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Messages - BCmax

Pages: [1]
Warwickshire Lookup Requests / Birmingham library marriage lookup Walker/Bond
« on: Saturday 13 August 11 17:31 BST (UK)  »
Hi I'm looking for information on a Edward WALKER - Rachel BOND marriage.

I believe  listed Apr-May-June 1873; King's N.; vol 6c; pg 701

many thanks


Family History Beginners Board / Re: Gibralter head banger
« on: Monday 28 February 11 15:36 GMT (UK)  »
Great idea.
I  was searching for a Thomas Cooper born 1778 in Gibraltar (the Rock) but I will  now search Lincolnshire for connections. I see some Thomas Cooper references there so here's hoping.

thanks for the redirection :)


Channel Islands Lookup Requests / Thomas Cooper born Gibraltar 1779
« on: Saturday 12 February 11 19:54 GMT (UK)  »
hello, I am just beginning my research on Thomas Cooper.

my grandmother's note indicate he was born in Gibraltar 1779.
educated in Ireland, birthplace of his father (no mention of mother)
married Ann Althomas (maybe Altimas) perhaps from Wexford

Ann's gravestone indicates she was native of Ross, died Mar 17 1880
in her 79th year

looking for birth and parent information of both Ann & Thomas


Unwanted Birth, Marriage, Death Certs T to Z / Re: Walker 1877 Birmingham
« on: Thursday 10 February 11 04:34 GMT (UK)  »
Great! I will followup soon


Unwanted Birth, Marriage, Death Certs T to Z / Re: Walker 1877 Birmingham
« on: Thursday 03 February 11 04:06 GMT (UK)  »
I have a birth Cert for a Frederick George Walker son of Edward and Rachel Walker ( maiden name Bond) born September 1877

Thought it was my paternal grandfather but no such luck

hello, it has been a while since you posted this but I think this Frederick George Walker might be my paternal grandfather.

He had a brother -Victor Emmanuel Walker.
The 1881 census of the Walker (Bond) household includes a Victor.
The census also lists him as a scholar at 3 yrs. The Middlemore organization listed their boys and girls as scholars. My grandfather was sent to Canada through Middlemore.

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