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Messages - Daniels-mum

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Armed Forces / Re: Uniform Identification/Date Cameron Highlanders?
« on: Thursday 05 September 13 20:16 BST (UK)  »
Hello Garen,

Many thanks for your very interesting reply. I have found Elizabeth Wheeler on the 1891 census - she is living in a household in Hackney as a domestic servant and is listed as "married". She is aged 27 and her birth place is Balls Pond (transcribed as Bells Pond). I know she was born in Islington, and Balls Pond is an areas of Islington, so I'm pretty sure this is the right Elizabeth Wheeler as her age is correct too (and in 1911 she is back living on Balls Pond Road). The children were born in 1892 (Henrietta born in Tottenham), in 1893 (Lily born in Tottenham) and in 1894(Ellen DAISY born in Tottenham). I imagine he must have kept his "other life" as a married man a secret from the army as he had got married under his real name, hence he is "single" in 1891!

Perhaps he scrubbed the name (whatever it was) of the Afghan medal as to his fellow soldiers in the Cameron Highlanders he was William Campbell and he didn't want to reveal he'd had another identity. Or, as you say, perhaps he was never there at all!

I have looked at the service papers on FindMyPast. On the Attestation papers, "Heavy Punishment" has been written between numbers 10 and 11, these are the question asking if he has ever served before or has ever been discharged, to which he answered no. I wonder if this is what he was tried for if it did come to light that he'd been to Afghanistan. I note that one of his tattoos is a thistle in a wreath - is this associated with any particular regiment do you know?

Thanks again for all the very useful information. I will let you know what his death certificate reveals if anything. One last thing, apparently his wife's father did not approve of him as he was a soldier and for this reason they did not marry for several years. He was however apparently a lovely man and although his wife went on to remarry, she never really got over his death.

Best wishes,


Armed Forces / Re: Uniform Identification/Date Cameron Highlanders?
« on: Tuesday 03 September 13 19:30 BST (UK)  »
Hello Garen,

Many thanks for your reply. We didn't know that he was tried in 1886 - where did you find this out if you don't mind me asking?! (The information we have about his service record was supplied to us some years ago by a friend of my husband, who looked it up for us). It could have been either his name - or the fact that he had served before  or something else - unfortunately we have no idea! But his Egypt medals do have William Campbell on the rim.

We believe that he it's probably true that he was born in Enfield as his wife was from London and indeed the families of both my husband's parents were all from London. He died in London in 1899 and is buried in Abney Park Cemetery (apparently he died from blood poisoning after an operation on his ankle so my husband's mother says - we don't have the death certificate). He married Elizabeth Harris in Jan 1887 (St John's, Hackney) and his occupation is described as "soldier". On the certificate he says his father is Charles - occupation "dead". Whether this really was his father's name, I don't know. I also found the London family with father John Wheeler who was a bricklayer, and wonder if this is really his family. We have no inkling at all what his parents were actually called. My mother-in-law (his grandaughter) knew from her mother (Ellen Daisy Wheeler, his daughter) that he ran away and joined up under an assumed name after a fight with his father. Perhaps his mother ran away with him too, and became "Ann Campbell"??

I see what you're saying with regard to the Afghanistan medal - but why would he bother to pretend he'd been there if he hadn't? The rim of the medal looks like it's been erased. Now we're having second thoughts as to whether the piper on the left of the photo is actually William/Alfred after all - he certainly looks similar to the person in the solo photo, but I wonder if it is in fact the same person? We know the solo photo is definitely William/Alfred.

Well thanks for all your input Garen, it's certainly given us a lot to think about! My husband says that if you're into conspiracy theories, perhaps he didn't got to Afghanistan but said he did in order to cover up something else - time spent in prison perhaps or something else he wanted to keep a secret? However - my husband (who was in the forces himself - it runs in the blood!) says his gut feeling is that Alfred was entitled to the Afghanistan medal which is why he wore it, but that he gained it under another name when he first ran away from home as a teenager. There must be another reason why he changed his name again - perhaps his father found out about his first alias. I suppose unfortunately we'll never know.

Thanks again.


ps Have just ordered his death certificate.

Armed Forces / Re: Uniform Identification/Date Cameron Highlanders? UPDATE GOOD NEWS!
« on: Wednesday 28 August 13 16:40 BST (UK)  »
Wonderful news!

We have found William Campbell's (ie Alfred Wheeler's) medals and his cap badge! I can't tell you how happy my husband is - they were in a box in his mother's garage - I attach a photo.

We also found details of his service record:

912 Pte William Campbell, Cameron Highlanders
Enlisted at Fort George 27.06.1884
Egypt 30.08.1884 to 19.10.1885
Discharged to the Army Reserve 27.06.1891
Re-engaged for the Army Reserve 26.06.1896

Held the appointment of Drummer for 2 years - (although his photo shows him with pipes).

We just have to solve the mystery of his Afghanistan medal now - we think he must have served there under a different alias - there is no name on the rim.

Armed Forces / Re: Uniform Identification/Date Cameron Highlanders?
« on: Sunday 28 April 13 16:16 BST (UK)  »

I have now found the original Army Form D 43, Parchment Certificate of Character amongst my mother-in-laws papers. The name her grandfather used was indeed William Campbell (instead of his real name of Alfred Wheeler), his number was 912 and his regiment was the Cameron Highlanders. The Certificate is dated 26 June 1891 (Edinburgh). Across the certificate has been written in red "William Campbell re-engaged into Sec D Army Reserve on the 8.9.96".

All very interesting!

Thanks Jim. Then it's my grandad  :)

Oh sorry Carol. I don't know what it says on the back. It's actually in a frame and doesn't even belong to me - this is a photo of the photo which I took myself through the glass, managing to avoid the wooden frame!


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Help with Date of Photo Please
« on: Saturday 19 May 12 16:47 BST (UK)  »

I believe that this is a photo of my grandfather b 1905, and if so it would have been taken around the 1920s I imagine. Does this seem right to anyone in the know? I have a nagging doubt, and wonder if it might actually be his father who was born 1869.

Many thanks.


Thank you Stan and Roger - Yes, I've been told by a solicitor that Tsy Ret is treasury return, and also that the last sentence is a standard sentence. It didn't necessarily mean that he didn't know his mother - sometimes the mother would not be officially acknowledged to save the mother getting into trouble due to the stigma of having a child outside marriage.

Thanks Stan. If we're right and it does say that, I wonder if perhaps it means he was abandoned by his mother at birth. I have found him in the 1891 census living with a family as a "boarder" aged 8. I'm not quite sure why it would be on an Andrews Newspaper Index card though, or why it would have been in a paper, and where they would have got that information from.

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