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Messages - Ann of St Omer

Pages: [1]
Wiltshire Lookup Requests / Re: Winterborne Stoke House
« on: Saturday 25 March 23 19:18 GMT (UK)  »
Only too pleased to share the fruits of my research with others who have a mutual interest. Even better when it's acknowledged - so thanks!

Wiltshire Lookup Requests / Re: Winterborne Stoke House
« on: Saturday 25 March 23 08:55 GMT (UK)  »
By way of a somewhat belated update. I am a direct descendant of the original owner of "Toomers", ie before it passed to the Grant family. After Roy posted his original comment on this thread back in May 2013, I solved the mystery by consulting the Enclosures Map at the Wiltshire Archives. The Key to the plot numbers was included on the map itself, and it showed two plots under the heading of "Toomers Copyhold", but with George Grant's name written underneath: one allotment (plot 51) and one inclosure (plot 140) containing a dwelling. I then looked at the Tithe Map (signed/certified on 11 Jan 1841, a few days before the Great Flood) and immediately noticed that whilst the plots themselves were identical to those on the Enclosures Map, so instantly recognisable, the plot numbers were different. Plot 140 (Toomers) had been renumbered as Plot 147, and was owned and occupied by John Grant. Looking at later maps, a lot of the plots were still clearly identical, but yet again had different numbers - and this is what had caused all the confusion.

"Toomers" stood at the end of a narrow lane leading west from the old school on New Road/Church Rd. There was a row of five cottages on the left (just after the lane on the right to Manor Cottage) and Toomers stood on the opposite side, immediately after the last one. I have a photo of these five cottages, taken from the 1916 sale particulars of Manor Farm, but I don't know when they were demolished. They appear to have made way for New Road to be extended. Using the NLS Maps overlay facility, the Toomers dwelling house would have been in the front garden of 7 Meadow View, New Rd, although the plot itself would have included the field at the back where the sewage tank is located! there was no sign of the Toomer dwelling in 1877, according to the 1:250000 OS map surveyed in 1877.

Buckinghamshire / Re: Mysterious address
« on: Saturday 10 December 22 15:33 GMT (UK)  »
It did indeed run along what is now called Frogmoor, a road that leads northwards from the Oxford Rd in the town centre to Hughenden. The proof can be found by comparing the names of those listed alongside the "Canal" in the 1851 census, with the 1849 High Wycombe Tithe Map and Apportionments.
The canal would have been formed from the "Hughenden Stream", which still exists, but disappears into a culvert by Morrisons supermarket. It re-emerges opposite the Wycombe Swan theatre, having joined up in the culvert with the River Wye. The river then flows eastwards to Bourne End, where it empties into the River Thames.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: Pearson - 1871 and 1891
« on: Friday 27 May 16 16:48 BST (UK)  »
Just found your thread, and wonder if you have all the info you need? I am a Gt Granddaughter of the William Pearson you sought.

Yorkshire (North Riding) Lookup Requests / Re: Ibbetson in 1841
« on: Saturday 04 August 12 10:25 BST (UK)  »
I have just come across this thread and note you refer to John's 1849 marriage certificate. I'm fairly sure his wife Catherine Pearson was my relative - was her father's name John Pearson by any chance? If so, would be interested to know the other details, eg date, place, witnesses.

John Pearson was my 2x Gt Grandfather, and I descend from Catherine's younger brother William.


Berkshire / Re: Is there a Berkshire wills index online?
« on: Wednesday 12 October 11 07:22 BST (UK)  »
Hi Jill - I don't think there is an on-line one,  but I do have a microfiche one - who are you after?


Could I possibly ask you to look up a John Toomer - died Wargrave 1846.

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