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Messages - nannabee48

Pages: [1] 2 3
Angus (Forfarshire) / Drumsey Gardens - Dundee orphanage
« on: Thursday 25 August 11 09:47 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone know of the existence, at least until 1959, of an institution by the above name? It was an orphanage or home for otherwise homeless children. It was probably in the Lochee area.

Australia / Re: Anne Marie SCHWENZFEIER(akaSWINTON)
« on: Sunday 13 February 11 02:03 GMT (UK)  »
Sorry. That was supposed to say 'married a James OLIVER'.

Australia / Re: Anne Marie SCHWENZFEIER(akaSWINTON)
« on: Sunday 13 February 11 02:02 GMT (UK)  »
In reply to Kris, sorry, I got a new computer last night and I'm still sorting things out, hence this delayed message. My now deceased  father did a lot of research trying to find out what had happened to Anne Marie. Unfortunately, as he also did a runner from his family when I was young, I never had the chance to discuss this with him and, as yet, I haven't seen his notes. I hope to get a copy of them very soon. So far I've been relying largely on what my aged stepmother tells me on the phone from London, where he took up residence in the 60s. It's a bit frustrating.
I know that he believed that Anne Marie's sister married a James . He probably got this information directly from his own mother who, along with her sister, was taken by their father  to work in the pub after Anne Marie left.
Why the Heseltine name? I don't know but I tend to think that Essie is right. Clara would have been very young when her mother died. The Heseltines were  comparatively wealthy.
I had already seen the Police Gazette entry. Shame she didn't get to hand her jewellery on (to distant relations!)
Thanks again.

Australia / Re: Anne Marie SCHWENZFEIER(akaSWINTON)
« on: Sunday 13 February 11 01:43 GMT (UK)  »
Yes. I tend to think that's about the story. The marriages of all the other Heseltine offspring were announced with the parents' names included. Not so for Clara's.
Thanks for your input.

Australia / Re: Anne Marie SCHWENZFEIER(akaSWINTON)
« on: Saturday 12 February 11 09:13 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Kris,
Thanks once again. I'd say you are spot on and I'm so pleased to be able to lay Otto to rest. I really had put him into the' too hard basket' because I was so obsessed about Anne Marie. Your explanation is the obvious one. I did find Coralbignie - pretty remote!! But I couldn't find Thurpa. Glad you've come up with an alternative.
There was actually another Otto Schwenzfier (note spelling variation) living in Perth by 1907. Way too young to be the original Otto. Unfortunately, he produced only daughters but I'm going to put my mind to trying to find the current generations and make a few phone calls. Perhaps I'll start by contacting 'The West Australian' and posting a message on their 'Can We Help You' page.
I'm pretty sure Clara took on another name (Heseltine) under which she was married (to a James Oliver)and died without issue, so I can happily put her away too.
I'm pretty resigned to wondering about Anne Marie for the rest of my days.
Thanks again,

Australia / Re: HOFFMANN connection
« on: Friday 11 February 11 12:17 GMT (UK)  »
No Kris. She's the mother of my father!! And she came to W.A. and had 5 sons and no daughters. Give up and have a glass of wine - or a cup of tea. There is another mystery in the births but I'm not even going to mention that now. I'll leave that for another day.

Australia / Re: HOFFMANN connection
« on: Friday 11 February 11 10:09 GMT (UK)  »
Kris, I've been through and followed up on every Trove notice I thought even vaguely possible. I'm pretty close to giving up. She/they have eluded detection from more experienced genealogists than I. It just annoys me to be defeated.

Australia / Re: HOFFMANN connection
« on: Friday 11 February 11 09:40 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Janet. They would all be related. I haven't got to concentrating too much on the TURLEY string yet - but none of that has anything to do with my absconding great-grannie, unfortunately.
Thanks, anyway.

Australia / Re: HOFFMANN connection
« on: Friday 11 February 11 08:53 GMT (UK)  »
So many times I've said 'Oh darn' or something like that! I really think that my only chance of solving this mystery is if someone on the HOFFMANN side of things, by some miracle, has heard a family story about the dreadul woman who left her husband and children to run off with a younger, wealthy man whose family owned a vineyard. Who could blame her??!!!

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