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Messages - colin123

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Channel Islands Lookup Requests / Re: NORBURY and GRAYHAM/GRAHAM families of Jersey
« on: Friday 20 October 23 20:31 BST (UK)  »
Hi Mary

I haven't found anything about John Norbury senior's parentage or actual birthplace, except that I think it was in the Manchester area. Charlotte was, I think, from the South of England, I haven't seen any baptismal registers for Jersey in the 18th century as yet, so she might have been an islander as I can't think of any other reason why she would be in Jersey in 1811, aged about 25/26.

We are actually 4th cousins, as John Henry is our common ancestor. My connection is through his eldest daughter, Ellen (1838-1903), who moved from Southampton, where she was working in the 1861 census, to London where she married George Heselgrave in 1862. George was from Lincolnshire and was living in Southampton with his family at the time of the census and probably met Ellen there. John Henry's wife, Rebecca Tabitha BESSANT, our 3rd great-grandmother, was born in 1816 at Paultons, where her father Henry was a shepherd on the Paultons estate, but unfortunately for him, he was transported to Australia in 1835 for sheep stealing, I don't know if you knew of this little fact ! If I find out more about the Norbury's and the apparent Manchester connection, I'll keep you posted. Colin

Channel Islands Lookup Requests / Re: NORBURY and GRAYHAM/GRAHAM families of Jersey
« on: Wednesday 18 October 23 20:36 BST (UK)  »
Hi Mary

Thanks for your message, it seems that we are 5th cousins, as I am also a 4th great grandchild of John and Charlotte Norbury !  I am related via their eldest son John (1812-1885), who was born in St Helier in May 1812 and lived nearly all his life in the New Forest area of Hampshire. Are you descended via him, or another of John and Charlotte's children ? John and Charlotte were married on 6th August 1811 in St Helier and had 2 children born in Jersey, John and Thomas (b.1813). They then moved to the mainland and had Charlotte (1814-1814) in Southampton, then moved to the Isle of Wight, where the next child, Francis (1815-1873) was born. About 1816, they moved north to Sheffield and appear to have left John in Hampshire, possibly with maternal grandparents, but I have not established this as yet.
Further children were born in Sheffield, Caroline (1817-1893) and George (1820-1875), before they made their final move to Chorlton upon Medlock and Ardwick in Manchester. The later children were born in Manchester, namely Charlotte (b. 1823) and Edward (1828-1898). Charlotte Norbury sadly died giving birth to Edward, as he was born on 7th March 1828 and she was buried on 16th March 1828, aged 42. John died in 1841 and was buried on 31st January 1841, at that time he was living in Ardwick. Interestingly, he remarried Elizabeth Wilde in Manchester Cathedral on 4th July 1833 and had 4 further children with her, William (b.1833), Joseph (b.1834), Thomas (b. 1836) and James (b.1837).
John was a Stonemason, which may well explain his movements around the country and Norbury is a popular surname in the Manchester area, which is where i think he came from. John was aged 57 at his death, but I've not been able to find any likely entry for him around 1783/4 in Manchester so far. As for Charlotte, I don't know where she originated from, but I think it's likely to have been in the South. John, the eldest son, was baptised twice in Jersey, I think he was perhaps a sickly baby and so was baptised straight after birth and then rebaptised when he got better. This may well explain why he didn't travel north, maybe John and Charlotte didn't think he was strong enough. I think he proved them wrong by becoming a farm bailiff and living to the age of 73 !
I hope this has filled in a few gaps and look forward to hearing from you.



Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Sheen burials at Stoke Golding
« on: Sunday 07 July 19 21:20 BST (UK)  »
Dear George,

Hope you had a good day, even if you couldn't find any Sheen's buried at SG !! I had hoped that perhaps William and Hannah might have had a headstone, as he did leave a will when he died in 1813, but as we all know, headstones did cost a lot and weren't available to most families. Thanks for letting me know of your searches, hopefully you'll have success with other families, I'll let you know if I find any other Sheen references or discoveries in the future.



Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Sheen burials at Stoke Golding
« on: Sunday 30 June 19 22:22 BST (UK)  »
Hi George

Many thanks for the info on the Sheens. I'm related to Elizabeth Sheen, who was Thomas's elder sister and my 4 x great grandmother. I had noticed Thomas and Francis and their misdemeanours through typing their names on the Newspaper Archive, there was another cousin, William (b.1832) who also fell foul of the law in the 1860's/70's with various petty crimes, such as stealing fish ! The criminal records database on Ancestry I believe has this information. I haven't got back further than Joseph and Eleanor, who as you say, married at Stoke Golding in 1693, but there's always a chance that I'll find them one day!

Good luck with your visit to SG, hopefully you'll find something !



Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Sheen burials at Stoke Golding
« on: Saturday 29 June 19 23:35 BST (UK)  »
Hi George

Many thanks for your message, hopefully you can find William and Hannah Sheen's grave at Stoke Golding !  Let us know if you're successful.

Best Wishes


The Common Room / Re: Here's one for you
« on: Friday 10 November 17 22:28 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Pejic

Thanks very much for your reply, looks like another generation found !! 

Regards, Colin 123

The Common Room / Re: Here's one for you
« on: Thursday 09 November 17 22:32 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Jane, I'm also related to John Patching through his daughter Agnes, who married John Awood at Nuthurst in 1563. Incredibly, when he was brought to his trial in December 1549, the person escorting him was the Constable of the Tower, Sir John Gage, who was also a direct ancestor !! I haven't been able to trace back before John, but it's a rare find to have an ancestor who was hung, drawn and quartered !!  Regards, Colin 123

Hi All

I have been trying to find the burial record of my 2 x gt-grandfather, Stephen SHARPE, who died at Earl Road, South Bermondsey in 1892. The local cemeteries, i.e. Camberwell Old and Nunhead, don't have any record, but a recent search on Deceased online showed that he was buried at Manor Park cemetery on 5th July 1892, along with an unmarried son Robert in 1890. I haven't checked the actual burial register, but wonder why they would have been buried so far from home, and in common graves, as apparently there were 16 other interments in Stephen's grave !

Does anyone have any ideas, bearing in mind Stephen's family were working class and wouldn't have had much money for burials. Did Manor Park offer cheaper deals ?



London & Middlesex Lookup Requests / Re: Workhouse Records
« on: Thursday 30 April 15 19:29 BST (UK)  »
Hi Bookbox

Many thanks for your reply, certainly it would be worth my while to check these records as there may well be a mention of them there.



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