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Messages - fleurjenny

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Hi Jen,

thanks for the encouragement. Must admit when I saw your first message I didn't really look at the rest of the site....I was too excited. Hopefully will have a bit more time soon so I can check out some of the other posts and see if I can be of any help to anyone. I'm not a twitterer (if thats the correct term or a face booker or anything else for that matter) hence my lack of expertise. My apologies if I am making any major etiquette gaffs. They would certainly not be intended.

thanks again   smiley face (can't work out how to add it yet!)

second try

hi Jen and Hi Peonie

many thanks for the replies and apologies for delay in getting back. Am a complete novice and struggling to work out how to answer. Too good to be true....... will just have to wait a bit longer for Christmas as I think you are both Hommels must be from the Hessen nassau Oberwester waldkreis place ( makes English place names a doddle to pronounce!). I'm hoping the info you gave me Jen may be a good lead so once again thank  you so much.   If there's anything I can help with in return I'm more than willing...but probably not very efficient. It's great having people to help who know what they are doing....



Hi Jen,
Have just found this site and your above message. It feels like it might be Christmas!!!!!
 I have a great great grandmother called Sophia Hommel ( sometimes Sophie, sometimes Hominel). She married in the German Lutheran church in Alie Street in London on 18th March 1860. I have the microfiche of marriages in the church which details her as being 27 of Oberrossbach, daughter of Christian, a shoemaker , deceased.
She marries Johann Christof Bohle ( son of Jost Heinrich Bohle a farmer) aged 24 from Zwergen.

Also on the same fiche is Blondina Hommel aged 26 in 1855 who marries  Conrad Fehring (son of Heinrich)  from Zwergen on 18.02.1855. She is from Nieder Rossbach, daughter of  Christian, farmer deceased.

I would be over the moon if you have any information you could share with me.  No idea how = whether it is done through this site or through individual email. I will look on the roots europe site in hope

Kind regards

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