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Messages - no5

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Lancashire / Re: Oldham Rd Newton Heath
« on: Sunday 03 September 17 21:00 BST (UK)  »
Hi Sorry for late reply but thank you Chris for info. Hope I am not going to bore you with this as you may know it already. Alice Crookes married James Fozzard  in 1892 in Prestwich and lived at 137 Oldham Road ,James was a bricklayer, by 1911 James had passed away and Alice and here three Children Joseph age 17 Insurance Clerk Herbert 14 at School and Leslie 8 at School and a Margaret Galock  House Servant were living in the Swan Inn 15a Oldham Road and her Occupation listed as Beer Retailer. In 1917 she Married my Great Uncle George Howland Chair maker Alice passed away in 1933 and is at rest in St Philips Park Manchester. When George passed on he was living at Alanner House Hale Barns in 1956 but in the obituary column it added late of Oldham Road and Ancoats. The cortege left 4 Argyle St Droysden for interment at Southern Cemetery. Have not found  did they live in the Swan Inn till Alice passed away and George moved on ending in Hale Barns. Hope this was of interest no5       

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: football photo
« on: Monday 30 September 13 20:57 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for your reply Niksmum but it was my cousin in the u.s.a who sent me an e-mail with it as an attachment. All he said was his relative's lived in Manchester in 1925-1935 and it was found in a box at an aunties house, in the u.s.a , but thank you for your help.
N0 5   

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / football photo
« on: Thursday 26 September 13 20:01 BST (UK)  »
Not sure if this is in the right area , I have been sent a copy of a football club in the Manchester area from 1930-31 and can not work out the writing on the cup and shields.
I know two men in suits are called Higgings ,would like to know if it was a pub or works team etc.
There is no name on the back as to who took the photo.
Many thanks in advance
N0 5

Lancashire / Re: Strangeways prison Manchester
« on: Friday 22 February 13 19:54 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you for your help it look like I may not be able to prove that he was mine if the 1900s records have been destroyed,will carry on looking
Thank you again

Lancashire / Strangeways prison Manchester
« on: Friday 22 February 13 13:42 GMT (UK)  »
I wonder if anyone knows if the Prison Records for inmates still exist for 1900-1910 as am tracing a family member and not sure if it is him who is inside.
If they are ,would it show Fathers name,last address etc.
Many thanks in advance

World War One / Re: Finding a battalion Lancashire Fusiliers
« on: Sunday 23 September 12 21:41 BST (UK)  »
Hi Incan1
 I only had my Grandfathers service number for the Lancashire Fusiliers ,so I contacted the Fusiliers Museum in Bury Lancashire not sure if am allowed to put full address on site Passed on his service number and for a modest fee,they sent back which unit he was in ,where he joined,served ,wounded and discharged from the Army.also enclosed was his Battalion movement and actions they took part in.
Hope this is of use to you

Warwickshire / Re: BARRS family in Warwickshire
« on: Saturday 21 July 12 21:31 BST (UK)  »
Hi just found this on the Barrs not sure if its the same family but in my tree I have the following
Aug 1903 Frank Ward married Agness Maria Barr in Birmingham,later Frank dies and his brother George marries Agness in 1910 at Holy Trinity Warwick.
September1905 Charlotte Ward (sister of Frank and George) married Thomas Augustine Barr (brother of Agness)at St Peters Birmingham

Warwickshire / Re: More Warwickshire records
« on: Saturday 21 July 12 21:15 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for the info Jim1 and I was hoping it was a school for him to learn a trade.I wonder if getting him baptised at the age of 15 was a way to bring him back on the straight and narrow.
I found he married in 1910 so hope he stayed on the path.
Thank you again

Warwickshire / Re: More Warwickshire records
« on: Thursday 19 July 12 20:23 BST (UK)  »
I have found one of mine on the records in the Parish of Filongley and abode is the Indusial School.
He was aged 15 and my questions are what was the Industial School , have all the Family living in Aston am  not well up on Birmingham area so is Filongley in the Aston area.
Thank you for any help.

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