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Messages - Gordon Beaney

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Norfolk Lookup Requests / Re: 1861 & 1871 Look up Please
« on: Monday 08 September 08 19:39 BST (UK)  »

I just wondered if you knew what Hannahs surname was as I have quite a bit of info on the Beaney family as I am compiling a database and doing a one name study on the Beaney family?




I forgot to mentioned he was in Bermondsey in 1940 and his daughter married in 1960 in Fulham.

Many thanks


London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Missing death in the 1950's last hope
« on: Monday 08 September 08 19:12 BST (UK)  »

I am looking for the death of Herbert george Beaney sometime between 1939 and 1960.

I have trawled through every page of the death entries for this period but no luck whatsoever.

I know that Herbert had a child in 1939 and another one after this (I also cant find this birth), his daughter married in June 1960 and lists her father as deceased.

Has anyone got any suggestions as to what to do next?

Ever hopefully


The Common Room / Occupation in History
« on: Monday 01 September 08 00:08 BST (UK)  »

I am interested in working as a Historian, Genealogist or an Archivist. I am currently studying for a Degree in History at Open University and would like to get some working Experience.

I have tried applying as a Librarian but I have had no luck & have not seen any vacancies anywhere suitable.

I have been keen in History since I was a child & have been researching my Family History since 2004.  I am currently working full time as a Retail Manager which I have been doing for the last 15 years but now looking for a change of career. Can anyone give me any tips or contacts.

Thank You in advance.

Kind Regards,


Announcing the Battams DNA Project for the surnames Battams, and Variants. 

I am excited to announce that the Battams DNA Project has been established at Family Tree DNA, and it is ready for participants to join and order a test kit. 

Our goal is to have two distant direct line males test for each family tree. 

The Y DNA test tells you about your direct male line, which would be your father, his father, and back in time.  You must be male to take this test, and you should have one of the surnames shown.  If you believe there is a Battams or variant in your direct male line, although you have a different surname, you are also welcome to participate.  If you are female, please find a direct line male to participate, to represent your tree.

We encourage males who order a Y DNA test to order 37 markers, if possible.  If you order less markers, you can upgrade later, though this costs a little more.

As our project grows, we will have many exciting discoveries.

Participating is an opportunity to uncover information not provided in the paper records, which will help with your research of your family tree. We will also discover which family trees are related.  As the project progresses, the results for the various family trees will provide information about the origin and evolution of the surnames.


The goals of the project are:

* Discover information to help with our family history research

* Discover which family trees are related

* Discover information to help with brick walls

* Confirm surname variants

* Validate family history research

* Get on file a DNA sample for trees at risk of extinction of the male line

* Discover information about our distant origins


The test is a harmless genealogy test of locations on the Y chromosome, called markers, which are passed from father to son, typically unchanged.  The test result is a string of numbers, and contains no personal information. You will be an exact or close match to those men to whom you are related. By also testing a distant direct line male in your family tree, if possible, you will validate the family tree research to the common ancestor shared by both men who test. In addition, the test result will tell you about your distant origins.


Gordon Beaney

Announcing the Beaney DNA Project for the surnames Beaney, and Variants. 

I am excited to announce that the Beaney DNA Project has been established at Family Tree DNA, and it is ready for participants to join and order a test kit. 

Our goal is to have two distant direct line males test for each family tree. 

The Y DNA test tells you about your direct male line, which would be your father, his father, and back in time.  You must be male to take this test, and you should have one of the surnames shown.  If you believe there is a Beaney or variant in your direct male line, although you have a different surname, you are also welcome to participate.  If you are female, please find a direct line male to participate, to represent your tree.


We encourage males who order a Y DNA test to order 37 markers, if possible.  If you order less markers, you can upgrade later, though this costs a little more.


As our project grows, we will have many exciting discoveries.


Participating is an opportunity to uncover information not provided in the paper records, which will help with your research of your family tree. We will also discover which family trees are related.  As the project progresses, the results for the various family trees will provide information about the origin and evolution of the surnames.


The goals of the project are:

* Discover information to help with our family history research

* Discover which family trees are related

* Discover information to help with brick walls

* Confirm surname variants

* Validate family history research

* Get on file a DNA sample for trees at risk of extinction of the male line

* Discover information about our distant origins


The test is a harmless genealogy test of locations on the Y chromosome, called markers, which are passed from father to son, typically unchanged.  The test result is a string of numbers, and contains no personal information.  You will be an exact or close match to those men to whom you are related.  By also testing a distant direct line male in your family tree, if possible, you will validate the family tree research to the common ancestor shared by both men who test.  In addition, the test result will tell you about your distant origins.


Gordon Beaney

Bedfordshire Lookup Requests / Cranfield parish register lookup please
« on: Sunday 13 July 08 11:04 BST (UK)  »

I wondered if anyone would have any information on the Battams family from Cranfield in the parish records.

Any information would be most gratefully received.

Many thanks


Bedfordshire Lookup Requests / Cranfield cemetery/churchyard lookup please!
« on: Sunday 13 July 08 11:01 BST (UK)  »

I would be very grateful for any information you may have on the 'Battams' family.

Many thanks


London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / Re: City of London burials
« on: Friday 11 July 08 17:29 BST (UK)  »

Thanks very much for the information.

Much appreciated


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