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Messages - davidgodalming

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Glamorganshire / Re: trethomas parish registers
« on: Saturday 17 August 13 08:59 BST (UK)  »
Just a thought but should you be looking on the Bedwas or possibly Machen parish register?

The Common Room / Re: Wedding and baptism records
« on: Friday 16 August 13 19:03 BST (UK)  »
Hi Llinos, I think "your" James Jonathan and "my" James Jonathan are one and the same person in which case we're related. I looked at the Carmarthen Journal for 28 October 1864 and the description of the trial is there in the records held by Carms. County Council. However as to why he stole the sheep other than the obvious reason of making a profit there's no explanation. He wasn't represented by a solicitor in court.

Are you on Genes Reunited?

The Common Room / Re: Wedding and baptism records
« on: Tuesday 13 August 13 18:27 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Trish. My great great uncle James was a very naughty boy. He got 5 years in prison for sheep stealing. I read an account of his trial at the archives in Carmarthen.

The Common Room / Re: Wedding and baptism records
« on: Tuesday 13 August 13 15:07 BST (UK)  »
Thanks to you all for the rapid response. My ancestor is a Joseph Jonathan born about 1786 in the village of Llansawel in Carmarthenshire, at least that's what he reckoned in the 1841 census. The surname Jonathan whilst not common is nevertheless one which crops up a lot in south west Wales so maybe an extended family. I cannot find a record of him marrying Anne but some of their children were baptised although not all it would seem. Looking at census records there's a Timothy Jonathan in the same village born the same time so maybe twin brothers. I just don't know.

The Common Room / Wedding and baptism records
« on: Tuesday 13 August 13 14:35 BST (UK)  »
Please excuse my ignorance but I have an entry in the 1841 census for an ancestor who thought he was born about 1786. However I cannot find any record of his baptism.  Did many people simply not bother to have baptisms? That may explain why I cannot find a record. It just isn't there. Any comments gratefully received.

Carmarthenshire / Re: Llansawel James Jonathan
« on: Monday 10 June 13 09:52 BST (UK)  »
Thank you so much  for the rapid response to Rhosgoch and JJen. This is exactly the information I needed. Obviously I got my years wrong. 1864 and not 1868. Do either of you know where the felons register is kept so I can see for myself? I'm visiting Llansawel in the next month to have a look at the area for myself.
I James James Jonathan  was transferred to Leicester prison and I visited the archives held in Leicester. They have some very detailed prison records but unfortunately not for the time I wanted.

Carmarthenshire / Llansawel James Jonathan
« on: Sunday 09 June 13 20:03 BST (UK)  »
A few years ago about 2008 a very kind person let me have a note on a James Jonathan ( the surname was Jonathan ) who was imprisoned for sheep stealing in 1868. Unfortunately I've lost or accidentally deleted the message.  Can anyone point me in the right directions for court records? thanks. David Morris Godalming Surrey.

Montgomeryshire / Morris family Kerry
« on: Monday 23 April 12 16:24 BST (UK)  »
Apologies if this message gets in twice. Is anyone researching the name Morris in the early 19th century in Kerry?

Pembrokeshire / Re: Benjamin Rees
« on: Thursday 22 March 12 14:09 GMT (UK)  »

Just to correct a slight error. Ben wasn't the shoemaker. He was a labourer. It's his son John who was the shoemaker.

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