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Messages - flemmo

Pages: [1] 2
Limerick / Re: Fitzgibbon/Liston/Fleming/Bennett
« on: Thursday 29 January 09 09:30 GMT (UK)  »
My people Flemings came to Australia from Limerick (Abington/Murroe) six sons of Phillip and Hannah (Coghlan) Fleming. Tenannt farmers to Mathew Barrington at Glenstall. Born 1800, married about 1830 sons Timothy, Martin, Patrick, James, Cornelius, Thomas all came to Parramatta in Sydney, arriving from 1856 to 1863. May have been more siblings remained in Murroe.
I am visiting Limerick in May/June this year, Hope to identify their land and maybe find some related Feighlimids.
So we could be cousins.
Does any of this ring a bell.

Limerick / Re: Fleming Family
« on: Sunday 13 April 08 08:07 BST (UK)  »
Christopher and Jack,
My ancestors were RC. Can you tell me Jack is Cappamorrow the same place as Cappamore? If so our people came from the same area. My wife and i are planning a visit to Ireland, especially Limerick, mid 2009 (our two kids will be over there too).
Can't wait.

Limerick / Re: Fleming/Murroe
« on: Wednesday 22 February 06 10:47 GMT (UK)  »
When you go, let me know. I didn't realise Sharon was a a local. i thought she was an Aussie too. But if you can't be an Aussie, next best is an Irish lass from Limerick.
Her photos make me want to be there too.
The kids are a bit young just yet but one day soon.
Cheers and thanks so much. Stay in touch.

Limerick / Re: Fleming/Murroe
« on: Monday 20 February 06 06:19 GMT (UK)  »
Yes thanks. I read Connorsgen... last year. The tithe lists were very exciting. I think uncle freddie looks like one of my brothers!!
Linda is in SA, I think you are VIc, I am sunny NSW.
One day we will meet for a party.

Limerick / Re: Fleming/Murroe
« on: Sunday 19 February 06 09:53 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks so much. I love your work. I've been telling my family all about you.
The Boarmanshill photos remind me of an area in the foothills of our Snowy Mountains where i spent much of my youth.
I've been talking to Ljda too. I think we are all related.
Keep in touch.

Limerick / Re: Fleming/Murroe
« on: Monday 06 February 06 08:11 GMT (UK)  »
These photos are very moving to me. Thankyou. Please send more when you can. You might even find a grave around the cottages.

Limerick / Re: Fleming/Murroe
« on: Monday 30 January 06 00:19 GMT (UK)  »
Sharon, Linda,
If you look at Griffiths 1851 valuations of land there are several ancestors in the district-
Mary, James, Michael, Philip (my direct ancestor) . Most of them farmed around Oweneybeg (Abington), Rath, Boarmanshill.
Dromsallagh is just up the road and I'm almost sure the three current locals are related.
Let me know if you find any more info.
I'm guessing some are buried around Murroe.

Limerick / Re: Fleming/Murroe
« on: Saturday 28 January 06 08:26 GMT (UK)  »
 I too have ancestors from Murroe.Philip Fleming married Hannah Coghlan around 1830 and had many kids. Six sons came to Parramatta including James, Patrick, Martin, Timothy, Cornelius and Thomas.
They were tenant farmers with Sir Mathew Barringtom at Murroe and had quite a bit of country.
I can send you the family history I did afew years ago or call at Parramatta Heritage library in Church St and there are copies there.
Let me know if it rings any bells.
I have tried to find burials etc but no luck.
There are three Flemings remaining in the area including Caroline , Jamea and Seamus around Dromsallagh. I wrote to them last year but no reply as yet.
Cheers. I'm excited to hear from you.
Paul Fleming (Flemmo)

Limerick / Re: Info Sought Fleming, Coghlan, McGrath
« on: Friday 29 April 05 00:09 BST (UK)  »
Dear Jack 49,
Thanks for your response. A Mary Fleming leased a cottage and garden from my great great grandfather Philip Fleming at boarmanshill near Cappamore in the 1851 Griffiths Valuation schedule.You can find this on site.
There were only eight Fleming families in the Murroe/Cappamore area so I suspect we are related.
On the Ryan side Ellen Ryan was Edmund Ryans daughter from Tipperary, just next door. She married my great grandfather Patrick Fleming in Parramatta Australia in 1873 and they had five boys and a girl.
The limerick library search team tells me there are no Flemings in the area now but I don't know where they went.Sounds like some went to the USA.
I want to search records at Murroe and Cappamore RC church for further details.
Names of other family men include- Daniel, James, Michael, John, Edmund, Thomas and William.

Please stay in touch.
Cheers and regards.

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