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Messages - Rachatfalcon

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The Lighter Side / Re: Psychic Genealogy
« on: Sunday 03 March 24 18:40 GMT (UK)  »
Reading this thread has made me smile!

Where would I start if I wanted to ask for help? I have a specific problem that I am unable to solve (don't we all lol...) and that is of my pesky ancestors (they really were pesky, I'm not exaggerating!) evading my search!

On 2nd January 1861, my GG Grandad was born Alfred Cresswell SELWYN, in Hawley/Blackwater, Hampshire. His parents were Alfred John SELWYN and Emily SELWYN nee RAWLINS.

3 months later in April, they are nowhere on the 1861 census.

The following year, 20th September 1862, his sister was born Isabella Mary SELWYN, in Hoxton Middlesex (address 4 Haberdashers Place) to parents Alfred SELWYN and Emily SELWYN nee RAWLINGS.

The address from Isabella's birth was occupied by another family in the 1861 census so they must have arrived there between the census in April 1861 and September 1862.

I just want to know what happened, where were they and what made them move. They had 2 children between January 1861 and September 1862, and moved a considerable distance.

What sort of Psychic Genealogy options might there be for me to explore?

Thank you,

Wiltshire / Ramsbury, c 1790
« on: Wednesday 12 October 11 00:01 BST (UK)  »
Hi folks

Can anyone tell me about Ramsbury between about 1795 and 1803 - particularly with regard to military matters. I have an ancestor born there, Charles Washington, b 1797. Although his mother was from Ramsbury, his older brother was born in Buckinghamshire, so I can't really tell what the family were doing in Ramsbury.  His father, George Washington, b 1775, was in the army (although I have no details  :'( ) so I wondered if that would have been the reason they were there?

Thanks in advance if anyone knows anything or can point me in a useful direction...


Denbighshire / Re: St Asaph, 1881, 91 and 01... where are my rellies??
« on: Thursday 29 September 11 17:06 BST (UK)  »
Hi Gnu and Paul!

Thanks for your efforts, very much appreciated...

The 1891 Hugh may well be mine, I can't say for sure, but it seems quite likely.

Paul - you are a genius, that is definitely the family. Ducks Pool is the address on some of the census entries too, which gives a nice consistent-ness (I typed consistency there but it sounded too much like a biscuit recipe!)

I would be really grateful for the further baptisms.  They might help me tie up all the info and spot a clue in the 1881 census for Thomas.

It also ties the Elizabeth death down as being the right one, which is great because I hate working on big suppositions like that. I don't mind occasionally assuming someone is an ag lab instead of a sheep herder, but assuming someone is dead without proof is more risky lol.

Hurrah!!!! Excited now!


Denbighshire / Re: St Asaph, 1881, 91 and 01... where are my rellies??
« on: Thursday 29 September 11 09:54 BST (UK)  »
Hi there,

Thanks so much for looking at this for me.

I think you're probably right about Elizabeth - but I just didn't think she'd have been dead by then. I don't know why, its happened in other branches of my tree etc, and I know it wasn't uncommon back then to die at an earlier age, it just surprised me for some reason.

The 1881 census with Thomas' mother Mary, brother William and son Samuel is definitely correct. So I guess Thomas and Elizabeth's other children were all 'out at work' by then but Samuel was with his grandmother.

Wonder where Thomas is on the census then, I can't see him but then its an extremely common name and when you don't have a companion to look for as well, it really is a needle in a haystack.

I don't have any of the certificates, I'd love to order them but the tree is so big and we just can't afford it. Hopefully one day!

Thanks so much again,
Rachel and Garry

Denbighshire / St Asaph, 1881, 91 and 01... where are my rellies??
« on: Thursday 29 September 11 04:40 BST (UK)  »
hi there,

Wonder if some kind soul might be able to help me; I'm trying to do my hubby's family tree with him but I've reached a brickwall.

I'm looking for Thomas VAUGHAN and Elizabeth HUGHES, married in 1861. I have them in the 1871 census, living in St Asaph Denbighshire Wales, where they were both born, lived, etc. Here are the details:

Thomas Vaughan, b 1841 Head.
Elizabeth Vaughan, b 1840 Wife.
William Vaughan, b 1859 Son.
Mary Vaughan, b 1864 Daughter.
Samuel Vaughan, b 1866 Son.
Hugh Thomas Vaughan, b 1871 Son.

(c/o TNA census ref RG10 5669 69 11)

...and then they vanish.

I can't understand where they go. Can anyone see something I'm missing?

Hubby's direct ancestor is the youngest child on the above census, Hugh Thomas Vaughan. He gets married in 1892 - still in St Asaph - and then has children there from 1897 to 1906. Hugh and his family appear in St Asaph on the census in 1911.

It seems unexpected that the parents (Thomas and Elizabeth) would have just moved out of the area completely, but I can't find either of them on 1881/91/01/11 census. They may have died, but that also seems odd because they were both quite young to have died before 1881. I can't see quarter where a Thomas Vaughan and an Elizabeth Vaughan died (I wondered if there had been an accident or something).

I have looked through the possible deaths in St Asaph, and there are quite a few it could be. For Thomas the earliest feasible is 1904 - so where was he on the 3 census of 1881, 1891 and 1901??

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!  Please help, I would be so grateful!

Many thanks
Rachel and Garry

Suffolk Lookup Requests / Re: Bildeston, baptism look up please :-)
« on: Monday 07 June 10 21:10 BST (UK)  »
Hi all,

Thank you so much for your efforts and posts, I really appreciate you taking the time to look. Sorry I haven't posted until now - my internet connection has been down ALL day - it was awful! It made me realise how dependent I am on the www and wonder how I ever lived without it!!

All of the options sound plausible, but I can't pinpoint any one as 'ooooh thats the one' - but hopefully as I continue my research, something will turn up that helps me narrow it down to a particular family.

Thank you again, I will post an update if I can find out more.

Rachel x

Suffolk Lookup Requests / Bildeston, baptism look up please :-)
« on: Sunday 06 June 10 20:53 BST (UK)  »

I wonder if anyone can help me (this might be a tricky request, I can't tell yet! Apologies if it is!)

I have an ancestor, John Cresswell, and he appears on the 1821, 1831 and 1841 census of Marylebone in Middlesex. His year of birth is approximately 1791 but obviously this could be out by a few years. The ages of the children are, however, accurate.

The problem is that he was born out of county - and because he had died by the 1851 census when they actually noted the place of birth, 'out of county' could be anywhere in the country :-(  I can't find any clues from the neighbours or his family, so at the moment I am at a dead end with this line.

However, based on a few little findings about other family members, a friend has suggested that he might have been born in Bildeston Suffolk. (I can elaborate if anyone wants me to, but I didn't want to go in to more detail than necessary and clog up my request.)

Could anyone search for me at all, for John Cresswell, born 1791-ish in Bildeston, Suffolk.

Thank you in advance

Rachel x

Thank you to all the restorers - the results are incredible, I am amazed it can even be done!

China - thank you for confirming my findings about the studio, what a stroke of luck having such a short window for the time frame!

Rachel x

Roy, that is incredible thank you SO much. It brings a whole new level to it yet without changing the feel of the photo at all; really really nicely done thank you.

Rachel x

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