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Messages - Maedhbh

Pages: [1]
Dublin / 39 Percy Place, Dublin
« on: Friday 19 March 21 12:07 GMT (UK)  »
I would imagine the birth records are gone with the wind.  As a private nursing Home the records would have been kept on site.  When 39 Percy Place stopped operating as a nursing home and subsequently sold maybe they were thrown out with everything else? 

Dublin / Re: 33 Percy St., Dublin - 1939 / Adoption
« on: Wednesday 30 May 12 16:39 BST (UK)  »
Hi Ronoc
St Brendan's Private Nursing Home was a nursing home for unmarried mothers AND also married mothers.

There is no reason to assume that the birth cert you have was for an adopted person.
Hope this answers your question

Dublin / Re: 33 percy street, dublin - 1939 usage
« on: Wednesday 18 April 12 17:57 BST (UK)  »
Hi Bluebelle

Thanks a million for your reply. I will phone that no. in the morning and see how I get on.  My parents were attending the doctor who delivered me.  He organised everything. He contacted them to let them know I had been born and told them to go to the nursing home. They were brought into a room in Percy Place and there I was, in a basket!  I had to stay for a few days as there was a problem with one of my eyes.
My parents were told by the doctor that my mother was very young.
I was born in January, it would have been too easy if it was March or April!!!!!  And registered on 1st February in Donnybrook.

Dublin / Re: 33 percy street, dublin - 1939 usage
« on: Wednesday 04 April 12 22:28 BST (UK)  »
Hi All

I was adopted in 1956. I was told from a private nursing home, St Brendan's, Percy Place.  The doctor who delivered me and arranged the "adoption" was a very famous gyne in Dublin until the mid 1980's, I know his name.  he told my father (adopted) to register me as being born to him and my mother (adopted).
I was told by Barnardos that the records of the Nursing Home were stored in the D.Health and I would need a court injunction to see them.  Is this true?

Has anyone had any success in getting any information? 

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