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Messages - Tricia_2

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The Common Room / Re: A family story about a will
« on: Monday 11 January 21 18:55 GMT (UK)  »
Sorry, do not understand.  You have put:

'When she died, she left David Neale a bequest in her will. ....'

She must have died whilst he was still alive, but his wife was ill, so the death has to be 1869 at the latest.

Not the Coventry's.
This was what I was told but, as I said, I was relying on the memory of a woman who was in her 90s when I remember her and who had been a child at the time of the accident.

I learned about the Coventrys from this thread and their story fits - date and place and details. So, as I noted above, it could have been that there was a bequest in the will, but that David died too early to receive it, or it could have been a reward and not a bequest. Or there could be some other explanation :)

The Common Room / Re: A family story about a will
« on: Monday 11 January 21 16:16 GMT (UK)  »
Yours is a lovely family story even if you never get to the bottom of it all.
Thank you.
Yes, I am enjoying it :)

one of them bought a baby boy over the counter of his pub from a destitute alcoholic woman.
Not that surprising to me. My mother had a 'great aunt', who was, apparently, given to / taken in by the family as a little girl of two or three. She was very well spoken and well-looked after. Nobody seems to know where she came from. Those who did know were, apparently, sworn to secrecy. I have met her daughter but have never been able to find her origins. :)

The Common Room / Re: A family story about a will
« on: Monday 11 January 21 14:50 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you to all who have helped me with this.

I had never even heard of Lord and Lady Coventry so I doubt that I would ever have known their story without this thread.

I think that there are a number of possibilities, including:

David Neale did help them, and was left a bequest in Lady Coventry's Will, but never received it because he was long dead by the time of her death.

David Neale wasn't forgotten, and was offered a reward (rather than it being in the form of a bequest in Lady Coventry's Will), which may have involved a small parcel of land, which he would have had to sign for at their London solicitors. He refused this offer because he would not leave his dying wife.

David Neale did help them, but the bequest was just a story, either invented or misunderstood.

David Neale lived there at the time, so knew the story and retold it to his family, but was not personally involved.

At least I know more, now. I have read reports of the incident and seen pictures of the people involved. I'm happy with that and very grateful for the help I have received. Thanks again! :) :)

The Common Room / Re: A family story about a will
« on: Monday 11 January 21 14:37 GMT (UK)  »
Look for a newspaper report on the bequests made by Lord and Lady Coventry.
Thank you. Yes. Good idea. I'll look into that. :)

There may well have been something, though my gggf would have been long dead by then, so maybe that was why he didn't get his bequest, rather than because he was unable to leave his sick wife. It's possible.

The Common Room / Re: A family story about a will
« on: Monday 11 January 21 14:20 GMT (UK)  »
If it is anything to do with Lord and Lady Coventry, then according to they died 3 days apart in March 1930.
Yes, they must have been a devoted couple :)

The Common Room / Re: A family story about a will
« on: Monday 11 January 21 14:15 GMT (UK)  »
I think the Lady Coventry link is a good one to follow up, even though the dates don’t seem to match up with events.
Thank you. I agree. :)

I have been looking into this, further, and I cannot see how two such similar events could have happened around the same place, at the same time. This must be the story that my ggm knew. She would have been tiny when it happened, and both of her parents had died by the time reached her teens, so it is a case of relying on memories of what she heard, or was told, when she was a child.

Was her father involved? I was told that he was. That's all I can say. He lived in the right place at the right time and was a carter at some stage, but described as ag lab at other times. I have no doubt that any minions, who happened to be about, would have been expected to help - and a cart may have been useful. What I heard was that my ggm was quite certain that the injured woman told him: "I shan't forget you, David Neale."

He would not have needed to go to London for the reading of a will, and this couple didn't die until 1930, anyway. If there was a reward, then the alternatives are that, it was either bequeathed by someone else, who happened to be involved, or that it was not given as part of a will, but as a gift of gratitude from the living.

Alternatively, it may have been an offer that was totally unconnected to the story, but confused in the mind of a child. (However, one wonders how many landed people my gggf might have deserved a reward from.)

If the Coventrys did wish to reward David Neale, and they were very rich with lots of land, then they may have owned a small parcel, somewhere, that they didn't particularly need or want, and which may have been offered to my gggf. Then, he might well have had to go to London to sign for an exchange of Title.

Lots to think about :)
Thanks again for your input :)

The Common Room / Re: A family story about a will
« on: Monday 11 January 21 00:39 GMT (UK)  »
There is a newspaper account of an accident in April 1873 concerning Lord and Lady Coventry who were riding round Bredon Hill and Ashton under Hill. ...
Hi :)
My family would have known about this incident, whether or not David Neale was involved. I would love to know more. Could you tell me, please, which publication this was in? Was it available online? Thank you very much :)

EDIT: I have now found an article on this accident in the 12th April 1873 edition of the  Bromsgrove & Droitwich Messenger :)

The Common Room / Re: A family story about a will
« on: Monday 11 January 21 00:32 GMT (UK)  »
The more I think about it, the more that story of Lord & Lady Coventry sounds too similar to be coincidental. It could be that David Neale helped by offering the use of his cart to convety Lady Coventry to safety. I don't know. But he would certainly have known the story. Even though Lady Coventry's death was not at the right time, I think I'll look into this further. Thank you :)

The Common Room / Re: A family story about a will
« on: Monday 11 January 21 00:00 GMT (UK)  »
Can you post the census links for 1871 and 1881 for the family please.
Here they are :)

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