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Messages - Chrissie246

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Wales / Re: Evan JENKINS. b.ab. 1882-3
« on: Friday 09 January 15 06:46 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Peter,
Many thanks for your prompt reply.  I believe I have heard the name Squires mentioned by my cousin Dawn, Hilda's daughter, who lives in Brisbane and I keep in contact with her.  We attended her 80th Birthday last September.

Regarding Edythe's research.  Yes she did a great job, put a lot of work into it and it was kind of her to pass it on.  But unless it is verified with documents, it may not always be correct.  Also many of the stories she tells were, on occasions, in her imagination and embellished somewhat.  It used to make Aunty Hilda quite cranky.

I am not sure what you mean by Evan's denial of his family.  Yes he did come to Australia and left the family in Wales, visited them when he was on leave during the war and then after the war, joined up with them again in Wales, my dad was born and then they all came to Oz in early 1920.

I didn't realise that the birth records could be so hard to pin down.  So many people say someone was born in Swansea, and yet it may have been at Port Talbot, Aberavon etc. where my dad was born, as you said.  My Dad would not appreciate it when asked was he English! 

In regards to Evan, so many say in Africa, but all his documentation, e.g.. Census as a child, marriage certificate, which I have, War records for WW1, death records etc. all say Swansea.  Dawn said, her mother said Evan would talk about being born in Africa.  Evan was a Kitchen Scout in the Boer War but I have not been able to get hold of his records to date.

Anyway he is my brick wall which I will get through one day.

In regards to the Rugby, I have a soft spot for Wales also.  Bron, my daughter and her fiancé, Stuart Campbell have a great time going off to the Rugby dressed as Oz and Scotland!  One of Evan's wife, Mary Jones, brothers was a great Welsh Rugby player - John Jones - his caps and colours used to be under glass at Cardiff Arms, don't know whether they are still there though, must ask Dawn.

Yes if we go onto the PM, we can exchange emails, making it much easier.  Now what would you like to know about our branch?  I will get Edythe's notes out and look at what she has about your family.  I am in a U3A genealogy group here in Toowoomba, Queensland and we meet once a month, so I will be able to let them know about your contact in February.

I do have the occasional contact with Brian and Richard Jenkins in Wales, Christmas cards and Facebook with Richard occasionally.

Cheers for now.  I will go and do the PM thing now, just read the Help section about it.


Wales / Re: Evan JENKINS. b.ab. 1882-3
« on: Tuesday 06 January 15 23:10 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Peter,
What a lovely surprise  :) to wake up in Oz this morning and find your message.  Thank you for going to the trouble to join this site.

My dad was Albert Edward, the youngest son of Evan Jenkins and Mary (Jones)  He died about 5 1/2 years ago aged 90.  Dad never really knew his father as Evan died when Dad was about 4 and his mother a year later.

I presume when you say the same lore, that you have a copy of all the research that Edythe Broadbelt did, if not then I could send it to you.

I still have not been able to find out where Evan was born.  He always said on documents that he was born in Swansea, Edythe, says, Cape Verde Island, where some of the boys were born, Ernest Vincent, Frederick George and Albert Edward.  Trouble is Evan was "very loose" with the truth at times.

The Census records are also confusing.  1881, the first son was listed as Evan.  1891, Alfred was listed as the eldest son (15) and Evan (9).  I do have a copy of Alfred's birth certificate and yes he was the eldest.  The 1881 census may have been incorrect as most people always thought, the first son would be named after the father.

I have sent an enquiry to St. Vincent, Cape Verde Island, with $20 American, but have never received a reply.

We have very few photos of Evan.  One with his brother Fred, with both of them in their Army uniform taken whilst on leave during the war, so most probably about the same time as the one you have with May.  And one from a newspaper, the Queenslander, of all the soldiers who left Brisbane.   Also one of him at his blacksmith shop here in Australia. 

I would like a copy of any photos you may have please.  To do this, I will have to find out where you live, is it in Wales?  If so, I am coming over there in June, with my youngest sister Glynis, to attend my daughter Bron's wedding in Scotland and then Glyn and I will do some tripping around to Wales etc.

Maybe that is enough info for our first contact.  I would really like to stay in contact, to see if we can assist each other.

Cheers, Christine

Australia / Re: Sth Aust. OWEN family, William & Mary Anne
« on: Sunday 11 August 13 08:48 BST (UK)  »
Hi Lee,  Well I had an interesting day at the workshop, didn't learn a lot but often one or 2 little things opens a few doors.

Thank you for your kind wishes re my studies, I have finished my first unit, ready to send on its way.

I look forward to catching up with your Mum when I go to Newcastle next.  If there is any info I can give you in the meantime please let me know.

Cheers  Christine

Australia / Re: Sth Aust. OWEN family, William & Mary Anne
« on: Thursday 08 August 13 10:52 BST (UK)  »
Hello Lee,  My ears pricked when you mentioned the name Marcella associated with George Owen.  I thought about it and remembered seeing it in a newspaper article on Trove.  Their divorce on April 14th 1906, which must have been a bit unusual in those days.  The name Bull is also mentioned.  I see that soon the Maitland Daily Mercury records will be on Trove which will be very helpful and now we only have to wait for the Newcastle Herald to be put on as well.

I also live in Queensland.  Now one can send private messages via this medium, I just have to learn how to do it, so I can send one to you.

I am off to a family history day at the Library on Saturday, 4 guest speakers, hoping it will be interesting.  Cheers Christine   :D

Australia / Re: Sth Aust. OWEN family, William & Mary Anne
« on: Tuesday 06 August 13 11:06 BST (UK)  »
Hi Lee, many thanks for your contact.  :D I haven't had any replies for a long time.  My G/grandfather was David Owen as you noted.  I was hoping to find a Newcastle contact for both the Owen side and the Thomas side.  My Grandmother, Evangeline Isobel Mary OWEN, David's eldest daughter married Evan THOMAS in 1908 and my mother Eva Valmai was the only daughter with 6 brothers, 3 older, 3 younger.  They all grew up in Newcastle.  I am the eldest daughter and was born in Tamworth and grew up in Brisbane.  I still have an Uncle, Geoff (92) Thomas who lives in Newcastle, so maybe he would have known your family.  There are some cousins still living there also.  I intend visiting Newcastle hopefully sometime this year to catch up with family and do some history searching.  I will go through my records and collate some more info if you are interested.  I haven't done a lot of researching lately as I am busy doing an online course.  Meanwhile, many thanks again, I'm real thrilled that you contacted me.  :) Cheers Christine

Wales / Re: Evan JENKINS. b.ab. 1882-3
« on: Saturday 19 November 11 14:04 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Osprey,  Many thanks.   :)

It must be human error on the 1881 Census or something.  The 1891 Census must be the correct one.
The parents are correct - Evan Jenkins and mother Grace (Gowman) on the Birth Cert.  We will keep digging away until we find it.

Cheers.  Chrissie 246    :D

Wales / Re: Evan JENKINS. b.ab. 1882-3
« on: Friday 18 November 11 21:13 GMT (UK)  »
Hi everyone,   :)

Well I am more confused than ever now.  I have a copy of Alfred's Birth Certificate, born 22/8/1875, 36 Waterloo St Swansea.

Meanwhile my cousin in Wales is trying to track down Evan's Birth Certificate for me, but it is being a little illusive........ :D

Chrissie 246

Cambridgeshire / Re: HOW(E) Mary. Soham Cambridgeshire UK
« on: Friday 18 November 11 11:33 GMT (UK)  »
Many thanks Selina and others for your assistance.   :)

This "with consent" is what is really throwing me out.  Your info about the number from the Bishops transcipts is certainly worth investigating.

I may have to leave it until I can hopefully visit Soham myself sometime, hopefully mid next year, all going well.  I don't know anyone in Soham to assist me.

Cheers Chrissie :D

Cambridgeshire / Re: HOW(E) Mary. Soham Cambridgeshire UK
« on: Friday 18 November 11 05:23 GMT (UK)  »
Many thanks,  but I still find trouble sorting out which Mary How(e) it maybe, as the date like 1797 doesn't fit in with her marriage  "with consent" (parish register), which if it is correct would mean she was under 21 in 1926 when she married Edward Morley.  Her date of birth would have to be from 1904 onwards.

Cheers Chrissie 246 :D

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