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Messages - miltownmal

Pages: [1]
Clare / Re: Town called Berthree???
« on: Monday 02 August 10 18:59 BST (UK)  »
hi im from a town called miltown malbay.i have emigrated to ny long time positive its not a town in co.clare that im sure of .its actually a townland which are impossible to identify.borders ect .am sure the name is gaelic and that time people wrote in ink not ball point pens. in english it would be barr traw.its just a mile outside  of a town called lahinch right on the west coast of co.clare and beside the athlantic ocean..there were several names like you mentioned and probaly still there.i understand the writing is hard to make out in those days but have no doubt its gaelic..yor best bet bet is to make a trip and chat with the locals for more information.a friend of mine in dublin has written several genealogy books of the area and find em can email him at (*) and tell him gerald tarsnane put yoy on to him.if you can be emailed i would gladly like to hear from you and be of more help...........

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