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Messages - Peter Cockerill

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Dear Bookbox and Horsleydown86

Thank you both for your help with this I am most grateful.

Best wishes

Dear Friends

I have a 1640 Will which when it went for probate none of the Trustees agreed to act so the Will could not be proved and letters of administration were issued instead to someone not named in Will.

Can anyone offer anexplanation as to why all Trustees might refuse to act?

Thank you so much


Dear Friends

Horsleydown86 very lindly transcribed this Will on Wednesday and now I ask one furher request if anyone can transcribe the short follow on note or perhaps its a list which is attached to the Will -
see attached file.[

The background is as follows;

1629 Will of Anne Davenport nee Homersley/Hamersley, wife of Raffe/Ralph Davenport of Lower Withington,Wheltrough, Cheshire. Her first husband was Ottwell Gardner with whom she had a son Ralph and grand children Lydia, Thomas, Jane ,Marie, Elizabeth.

Thank you so much Peter

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: 1629 Will transcription request
« on: Thursday 30 May 24 17:16 BST (UK)  »
Thanks so much Horsleydown 86 I am most grateful.

Very best wishes

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / 1629 Will transcription request
« on: Thursday 30 May 24 09:57 BST (UK)  »
Dear Friends

Attached is the 1629 Will of Anne Davenport nee Homersley/Hamersley, wife of Raffe/Ralph Davenport of Lower Withington,Wheltrough, Cheshire. Her first husband was Ottwell Gardner with whom she had a son Ralph and grand children Lydia, Thomas, Jane ,Marie, Elizabeth.

I would be most grateful for any help with this. Thank you so much

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Re: Scalby Monumental Inscription Lookup Please
« on: Tuesday 10 January 23 01:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Carole

Thanks for your prompt.

It is St Laurence's Church in Scalby.

Best wishes

Yorkshire (East Riding & York) / Scalby Monumental Inscription Lookup Please
« on: Monday 09 January 23 22:24 GMT (UK)  »
Dear Friends

Could some please do a Lookup for the gravestone of Dickinson Cockerill buried on 30 October 1806 at Scalby.

Thank you so much

The Common Room / Re: Stuck on Letter of Administration for London
« on: Sunday 11 December 22 19:27 GMT (UK)  »
Many thanks Stevie Steve and Watson,

I will follow up as suggested.

Best wishes Peter

London and Middlesex / Re: Stuck On Letter of Administration
« on: Sunday 11 December 22 19:24 GMT (UK)  »
Dear Friends, Bookbox, Watson, Novak20, Goldie61and BumbleB

Thank you all for your helpful suggestions and guidance I am most grateful to you all.

Many thanks to all of you,

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