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Messages - drykid

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Ahh thanks, Longton might be another place for me to follow up then since it's more recent :)

That's great again, I suppose thinking about it that the death was quite possibly at a hospital so may not therefore be particularly local.  And if so then it's not inconsistent with the possibility of him still living in Yardley up till then as it's a suburb of Birmingham anyway.

Will see what exists on Facebook for Yardley :)

That's great, thanks both for the information, it's a lot more than I expected!  :)

Re: the 1911 census, which is probably most useful to me since it would be the last recorded location of the ones listed so far, what's the significance of it listing the place as Walmley but the "original" place as Yardley?  The two are only a few miles apart but it would be useful to narrow it down a bit further if I can decide which of the two is more meaningful.

Sorry if this is in the wrong section, but it's a bit of a strange one... I picked up recently a bunch of old paintings in an auction, one of which was an old tapestry of the Last Supper; there's a handwritten label on the back that reads:

"Done by Phoebe Grainger aged 15, born 1853 died 1916, m. [married I assume] Joseph Martin (1849-1935), begat 8 children... this picture MUST stay with Martin descendant" (NB the "MUST" is their capitals not mine.)

I don't have any use for the tapestry and it would have next-to-no value as an antique so I thought it might be a nice idea to try to pass it on to a descendant as stipulated in the note.  Of course there may not be any still living and even if there are they may not have any interest in it, but it feels like it's worth a try.  Now I realise tracing living people is not allowed by RootsChat so I just want to make it clear that that's *not* the purpose of this post.  My plan is to use a local Facebook group for the relevant area (if there even is one) to see if I can find any relatives that way.  But to do that I would need some kind of locality information for either of these two people and I have none at all currently.  (The picture was bought in Herefordshire, but I don't know if that's any meaningful clue to where this family lived.  Possibly not...)

Any help appreciated!  I realise it's a long shot with such limited info, and I imagine "Joseph Martin" would be a very common name back then.


A fairly large number of legal documents related to deaths in the Redditch area from the turn of the last century have recently come into my possession.  There are around two hundred of them in total. The dates covered run from 1880 to 1924 and the areas covered are mainly as follows:

- Redditch
- Webheath
- Alvechurch
- Beoley
- Astwood Bank
- Studley (Warwickshire technically, I know)
- Feckenham
- Headless Cross

(And a few others.)

About half of them are Probates of the Will (with the original wills attached) and the rest are just Letters of  Administration.  It's quite possible that these are all available from archives anyway - freely or otherwise - but as I have these all in one place (before they're disposed of) it seems only fair to see if anyone needs any information from these while they're all still together.

Anyway let me know if there's any deaths from these areas in this date range that you're interested in and I can have a look to see if I have anything.  (Alternatively I could attach a spreadsheet of what is covered, but not sure if that is the appropriate thing to do...)

Gloucestershire / Messrs William & Cornelius Allen, Administrators of Daniel Allen
« on: Friday 21 August 20 14:28 BST (UK)  »
Not a request for help really (so apologies if this is in the wrong section), but just sharing something I came across recently - in a job lot of old paintings -  in case it's of use to anyone here.  Basically it's a framed legal document to cover the settling of accounts for the deceased Daniel Allen, with the proceeds split between twelve descendants.  The document seems undated, which is a bit surprising to me for a legal document, but anyway the penny lilac stamps used should date it to the period 1881 - 1901.

I'm posting it in the Gloucestershire section as it makes mention of a Tewkesbury bank account for Daniel, although the solicitor named is from Evesham.  So it's possible that it could be Worcestershire-related instead.

I doubt it contains anything of great importance genealogy- wise, but there's a nice amount of detail on it so it might be of interest to someone researching this particular family.

Worcestershire / Re: Help needed identifying family in photos
« on: Tuesday 15 October 19 09:47 BST (UK)  »
Thanks very much everyone for your help :)  We've got the identity nailed I'm sure, at least for Merna.  I think maybe contacting the church / crematorium is indeed the way forwards so will look into this.

Worcestershire / Re: Help needed identifying family in photos
« on: Tuesday 15 October 19 09:37 BST (UK)  »
This is from an address on the ER's for Merna

do any of your photos have any similar views?

Thanks for this, but all the photos I have are indoor posed ones.  Most likely taken in a photographer's studio, going by the appearance of them.  But I'm pretty sure about the identity now anyway, at least for Merna.

Worcestershire / Re: Help needed identifying family in photos
« on: Monday 14 October 19 17:56 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for the info; sad to hear of the recent deceased date; I believe that the auction company I bought the photos from does a sideline in house clearances so this is all tending to back up that particular identity.

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