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Messages - millerhistory

Pages: [1]
World War Two / Re: "The Great Escape" Stalag Luft Survivors
« on: Sunday 25 July 10 21:31 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for the tips and references to look up.

I now realise that I also have the "Wooden Horse" escape to look at.

World War Two / "The Great Escape" Stalag Luft Survivors
« on: Wednesday 21 July 10 21:20 BST (UK)  »
I'm looking for information about the WW2 POW survivors of the Great Escape, specifically if any returned to live in Kent outside Canterbury.

I have been told from a local resident that a one legged survivior lived in my house after the war, this came to light when I was researching the history of my house.

Thank you for finding the links

Next Help from Toronto Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society

The Pape Av is a possibility, but as you say neither of the Fredericks' dates fit.

Wikepedia says about the Pape Av. area "Historically, the entire area was known as "Todmorden" ... named by John Eastwood, an early settler in the early 19th century, who believed that the landscape was reminiscent of Todmorden in Yorkshire, England."

Spookily I was born in Todmorden Yorkshire which is a few miles from my family home area in Lancashire where Fred and Annie Rothwell lived. Perhaps they chose to settle there because of the name reminded them of home and there were other Lancashire/Yorkshire people there!

I'm amazed by these coincidences or connections?

Many thanks Lisa


Ok Many thanks



Even better, for my first day at serious research. I got some help from the library with access to Ancestry but the computers there were so slow that I have waited until now when I have more time.

I just signed up to RootsChat athis morning and have a trial subscription to Ancestry although not got into that yet.

Where are you getting the passenger data from is it Ancestry or another provider?




This is great, I've double checked my source, a hand drawn fasmily tree sketch I jotted down from my Grandmother (over 45 years ago) and yes it notes Fred was married to Anny Cagill.

It also shows a note added by my Uncle on a trip over from Australia (over 30 years ago) that adds Fred's Sister Doris born 1884 died Canada no family. So I wonder if an unmarried Doris Rothwell went to join her brother Fred and sister in  law Annie in  Canada?

Would your passenger data have anything for Doris Rothwell?




Many thanks, my home town is Waterfoot so that is her. Would that mean her trip was alone without husband Fred? perhaps her parents were ill. I don't have here unmarried family and parents name so should look that up.
How might I follow up your Woodbine Avenue lead? census, voters, births, deaths to find out more about their lives in Toronto?

Thank you


Canadian help wanted to find out more about my Gt. Uncle Fred Rothwell aged 24 and Gt. Aunt Annie Rothwell aged 26 in 1912 when the emigrated to Toronto from Newchurch Lancashire England They left Liverpool on 15th March 1912 aboard the “Victorian” destined for Halifax and Toronto.

I know they visited England in 1915 and returned to Toronto in May 1915 but nothing after that.

I have a few postcards they sent to my Grandmother from Toronto. They may have settled there and had family? or moved on, he was a Butcher by trade.

I’d love to find out more and would greatly appreciate any help on how to go about this.

Many thanks

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