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Messages - Temic

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The Lighter Side / Re: Roman Census - how far would you have to go?
« on: Tuesday 27 April 10 07:07 BST (UK)  »
In Roman times, you were required to return to your birthplace for the Census. How far would you have to go?

Would it be very pedantic to point out that this was not the case?? A Roman census was like any other census - it was interested in who was where at the time of the census, in the present; not in who was born at a given place x-number of years ago.

This of course does mean that the New Testament story is wrong :o

Btw, (in the spirit of the original question) a couple of odd quirks of fate mean that I've got at least a 7,500 mile journey back to where I was born...

The Common Room / Re: status of groom on marriage certificate
« on: Tuesday 27 April 10 05:45 BST (UK)  »
I've at least to cases on birth certificates where people claim to be married that aren't (and give appropriately "false" names) - so being a widower rather than bachelor is comparatively minor  ;)

The Common Room / Re: Horse power - Time over distance!
« on: Tuesday 27 April 10 04:55 BST (UK)  »
I don’t see why you think travelling 70 odd miles is a mystery.  This could be done in less than 10 days, even with small children.  People crossed the entire continent of North America, much of it on foot before the wagon roots were established.

I'd guess that the frontier mentality, lifestyle, even landscape, would be quite a bit different to East Anglia, to be fair.

But the travel itself isn't a "mystery" - I'm merely interested in exactly how it would have been done, and whether it was reasonable to expect it to be done by a wife of an ag lab by herself two-three times within two years, as appears to have been the case. It's simply not something I've come across before.

Any mystery involves the two places concerned - this could only have been a purposeful journey as people simply did not migrate to, or go back and forth between, Butley to Burnham. I've no idea as to the original purpose, though and I doubt I'll ever know.

Hi, I would really appreciate it if someone could verify two Butley baptisms that the online IGI claims to have taken place on 2 Nov 1851 (a triple: James, Elizabeth, and Mary Ann Clowe) and 15 Aug 1852 (John Samuel Clowe).

In particular, I'd be interested in any other information provided with the 1852 baptism - such as an indication that the father was deceased, or what his occupation was if he was still alive, etc.

The Common Room / Re: Horse power - Time over distance!
« on: Tuesday 27 April 10 03:56 BST (UK)  »
Well, that's what I was thinking... which just makes it a bigger mystery  :-\

The Common Room / Re: Horse power - Time over distance!
« on: Monday 26 April 10 17:33 BST (UK)  »
My ancestor travelled 70-odd miles from one out of the way place, in Suffolk (Butley), to another, in Essex (Burnham-on-Crouch). This'd be 1851/52. There are no trains, because the train had a few more years before it got to Woodbridge, and thirty years before it got to Burnham. She must have travelled at least once with two or three small children: and I say at least once, because it seems that she made the trip more than once, before finally settling in Burnham. Without, it has to be said, her husband.

So did people routinely travel on stagecoaches as if they were buses today? Presumably they wouldn't serve farming hamlets. So how would one do that? What sort of price would that have been or (more importantly) would it have been affordable for an ag lab's housewife?

The only other thing I can think of is the sea: did the working classes hop onto coasters and go up and down the East Anglian coast? Would coasters go to Woodbridge and/or Orford? (I'm fairly certain they'd have called in at Burnham). Still leaves a bit of a trek to Butley/Capel St. Andrew, though.

Frankly, there are more questions than questions of transport to the whole story. But any further hints/knowledge of the era's public transport situation would be much appreciated!

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