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Messages - gemmanoon

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Glamorganshire Lookup Requests / Re: Capel-y-ton Calvinistic chapel lookup
« on: Thursday 16 May 24 17:16 BST (UK)  »
Yes, I've got an absolute pile of contemporary newspaper reports from both Canada and the States, but due to spelling issues, name confusion, etc, the lists aren't fully accurate. To this day there are quite a few "unknown Welshmen" on the list of the dead, and I'm yet to track down Alfred "Jack" Dawe's origins.

The local Welsh papers you pointed me to confirm that Thomas Rice Locke and Charles Rice are actually the same men and that George Williams and William Williams were both alternative names for Gwilym Williams, which helps to start cleaning up my lists. The wives and children aren't normally named in the reports either, unfortunately, so I'm happy when I can confirm them.

Glamorganshire Lookup Requests / Re: Capel-y-ton Calvinistic chapel lookup
« on: Wednesday 15 May 24 20:42 BST (UK)  »
These are fantastic, thank you - especially as it confirms names of other miners who were at Frank as well. It's helping me fill in some of the blanks which is much appreciated!

Glamorganshire Lookup Requests / Capel-y-ton Calvinistic chapel lookup
« on: Friday 10 May 24 22:12 BST (UK)  »
Hi all, bit of a strange request but can someone let me know if there is still an inscription at Capel-y-ton Calvinistic chapel for Thomas R Locke, who died 29 April 1903, and if it confirms his place of death as Frank, Alberta, Canada? And if so, is the Williams family or anyone else included in the inscription? I'd be extremely grateful to learn any additional information about the inscription at all.


Inverness / Re: Help locating Old Drynoch and Ellanraich on Skye
« on: Tuesday 22 February 22 19:07 GMT (UK)  »
I have no opinions on which of the buildings at Drynoch, either now or on the 1st edition 6-inch, is or was the original Drynoch House.

It's not unlikely that the ruins were cleared and a new house built at some point, but whether that was in the 19th, 20th or 21st centuries I cannot say.

Thanks, It probably doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, I just get obsessed over details.

Inverness / Re: Help locating Old Drynoch and Ellanraich on Skye
« on: Tuesday 22 February 22 19:00 GMT (UK)  »

Are you assuming that Drynoch Lodge is the same place as "Old Dynoch"? Here is a 19th century description (OCR unedited so some errors) from Scotland's Places:
Drynoch Lodge

A very neat and commodious house used as a shooting lodge it built of stone two storeys in height slated & in first class repair & situate adjacent to the county road about 5½ miles from Sligachan Inn & 1 mile from the head of Loch Harpot. McLeod of McLeod propr. [proprietor]

At this stage, I have no idea. I have a description from Mary Fry Macleod written long after the fact, where she refers to "Old Drynoch" and describes a location that lines up with the location of Drynoch Lodge. Separately in the History of the Macleods, Mackenzie says that Tormod Mor Macleod moved to Glenelg at some point around 1800, and that "the old house at Drynoch was allowed to fall into decay." It could have been anywhere in the area, to be fair, because I'm assuming Mary meant the old house, when she might have meant the village. What is now Gesto House was called Drynoch when her father lived there, and they named their Ontario estates Drynoch as well.

Inverness / Re: Help locating Old Drynoch and Ellanraich on Skye
« on: Tuesday 22 February 22 18:41 GMT (UK)  »
Hmmm, curiouser and curiouser. The property on the maps seems to be the same place that's now a holiday cottage, but this was a shepherd's cottage and doesn't seem to have fallen to ruin the way "History of THe Macleods" describes, however I've double checked and Mary Macleod says "Old Drynoch", no mention of ruins or disrepair. I think this is probably the right location, now to find out when the standing house dates to...

Honestly, this was supposed to be a minor path to research but I'm committed now, lol!

Inverness / Re: Help locating Old Drynoch and Ellanraich on Skye
« on: Tuesday 22 February 22 15:23 GMT (UK)  »
Forfarian, you are an absolute superstar, thank you. Much appreciated! It looks like any ruins of Old Drynoch house are gone now, but with luck they might be on old survey maps.

Thanks again!

Inverness / Help locating Old Drynoch and Ellanraich on Skye
« on: Tuesday 22 February 22 06:11 GMT (UK)  »
Hey all, hoping a local can help me out here!

I'm trying to locate where Old Drynoch house/manor stood in in the 16/1700s. It was the home of the Macleods of Drynoch from Donald Glas Macleod through to Norman Macleod, 4th of Drynoch, who moved his family to the newly built Ellanraich - more on that place next.  I know the family moved back to a farm called Drynoch a couple of generations later, which is generally presumed to be the ruins of Gesto House in Bracadale. The diaries of one of the last Macleods of this line to live at the house recalls walking to look at the ruins of "Old Drynoch" in the 1840ish period, described as being located at "the cullin hills about ten miles south at the head of a long bay," but it was written some 50+ years later after a lifetime in another country. Can anyone help me locate it, or let me know if there is anything still visible on this spot?

Right, Ellanraich - it was in the Glenelg area and the family at the time were buried in the local church, but I dont' have any other leads in locating it. Macleod of Macleod sold off the Glenelg estates in the early 1800s I believe, but that's the only reference I can find. If anyone can point my in the right direction, it is MUCH appreciated!

Montgomeryshire Lookup Requests / Re: Article check volume 4 of Cronicl (1982)
« on: Wednesday 14 July 21 22:16 BST (UK)  »
A book on Welsh surnames.

Thanks for that information, I think my best bet is going to be to reach out to the authors.

Thanks for that additional info, I hadn't actually thought to look at the later Savages as my direct line to them ends in the late 17th century, but you've given me an idea about an alternative path to try. The Savages, according to their wills, owned land in Bodaioch from at least 1653, and the Woosnams were big fish in that area for quite some time I believe, so maybe if I go through the Woosnam's records I might find a reference to it. It's on the edge of the Park estates as well I believe, so another look over the University College holdings might be in order, as well as looking into the Herbert's papers, and possibly the Vaughns.

Thanks so much! Even if I don't find the article I'm looking for, I've got a few more places to hunt through for information now, so your help is very much appreciated!

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