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Messages - Laini

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Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: Opinion please
« on: Friday 14 February 20 16:46 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Gadget

Yes they match one another ranging from 1st to 2nd, 3rd etc cousins. The area they come from is listed under other communities as Southern Quebec French Settlers, Chateauguay Valley & St. lawrence, New York State French Settlers. Just read my ethnicity estimate again ....54% Eng, Wales NE Europe & 46% Ire & Scot.

As for the Bunn connection...I don't think so as the name died out on my branch late 19c


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Opinion please
« on: Friday 14 February 20 16:19 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All

Have I been extremely lucky and it really was that simple.....

My Mum was born in 1945. Rumour had it that the Father was a GI. No name ever given.

I have just had my DNA results back (100% British, bit disappointing but never mind) However I have an awful lot of DNA cousin matches in Upstate NY and south Quebec areas (all 2, 3 or 4th cousins) so I matched their trees and found 1 common name. Could it really be that simple and iv'e found him or could there be another explanation. I have looked the name up and he was draughted. 

What do you think?

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / ancestry dna
« on: Tuesday 12 November 19 11:54 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All

Thinking of getting an Ancestry DNA kit. Do I need an Ancestry account to access any matches, messages etc?


The Lighter Side / Re: Four Trees - Our Great Grandfathers
« on: Sunday 11 August 19 20:46 BST (UK)  »

You can imagine the fun I had even getting to the 4 g/f's. 1 unknown, 1 we're only making a guess at but are only 75% sure and the 2 remaining g/f's are both called Tom Jones, both welsh miners. Needle in a haystack springs to mind.


The Common Room / Re: W D Y T Y A? News of new series
« on: Thursday 11 July 19 12:34 BST (UK)  »
Hi All

WDYTYA Starts 22nd July with Dan Radcliffe


Armed Forces / Re: 55th regiment of foot - John Evans
« on: Tuesday 09 July 19 16:16 BST (UK)  »

My gggg/f also served in the 55th (William Bunn 1811-1885) When he first joined up he was sent to St Helena ( sounds very much like St Helier) Could it be that it's been corrupted over the years. He was then sent to the 55th. Along with various uk postings He was also sent to the Koorg war in India and the first opium war in China. Discharged from Limerick in 1841 to become permanent staff of Wrexham Militia or Denbigh Rifles.


Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Re: American grandfather?
« on: Tuesday 18 December 18 19:34 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for the info. After reading back my initial post, I now realise how stupid it sounds. I shall try the autosomal test and if it throws up a bunch of cousins from across the pond I suppose i'll get my answer.

This is the only way as we do not have a name for said GI just a rumour

Thanks Again

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / American grandfather?
« on: Monday 17 December 18 20:28 GMT (UK)  »
Could someone help me please. Having read a bunch of stuff on the internet I'm more confused than ever. My question is....If I took a Dna test to determine my ethnicity would it be able to tell me if an ancestor was from America or would it just include the ethnicity of the American?

eg. There is a family rumour that my Mothers father was an American G.I but some family members refute that.

If this is possible, what type of test would I need to take. I am female searching for Mothers Father.

I know it would not point to a specific person but as far as I am aware, I have no other rellies from the USA so it could just confirm or deny a rumour.


Denbighshire / Frog Hall Wrexham
« on: Thursday 07 September 17 19:40 BST (UK)  »

Not a family history question. More of a curious wondering really. My house backs onto an unadopted lane in Abenbury; Frog Hall Lane. Does anyone know if Frog Hall actually existed. I have found it on an old map. There was a cottage there, now extended into larger house. Was there an old hall there at some point? I can't find anything online about it.


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