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Messages - Guidingspirit

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The Common Room / The Old Wesleyan Chapel Elkins Hill Brixham
« on: Tuesday 23 January 18 10:35 GMT (UK)  »
I wonder if anyone can shed some light on the church with the spire which was built on Elkins Hill Brixham sometime in the 1800's please? This imposing building can be seen in many old photographs of the time but there is absolutely no mention of it anywhere except in some property adverts which says "missing". Apparently this chapel was never consecrated which begs the question why? Who went to the trouble of building this imposing church only for it to be used as a store/workshop by Mr Bubeer in the early 1900's after which it was presumably demolished to make way for new buildings. The church spire was used by the fishermen coming in from sea as a landmark but there is absolutely no mention anywhere - it's as though it never existed. There is a feeling that something dark happened there which is interesting because my family history documents one of my ancestors as coming face to face with the devil on Sheepy Lane Hill (St. Peters Hill) which is just below this site in the 1800's with the most appalling stench. There has to be something somewhere.

Carlow / Re: Tomney/Walsh/Tallon
« on: Saturday 23 March 13 13:37 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you Shane - I am fairly sure that they were Catholic.

Carlow / Tomney/Walsh/Tallon
« on: Friday 22 March 13 18:55 GMT (UK)  »
I am trying to pin my ancestors down to a parish and have found a John Tomney/John Walsh/Anastasia Walsh and John Tallon in the Griffiths valuation for Carlow. Coincidence? John Tomney married Mary Walsh daughter of John Walsh and Anastasia Walsh (nee Tallon). John Walsh was a farmer.

Cornwall / Re: Benjamin Trethewy EDDY 1824-1866
« on: Sunday 18 November 12 09:18 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Alan,
Yes it was a long time ago and it could have been that you were at the same school as David but just don't remember. I can't remember everyone I was at school with - just a few that were especially significant.
Regards, Jean.

Moderator Comment: Please send personal details via our pm system to avoid having them taken for identity theft etc.

Cornwall / Re: Benjamin Trethewy EDDY 1824-1866
« on: Saturday 17 November 12 20:51 GMT (UK)  »
Hello again Alan,
The article about my great grandmother Elizabeth Eddy was actually written by Edward James whose mother was Annie Yolland and I printed it as it was given to me by Edwards sister Nancy so I can't vouch for it's accuracy. I imagine that was how they remembered things. Did you by any chance go to school with a David James then or is that wrong? I too never bothered too much with family history when I was younger but since embarking on it I have found it amazing and it has certainly brought all my ancestors to life so to speak.
I am glad that you have been able to access my family history on Ancestry and hope that you have managed to piece together some of your family history from it.
Speak to you soon,

Cornwall / Re: Benjamin Trethewy EDDY 1824-1866
« on: Saturday 17 November 12 16:00 GMT (UK)  »
Ooooops! Getzy - just realized that you won't be able to PM me as you have only done 1 post and you need to do 3 so let me know if you are happy to continue on here or if you need me to send you my e-mail address.

Cornwall / Re: Benjamin Trethewy EDDY 1824-1866
« on: Saturday 17 November 12 15:56 GMT (UK)  »
That is really exciting - Benjamin's life is so interesting but also so very tragic. Hope you have been able to read my accounts on Ancestry as they really bring the family to life. Would you be able to let me know which of his children you are related to as I would be really interested to know how you fit in to the scheme of things - you can private message me if you would rather. I too was brought up in Brixham and still live here - it's a wonderful place with such a rich history. It is through Benjamin's mother Charity Trethewy that we can trace our family back to the crowned heads of Europe - have you got that far yet? Please let me know if I can help with anything,
Kindest regards, Jean

FH Documents and Artefacts / Re: 1901 Book of Common Prayer and Hymns
« on: Friday 17 August 12 22:41 BST (UK)  »
Hi Amanda, No I didn't get any further with finding out the origins of the prayer book but my great grandfather was Yeoman of the Queens Body Guard at the time of Queen Victoria's funeral (for which this prayer book was commissioned) so I am still of the opinion that this particular prayer book was given to the Royal Household. Have you researched your family tree and if so are there any connections to the Royal Household at the time of Queen Victoria? Also I am wondering wether there is any inscription in yours as there is in mine. Curiously though the inscription in mine is not my great grandfathers but a name I do not recognize so am thinking that maybe friends exchanged prayer books. Good luck with your search but in any case it is a beautiful book to have in your possession. Kindest regards, Jean.

Cornwall / Re: Benjamin Trethewy EDDY 1824-1866
« on: Friday 10 February 12 18:31 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Nikki 67 I think I have solved the PM dilemma - apparently you have got to have made 3 postings on rootschat before you can use the PM system and as you have only made the one posting that is the reason I can't contact you. If you want you can make a couple of postings on here about what info you have and then we will be able to get in touch via the PM. Hope that is helpful - best I can do :( Kindest regards, Jean

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