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Messages - genjen

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The Stay Safe Board / Symptoms Question
« on: Thursday 26 March 20 14:14 GMT (UK)  »

I am one of those weird people who has completely lost all sense of taste and smell but, apart from being very tired for a day or two, have had no other symptoms.
My GP has advised me to treat this as if I have C19 and to isolate myself, which I have been doing anyway because of my chronic cough and asthma.
But, being a very mild case, if I do indeed have it, there is no testing available so I might never know.
I do know that a fairly high percentage of those who have been tested have also had this anosmia and hypogeusia and that it is being taken seriously by medical scientists but I don't know anyone else who has had it so am asking here if anyone has experienced this. If you have, how long did it last - has it fully recovered?
A large element of me remains sceptical about it being C-19 related but another part hopes that it is, so that I can say, in a week or two, that I am safe to do my own shopping etc and won't infect anyone else.

For what it's worth, it is quite horrible and while not even remotely comparable with the more serious symptoms, it is having quite an impact on my life.


Jen :)

The Stay Safe Board / Re: State of Emergency Covid-19 (Part 6 - Lockdown)
« on: Wednesday 25 March 20 22:12 GMT (UK)  »
I'm not old enough to have been born during WW2 or experienced what was happening during and after but I do admire the stoicism of those generation. I think we have a lot to learn in those terms - not to take things for granted, not to be so wasteful, and to look out for others.

People keep comparing this to the second world war and invoking the war time spirit. The huge difference is that during the war, people could go and cry on a neighbour's shoulder, they could help out where needed by friends and family and they could call out for help for themselves. It wasn't like now. At no time in our history have we all been isolated from each other. Yes, the villagers of Eyam did isolate themselves during the plague years but even then, they were in it together within the village boundaries.

We are a social species and it is totally unnatural for us to be so cut off from everything we know. I think that having the occasional meltdown, or wobbly moment is one of the things which makes us human. Thank god for the internet, social media and places like this where we can at least stay in touch with people to some extent.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: State of Emergency Covid-19 (Part 6 - Lockdown)
« on: Tuesday 24 March 20 17:36 GMT (UK)  »

I had my meltdown a couple of days ago. Shouting, yelling, crying, panic attack, the whole works. Not helped by a daughter working in the Care Sector, low risk but worrying non the less.
Sleepless night and then got up to blue sky and bird song.
Then I began to think, my mother had 5 years of war, 3 small children, proper rationing, husband somewhere in France, bombing, and I thought if she could survive all that I can sure as heck get through the next few months. One day at a time. :D

You are right - we will, most of us, get through it. But I also believe that we will all have meltdown days, or times when we really feel we can't cope. My answer to that, last night, was to turn off the news and all social media and to go to bed early with a good book!
We have to accept the different ways in which people will cope and that the mental health of the world is also at stake here. I'm glad you feel better today. :)

The Stay Safe Board / Re: State of Emergency Covid-19 (Part 6 - Lockdown)
« on: Tuesday 24 March 20 13:32 GMT (UK)  »
Why do people make such rubbish up about a serious illness?

There's a post circulating on the internet claiming that you can self-diagnose by holding your breath for ten seconds. If you can do this, you're safe.  What utter nonsense.
The same post says that drinking hot drinks every 15 minutes can also kill the virus. Equally nonsensical.

Why don't people fact check before spreading dangerous nonsense like this?

I saw this, plus something advising against eating ice cream! ??? ???

The Stay Safe Board / Re: State of Emergency Covid-19 (Part 5)
« on: Monday 23 March 20 18:20 GMT (UK)  »
Fair do's - BUT he travelled hundreds of miles  :-X

Two of my closest friends had to travel through Spain and France in order to get home last week. They are self-isolating in their village, though it is entirely possible for them to get on to the fells without going near a living soul. They will wear gloves in the event of having to open gates, or climb stiles.

The symptoms which I described a day or two ago are now being treated seriously by the NHS. I am having a phone consultation with a GP tomorrow. I still have precisely no sense of taste or smell!

The Stay Safe Board / Re: State of Emergency Covid-19 (Part 5)
« on: Sunday 22 March 20 19:44 GMT (UK)  »

Over-sensitive? Not at all.
From what you say, your husband is clearly high risk. Might he be on the list that will be circulated soon?
I would say - if you can get someone to do the shopping etc, do so. If not - leave your husband at home while you go out to do the essential jobs, and then have a good wash when you get home. It wouldn't be much fun for him to sit in the car park. Self isolate as much as possible.

I agree. There will be someone in your area who can help with shopping - loads of support groups cropping up. The important thing is to take care of your husband and of yourself. Not over-reacting at all.

The Stay Safe Board / Re: State of Emergency Covid-19 (Part 5)
« on: Sunday 22 March 20 19:24 GMT (UK)  »
I have many friends who make their living in the world of folk music. Those who are full time musicians and singers are really struggling now and will do for many months. Lots of festivals have been cancelled - my partner and I have both lost bookings, though we don't rely on them financially ( we'd have starved long ago if we did). But the online community is great and keeping spirits raised at the moment. I am missing my trio singing something shocking!  :(

No need to miss your singing friends join together for a jam session on skype.

It is happening! And we are looking at Zoom for learning new material together. It will be weird though, singing to a screen!

The Stay Safe Board / Re: State of Emergency Covid-19 (Part 5)
« on: Sunday 22 March 20 19:09 GMT (UK)  »
I have many friends who make their living in the world of folk music. Those who are full time musicians and singers are really struggling now and will do for many months. Lots of festivals have been cancelled - my partner and I have both lost bookings, though we don't rely on them financially ( we'd have starved long ago if we did). But the online community is great and keeping spirits raised at the moment. I am missing my trio singing something shocking!  :(

The Stay Safe Board / Re: State of Emergency Covid-19 (Part 5)
« on: Sunday 22 March 20 18:56 GMT (UK)  »

Inundated with messages from friends and relatives saying I’ve seen this on Facebook, misinformation on Facebook is fuelling the problem


It is an interesting thing that there are so many epidemiology "experts" on Facebook, isn't it!! ;D ;D ;D

Having said that, I think that any social media site can be used to beneficial effect. I am currently sharing photographs with one group of friends and watching several others performing their gigs in isolation. If it helps with our mental health, then I say long live FB! :)

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