place of birth as Covent Garden. I’ve read christening documents until I’ve fallen asleep and then looked again at them !
Also checked Wiltshire.
My Aunt was suspicious that Louisa was the illegitimate child of an Elizabeth Maslin but I don’t know how she thought that….thinking out of the box I guess.
I’ve searched Wiltshire records and did wonder about Urchfont but no other link.
Louisa Elizabeth’s husband John Perry inherited a huge amount of money,property and land in the Devizes area. On his death ,six months later, his only legitimate child Mary Sarah Sissons Perry inherited.Louisa then lives with married daughter. Y 1895 all the money,land,shares ,property had gone. There is even a letter to the solicitor saying sell the silver candlesticks as we can’t support our six boys. Her husband John Biggs Banks was an estate manager and they lived in a large Tudor house outside Newbury. They moved to Enfield( now in London) as Great grandfather John Biggs Bank’s managed to get a job as a store man in the Royal Small Arms Factory where the Enfield Rifle was made.
I have the detailed records of Louisa’s life in the lunatic asylum. It’s talks of an unpleasant woman mumbling about being rich. It’s so very hard to know that my great great grandmother was being treated like this. She had been rich and had single handed lay brought up her daughter having my great grandmother educated in French,pianoforte,a little arithmetic,dance and Geography. They had to bring red flannel petticoats to wear and a silver spoon !
I have had huge amounts of help over the years on this site for which I am so grateful.
My late Dad and Aunt called me their custodian not the owner of this work and it must be passed on to the next generation.
I know everyone thinks their own family is wonderful but I’ve been told by many I should try to write this as a book.There are so many unusual incidents that it would make a wonderful tv drama.
And I haven’t even mentioned the part of this family that went to the USA to San Francisco around 1868 ! Or another branch who were Welsh and went to Philadelphia around 1871 !
Or the fact I could never understand why great uncles all survived WW11….They lived in or near Ordnance Road Enfield Wash and so all had protected jobs as they worked making armaments. They would not be called up to fight though there were Zeppelins overhead !Had they remained in Berkshire or their parents had not lost the wealth ,they would have all been called up to the Wiltshire/ Berkshire Regiments and probably lost their lives.
Thank you for putting up with my genealogical rants but it’s all so very important to me. The choices and efforts these people made make me who I am now.

Ashton,we have been unable to make any link with James Maslin 1841 census.
Could just be coincidence as Maslin is a very common name in Wiltshire.

I wrote an explanation but it’s disappeared ! Don’t suppose you received it. Was rather long !
The Evett name appears because Louisa Elizabeth Maslins sister was “adopted” by the Events. The step father was George. I’m thinking that the Evitt wife was another Maslin but I haven’t followed that through yet.Census records shows him as a grocer. Sarah turns up later living in Devizes as a milliner with Louisa Elizabeth Maslin.
The Evitt Are connected to the Fawkes. A son,we think ! is working as or with a solicitor in Regent Street in London. They turn up in listings for Carlton buildings which was built as offices for solicitors,architects etc. The Fawkes name can be traced “a bit” but I have a feeling they are family too.

That’s amazing !
John Perry was her husband married in 1846 in Devizes.
Thank you so much it gives another clue.
I have about a hundred files on this extended family, this just might move me forward as I also know that her husbands two illegitimate daughters ,brought back to live with his wife !!!! changed their Christian names so there is a bit of history to this !
Many many thanks.

The search for Louisa Elizabeth Maslin born 1821.
Research began in 1946 by an earlier generation. We have every piece of info possible on this woman’s life mainly due to information logged at Chippenham records office in Wiltshire from a solicitor. I have details of all of her life,her inheritances,marriage,children,where she lived and the tragic workhouse/ hospital records of her death.
The one thing which is no where to be found is her birth. On her marriage cert she says her father is George Maslin.
At one point she says she was born in Covent Garden London Middlesex but over all the seventy plus years of searching we can not find her and have no knowledge of her mother.
We do know she had an Aunt Sarah who she was living with in 1835. We also know she had a sister Sarah who was adopted( an informal arrangement in those days) both Louisa and Sarah use the name Evitt and there is some link between the Events and the Fawkes family.
I have recently been looking at French records as I know that Louisa Elizabeth now Perry visited France.
I began to wonder if she might have been born and christened in France. I have found a couple of records relating to Louisa Maslin,of course written in French ! I have managed to very roughly get the gist of it from my school days but am unable to link it to “ my” Louisa Elizabeth Malin ( Evitt).
Can anyone suggest where to look please ? She gives her birth as 1821 but that may be wrong if she was pretending to be older or younger than she really was.
Thank you.

Wiltshire / Re: Wilts & Berks Canal - Lacock
« on: Thursday 21 December 23 09:53 GMT (UK)  »
I think Dad had photos taken of himself with bits of machinery possibly back in the late 90s.
I’ll have to do a search so don’t build your hopes up !
I inherited over a hundred A4 files plus lots more from my Dad and my Aunt. Their research began in 1946 when searching involved going to parishes and begging vicars to let you look at records !
I was brought up with this research so do know quiet a bit about it. But have to find the canal research !
It’s wonderful to see someone else is looking and researching. It’s the history of my family,the history of the village of Lacock and the history of the UK.
Fingers crossed I can lay my hands on it.

Wiltshire / Re: Wilts & Berks Canal - Lacock
« on: Wednesday 20 December 23 22:17 GMT (UK)  »
My BANKS ancestors of Lacock lived in the house by the Warf on the canal
I understand coal was brought from Somerset and distributed from the warf. When George Banks died his wife successfully carried on with business.
My late father researched this aspect of our Banks family in detail. I have files and files of notes that I have yet to properly read through.
Dad was known as The Historian of Lacock 😃

The Common Room / Re: Baptisms / Christening around 1820
« on: Saturday 09 December 23 16:37 GMT (UK)  »
One of the main reasons the search started back inn1946 was to find why their grandmother,my great grandmother had the name Sissons. The original researchers died aged 104 and 96 never knowing😢I found the answer a couple of years ago with the help of wonderful people on Roots Chat. It was the surname of the first husband of her Mother’s Aunt who left  Louisa her first inheritance.
The moral being if you wait long enough something will turn up as Dickens stated in Oliver Twist !

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